Custom Field:<_FA#> He was to have gone to TN.@@S726784@@Date of Import: Jul 31, 2003 [coosa1.ged] Gwinnett County, GA 1820 Federal Census PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME ====================================== 276 11 McEwan James H. In this Census there are two males under ten years old and one male between the ages of 26 and to 45 years old. There are two females under ten years old and one female between the ages of 16 and and twenty six. James' last name is misspelt. He was living near his brother Robert. John M., Robert, Martha, and Emily lived in the Paisley/Umatilla, Florida area during the mid to late 1800's, according to Frank R. Owen in Winston-Salem North Carolina. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery, Randolph, Alabama