Sigurd Hlodverson 14th Jarl of Orkney & Olith "Thorda Donada" Princess of Scotland
Sigurd Hlodverson 14th Jarl of
Olith "Thorda Donada" Princess of
were married in a religious ceremony about 1005. They had a son named
Thorfinn "The Black" Sigurdson Jarl of
Personal Details
Sigurd Hlodverson 14th Jarl of Orkney
Sigurd Hlodverson 14th Jarl of was born about 0930 in
Orkney Islands, Scotland
. He died on April 23rd, 1014 in
Battle at Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland
Olith "Thorda Donada" Princess of Scotland
Olith "Thorda Donada" Princess of was born about 0980 in
Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Thorfinn "The Black" Sigurdson Jarl of Orkney
Thorfinn "The Black" Sigurdson Jarl of was born in 1009 in
Orkney Islands, Scotland
. He died at the age of 48 in 1057 in
Battle at Christ's Kirk, Birdsey, Scotland
. He was buried in
1st Earl of Caithness
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