REFN: 669
ROBERT SPILMAN was the elder of the two sons of Henry Spilman of Chr ist
Church, Twineham, in Hampshire. The date of his birth is unknown. In the
chart of Sir Henry Spelman he is said to have lived in the reigns of John
a nd Henry III. It does not appear probable, however, that he was born
before t he latter reign. As has been seen, the estate and heirs of
William Spileman o f the Second Generation appear to have been in the care
of a guardian as late as 1240. Of the three sons of this William,--Peter,
Sir William, and Henry,- -the last was the youngest. Peter had died before
1231-1232, when his brother , William, was his heir. If William was a
minor as late as 1240, and Henry wa s still younger, it seems probable
that Henry was not born earlier than 1218. His son, Robert, therefore,
could not have been born during King John's reig n, which came to a close
in 1216.
Robert Spilman may have followed his broth er, David, into County Norfolk.
As will appear under the Fifth Generation, Ro bert's son, Stephen, held
land in Bekerton Manor, Stow, in Norfolk, where, as mentioned above, land
had been held by his uncle, David. If this removal too k place, its date
is unknown. As is shown under the Third Generation, David S pilman's
Norfolk settlement was before 1304, and probably some time before, a s his
son had land in the County at that date, which he bequeathed to his
w idow. Christ Church Parish, Hampshire, was on the sea, and it is
probable tha t Robert was engaged in maritime commerce, and that the
record following refe rs to him. If this is so, his difficulties with the
authorities over the matt er may have caused his removal from Hampshire.
This would fix his possible se ttlement in Norfolk at about 1312.
Assuming, however, that his going to the l atter County was a fact, it may
have taken place much earlier, but he may hav e retained land and business
interests in Hampshire.