Ruling Associates of Solomon ben David
Ruling Associates of's father was
Associates of Prophet King Solomon ben David
. His paternal grandfather was
King Solomon (Jedidiah) (Shlomo) ben David ben Jesse
. He had eight brothers named
Angelic Associates of
Masonic Associates of King
Miscellaneous Associates of King
Officers of
Priestly Associates of
Princes of
Prophetic Associates of
Scribes of
. Ruling Associates of is no longer alive.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Obed ben Boaz ben Salmon
Jesse ben Obed ben Boaz
- b.dd MMM 1120 BC
David King of Isreal (Hamelech) ben Jesse ben Obed
- b.dd MMM 1080 BC in Bethlehem d.dd MMM 0973 BC
Widow of Nahash
King Solomon (Jedidiah) (Shlomo) ben David ben Jesse
- b.dd MMM 1000 BC in Jerusalem d.dd MMM 0933 BC
Ahithophel (David's Counsellor)
Ammiel ben Ahithophel
Bathsheba (Bathshua) bint Ammiel ben Ahithophel
Associates of Prophet King Solomon ben David
Ruling Associates of Solomon ben David
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
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