Jasper Rdydysdale, husbandman, was a churchwarden of Boxford 1542-3 and 1547-8. During the period 1540 to 1550, he was paid various sums for loads of straw, clay, gravel and carriage of lead to the church. These must have been for repair of
church property, the lead certainly for the church roof. He helped to organize a church ale (money making social gathering) in 1544. In 1548 he bought a blue linen cloth from the church for 2s. He also received rent money from the church for
the church house - 1d. in 1544. He rented a house at Hagmer from the church for 12s.
# Note: He had sisters Agnes, Christine Egle and Margery Skott.
# Note:
"29 August 1552 - the will of Jasper Rydysdale of Boxford, county Suffolk, husbandman...to each of my daughters, namely Grace, Elizabeth, Jane and Amy £4 apiece to be paid by the hands of Elizabeth my wife and Henry my son, save that 4s.10d.
which shall be paid of the debts that her husband Richard Keble owes me...to Thomas my son my house & land with appurtenances called Dove's lying in a street of Boxford called Hagmer tye, the same Thomas my son paying to Richard & John his
brothers £20, £10 apiece of good and lawful money, 33s.4d. apiece every year, that is £3.6s.8d. to both till the sum of £20 be fully paid...the first payment within the first year after he enter and take possession of the same house &
land...money to be held by executors until they reach age 21...houses & land in Polstead called Osmonds to Elizabeth my wife for life, then to son William...Elizabeth my wife and Henry my son to have my farm in Boxford, Henry paying to Robert
my son his brother £10 within one year after he enter the place...Elizabeth my wife & Henry my son to have all my corn, hay, horses, sheep, cattle...Thomas Rydysdale and Henry Rydysdale my sons and Thomas Ryvett, parson of Boxford, to be
supervisors & each to have 20s...Alice Bygg my kinswoman to have 3 yards of my red cloth...to every godchild 4d...to the poor men's box of Boxford 3s.4d...I forgive Peter my son the 5 marks that he owes me...I forgive my sister 13s. that she
owes me...to my 2 sisters Christine Egle and Margery Skott, to each of them 5s.4d...to Thomas Ryddsdale the son of peter Rydysdale 2 sheep...to Peter my son £3.6s.8d. to be paid him by Thomas Rydysdale and Henry Rydysdale my executors.
Witnesses: Peter Fenne and jafrey Purdy of Boxford, and Thomas Revett, parson of the same town, John Bonde of Polstead and Thomas Tomson of Boxford. Proved 15 September 1552,"
# Note:
# Note: Fifty Great Migration Colonists
# Note: Publication: John Brooks Threlfall, Madison, Wisconsin 1990
# Change Date: 18 DEC 2002