King 869-850 B.C. OR 874-853 B.C. He waged 2 successful wars against Ben-hadad, king of Syria, but in a 3rdcampaign was kille d by an arrow. (Funk & Wagnalls) Ahab was 7th king of Israel from about 919 B.C. to 897 B.C. UnderJezebel's influence, he tri ed to promote Baal and Astarte worship and tosilence the Lord's prophets. This brought the g reat Elijah into conflictwith Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab was warrior enough to defeat and captur eBanhadad, the Syrian king, but witless enough to let him go free, to theprophet's disgust . On another occasion, Ahab was guilty of appropriatingNaboth's vineyard, thus angering Elij ah. He died in battle in anill-advised war against the Syrians. (Everyone in the Bible, b y WilliamP. Barker, 1966) Elijah was active during the reign of king Ahab. ( 1.htm)