Japheth, eldest son of Noah: "And Noah was 450 years old and begat Japheth; and forty-two yea rs afterward he begat Shem of her who was the mother of Japheth, and when he was five hundre d years old, he begat Ham."(Moses 8:12) His descendants were dispersed over the European coasts of the Mediterranean and the district s adjoining the Black and Caspian seas, forming what is now called the Indo-European family o f nations. (LDS Bible Dictionary, p710) He is the ancestor of the Borneo's. Japheth was the eldest son of Noah, and his descendents were dispersed over the European coas ts of the Mediterranean and districts adjoining the Black and Caspian Seas, forming what is n ow called the Indo-EuropeanFamily of Nations. He had fifteen sons, dividing his share of Euro pe and Asiia among them. Literally the progenitor of many nations, all the Indo-European peoples,in fact. (Internet: w ww.biblebelievers.org.au/nation01.htm)