Sources: A. Roots 121E; RC 44; Kraentzler 1453, 1593; Dukes of Normandy and
Their Origin by the Earl of Onslow; Russell; AF.
RC 44: Ivar Oplaendinge, Jarl of Uplanders of Norway; fl. c800.
RC 386: Ivar Oplaendinge, Jarl of the Uplands in Norway, c790.
K. calls him Ivar Halfdansson, Jarl of Uplands; Prince of Upland, Duke of
Roots: Ivar Oplaendinge, Jarl, fl ca. 800.
Russell: Ivar, Jarl of Upland, A.D. 850. Married a daughter of "Eisten
Glumru, King of Trondheim, A.D. 840.
From this point back the AF has a different line, unknow the source. It
says the father of Ivar was Sigurd Ring (RIN 9223) and it goes back to
Odin/Wodin. Russell goes back on the paternal side only to Sveide, the Viking.