Geoffrey DE EU Godfrey
Geoffrey DE EU was born in 0966. Geoffrey DE EU's father was
Duke Richard I "The FearLess" Of Normandy
and his mother was
Duchess Gunnora Of Normandy DE CREPON OF DENMARK
. He had six brothers and three sisters, named
Richard II
Richard II "The Good" Of Normandy
Robert Of Rouen
Mauger Of Corbeil
William I Of Brionne and Eu
Emma "Beauclerc"
. He had a half-brother named
Roger I
General Notes
Killed in an attack on Anglesea
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Duke Richard I "The FearLess" Of Normandy
- b.0933 in Normandy, France d.0996 in Poisoned by the Count of Flanders
Geoffrey DE EU Godfrey
- b.0966
Duchess Gunnora Of Normandy DE CREPON OF DENMARK
- b.0946 d.1031
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