GIVN Pepin "The Short",
SURN Franks
EVEN Merovengia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 741 AND 751
EVEN As King of the Franks
TYPE Coronation
DATE 751
PLAC Soissons,France
EVEN Carolingian Dynasty
TYPE Founder
DATE 751
PLAC Kingdom of France
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Heir to
DATE BET 741 AND 757
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
EVEN of the papal states to Pope Stephen II
TYPE Donation
DATE 756
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 18:15:33
OCCU King of the Franks ...
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 says 714; says 714
-715, Jupille, France; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
says 715;COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 (says 768);
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says 24-sep- 769;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton;
COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129, 158
c.714-768, the first Carolingian king of the Franks (751-68). He overthrew
the Merovingian dynasty and had himself crowned king with the support of Pope
Zacharias. Pepin defended papal interests and in 754 turned over to the pope
what became the foundation of the Papal States. - Encyclopedia, p.652; Pippin,
Pepin de Neustria - COMYNR.TAF(Compuserve), p. 3;Pepin III "le Bref" Duc de
Neustria-COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1451
PEPIN III, son of CHARLES MARTEL and ROTRUDE DE TREVES, was Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, King of the Franks - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
He was the Mayor of the Palace, deposed the last of the Merovingian Kings and became the first King of the Franks of the second race, 751-768. He was also known as "Le Bref"; King of Neustrie and
Frank's King (741-768) He may have died on 24 Sep 768.
Source: Pedigrees of ... Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Charlemagne's Ancestors; Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct
1992; (Compuserve); Ahnentafel of Edward III, King of England -
OCCU King of the Franks ...
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 says 714; says 714
-715, Jupille, France; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
says 715;COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 (says 768);
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says 24-sep- 769;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton;
COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129, 158
c.714-768, the first Carolingian king of the Franks (751-68). He overthrew
the Merovingian dynasty and had himself crowned king with the support of Pope
Zacharias. Pepin defended papal interests and in 754 turned over to the pope
what became the foundation of the Papal States. - Encyclopedia, p.652; Pippin,
Pepin de Neustria - COMYNR.TAF(Compuserve), p. 3;Pepin III "le Bref" Duc de
Neustria-COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1451
PEPIN III, son of CHARLES MARTEL and ROTRUDE DE TREVES, was Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, King of the Franks - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
He was the Mayor of the Palace, deposed the last of the Merovingian Kings and became the first King of the Franks of the second race, 751-768. He was also known as "Le Bref"; King of Neustrie and
Frank's King (741-768) He may have died on 24 Sep 768.
Source: Pedigrees of ... Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Charlemagne's Ancestors; Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct
1992; (Compuserve); Ahnentafel of Edward III, King of England -
OCCU King of the Franks ...
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 says 714; says 714
-715, Jupille, France; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
says 715;COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 652 (says 768);
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says 24-sep- 769;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
SOUR Anglo-Saxon England, Sir Frank Stenton;
COLLINS.ROY (Compuserve);
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129, 158
c.714-768, the first Carolingian king of the Franks (751-68). He overthrew
the Merovingian dynasty and had himself crowned king with the support of Pope
Zacharias. Pepin defended papal interests and in 754 turned over to the pope
what became the foundation of the Papal States. - Encyclopedia, p.652; Pippin,
Pepin de Neustria - COMYNR.TAF(Compuserve), p. 3;Pepin III "le Bref" Duc de
Neustria-COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1451
PEPIN III, son of CHARLES MARTEL and ROTRUDE DE TREVES, was Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, King of the Franks - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 129
He was the Mayor of the Palace, deposed the last of the Merovingian Kings and became the first King of the Franks of the second race, 751-768. He was also known as "Le Bref"; King of Neustrie and
Frank's King (741-768) He may have died on 24 Sep 768.
Source: Pedigrees of ... Descendants of Charlemagne, p cvi; Charlemagne's Ancestors; Charlemagne's 40 Generation Ahnentafel Chart by Tom Peterson, 24 Oct
1992; (Compuserve); Ahnentafel of Edward III, King of England -
Pepin the Short (circa 714-68), mayor of the palace of Austrasiaand king of the Franks (751-68), the son of the Frankish rulerCharles Martel, and the grandson of Pepin of Herstal. He wasmayor of the
palace during the reign of Childeric III (reignedabout 743-52), the last of the Merovingian dynasty. In 751,Pepin deposed Childeric and thus became the first king of theCarolingian dynasty. He was
crowned by Pope Stephen II (III) in754. When the pope was threatened by the Lombards of northernItaly, Pepin led an army that defeated them (754-55). He cededto the pope territory that included
Ravenna and other cities.This grant, called the Donation of Pepin, laid the foundationfor the Papal States. Pepin enlarged his own kingdom bycapturing Aquitaine, or Aquitania, in southwestern
France. Hewas succeeded by his sons Carloman (751-71) and Charlemagne asjoint kings. He was also mayor of the palace of Austrasia. Hewas mayor of the palace during the reign of Childeric
III(reigned about 743-52), the last of the Merovingian dynasty. In751, Pepin deposed Childeric and thus became the first king ofthe Carolingian dynasty. He was crowned by Pope Stephen II (III)in
754. When the pope was threatened by the Lombards of northernItaly, Pepin led an army that defeated them (754-55). He cededto the pope territory that included Ravenna and other cities.This grant,
called the Donation of Pepin, laid the foundationfor the Papal States. Pepin enlarged his own kingdom bycapturing Aquitaine, or Aquitania, in southwestern France. Hewas succeeded by his sons
Carloman and Charlemagne as jointkings. Merged General Note: He was also mayor of the palace ofAustrasia. He was mayor of the palace during the reign ofChilderic III (reigned about 743-52), the
last of theMerovingian dynasty. In 751, Pepin deposed Childeric and thusbecame the first king of the Carolingian dynasty. He was crownedby Pope Stephen II (III) in 754. When the pope was threatened
bythe Lombards of northern Italy, Pepin led an army that defeatedthem (754-55). He ceded to the pope territory that includedRavenna and other cities. This grant, called the Donation ofPepin, laid
the foundation for the Papal States. Pepin enlargedhis own kingdom by capturing Aquitaine, or Aquitania, insouthwestern France. He was succeeded by his sons Carloman andCharlemagne as joint
kings.--Other FieldsRef Number: +
DATE 30 DEC 1995
GIVN Pepin III King_of
SURN Franks
NSFX [The Short]
!Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 D2ah) Vol. 2Succeeded his
father in Neustria, the western part of the kingdom, while hisbrother,
Carloman, held the eastern part. They both kept the time of mayor ofthe
palace, and were the actual rulers of the country. They appointedChilderic
III, probably a Merovingian, as king, but presided over tribunals,convoked
councils of the church, and made war themselves. Carloman abdicatedand retire
to a monastery in 747. Pepin was thus sole master of both Austrasiaand
Neustria, and after consulting Pope Zacharias took the title of king.He was
crowned by St. Boniface in 751 and later was recrowned by Pope StephenII, who
also made him a Patrician of Rome. In return for these favors Pepinmade two
expeditions against the Lombards. He took the exarchate of Ravennafrom them
and conferred it on the Pope. This marked the beginning of the PapalStates.
After an eight year war he occupied Aquitaine.
!Md. 1) Leuthergis, a concubine.
Royal Ancestors of Some LDS Families, by Michael L. Call, Chart 602
Ancestry and Progentry of Captain James Blount - Immigrant, by RobertF.
Pfafman, p E-30.
GIVN Pepin III "The Short" King of the
DATE 15 Dec 2000
HIST: @N549@
GIVN Pepin "The Short",
SURN Franks
EVEN Merovengia
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 741 AND 751
EVEN As King of the Franks
TYPE Coronation
DATE 751
PLAC Soissons,France
EVEN Carolingian Dynasty
TYPE Founder
DATE 751
PLAC Kingdom of France
EVEN Mayor of the Palace
TYPE Heir to
DATE BET 741 AND 757
PLAC Frankish Kingdom
EVEN of the papal states to Pope Stephen II
TYPE Donation
DATE 756
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 18:15:33
SURN Franks
GIVN Peppin
_UID 97E6866CB2B57948A6507416E2633F05A0D5
!Ruled from 751 - 768, also known as the Short
Son of Charles Martel, Elected king of the Franks, 751
The Wordsworth Handbook of Kings and Queens, pg 77
DATE 19 Jan 2001
TIME 16:03:20Pepin "The Short", King Of The FRANKS
NSFX of the 2d race
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 50-12
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 171-42
DATE 30 MAY 2000
GIVN Pbepin "The Short" King Of
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 12 SEP 2000
TIME 01:00:00
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
TITL tree1.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999
1.X Leuthergis, - born: ABT 715 @
2. Bertrada, II - born: 720 @
TITL Fredbani.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 5, 2000
ALIA King Of The /Franks/, The Short; Charles
SOUR World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1
Brderbund Software, Inc.
Release date: November 29, 1995
TITL Fredbani.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 5, 2000
SOUR World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1
Brderbund Software, Inc.
Release date: November 29, 1995
SOUR World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1
Brderbund Software, Inc.
Release date: November 29, 1995
TITL Fredbani.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Oct 5, 2000
SOUR World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1
Brderbund Software, Inc.
Release date: November 29, 1995
TYPE Execution
DATE 782
PLAC Saxon nobility delivered approx. 4,500 rebelious Saxons to be executed.
DATE BET. 751 - 758
PLAC Anointed ist king of the Franks by Boniface, the Papal Leagate at Soissons.
TYPE Kingdom
DATE 741
PLAC Received the west part of Pepins kingdom inc. Neustria, Burgundy and Provence.
TYPE Partitioned kdm.
DATE 768
PLAC Pepin dived his kingdom between his two sons, Charles and Carloman.
TYPE Resettlement
DATE 804
PLAC After revults over clerical tithe, Saxons were sent to Frank terl and Franks settled in saxon areas.
TYPE Title (Facts Pg)
DATE BET. 752 - 757
PLAC Pope Stephens II gave Pepin and sons the title "Patricius Romanorum", protector of Romans
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997[pennington.FTW]
Pepin, "The Short," King of the Franks, founded the Carolingian Dynasty. Like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Pepin served as mayor of the palace in the Merovingian Kingdom in France
and Germany. In each case, the mayor was the power behind the throne. In 751, an assembly of the Franks deposed Childeric, the last of the weak Merovingian kings, and proclaimed Pepin king. Pope
Stephen II, who ruled Rome, asked Pepin for help against the Lombard king. Pepin sent his army to save Rome. The Lombards had captured Ravenna. Pepin recaptured the city and much of the nearby
territory, known as the "Donation of Pepin," helped build the political power of the pope. Pepin added Aquitaine to his own kingdom, and began many important religious and educational reforms.
(Source: "Royalty for Commoners." Roderick W. Stuart, 1993, p.129.
OCCU 1st King of the Franks
Would you like a CD with all of the current information on my family. If so, send me an email and I will give you my address where you can send $10.00 to cover my expense of sending you a CD with all of the information here and pictures.
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I have had several request to remove some individuals, unfortunatly, I have lost those request due to a computer crash. If you will please send my those request again, I will remove them on my next update. For now please accept my appologies.
John Crunk