SOURCES: Page 212 in Dawn of European civilization has Merovingian chart. It differs a little from some others.
Cloderic is same as Childeric
"Rulers of the World" by R.F.Tapsell Between 458 and 480: Childeric I became the third King of the Franks in 458. He fought with the Roman Aegidius against the Wisigoths. When Agidius died in 464, he was succeeded by Count Paul. Childeric I's army helped Count Paul push back a Saxon advance from Angers around 466. Count Paul would die in 470. They had to repeat this feat around 475, after Count Paul had died and the Saxons once again had attempted to expand into Angers.
1 Childeric I, King des Francs (Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel.) (Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 216, Line 303-52.)
(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Pages, 176, 200). Born: before 433, son of Merovee=Merovech, Prince des Francs and N?, Childeric I is presumed to have been at least 15 years of age by the time he succeeded his father in 448.
Between 480 and 481 Childeric I's tomb in Tournai was discovered in 1653 and contained magnificent weapons. Buried: circa 481 in Tournai, Bigorre, France.