Sir Thomas died in October of 1428 and his will was probated in March 1429. In it he stated that the estate of Wigsell was settled upon him on the occasion of his first marriage. He first married Ailanor, daughter of Nicholas Green, of Exton, and thereby acquired an estate in county Rutland. After her death, he next married Joyce, the daughter of John Bruce, of Exton, thus acquiring the manor of Exton in county Kent. He was knighted by King Richard II, in 1395, and made Sheriff of county Kent. He and Ailanor had a son, Sir John Culpeper 7bh, who died in 1430, leaving no male heir. Their daughter, Eleanor, married Reginald Cobham and died 5 November 1420. Sir Thomas and Joyce left four sons, Walter, Nicholas, Thomas and Richard (who died in a battle in France and was buried at Pountose in Normandy).
Will of Sir Thomas Colepeper
Moy Thomas Colpeper Chr le dymenge procheyn deuant la feste de lez apostelez Simon et Jude l'an nre syr le Roy henry apres le conqueste vj et de son regne vij ordeyne mon testament.... En primez mon alme a dieu et mon corps desire sepelye en l'abbeye de Begghame p cause que l'esgisle est de l'annunciation nre dame en le lieu ou mon sepulture d'Alebastre est fait. Et ieo lise a Nicholas mon fitz toutz mes chiualx. Et a Elizabeth sa femme mez paternosterez de or. A Jouce Topemoye si ele soit en vie v marc. A John Bayhalle bastard x marcz. a Thomas Payne mon cuc xls. a mon Butiller 13s 4d. mon
Bakere 13s 4d. Christianne Braylez 13s 4d. John Bosvyle 13s 4d. John Coppyng 13s 4d. mon parkcr 13s 4d, John Devale 13s 4d. a chescun garson 3s 4d, a chescun page and hyne 20s. a Malyme ma petite chaumberer a son mariage 20s. l'eglise de Pepymbery 40s. al haute auter la 13s 4d. Sr John Trot 20s. al Abbot de Begghame 20s. a chescun Canon de mesme le lieu 3s 4d. To the Curates of the seven nearest parishes 6s 8d for masses and to publish my humble will. To five of the poorest of the same patishes 5d. To the Abbot ard Convent of Beghame 10s yearly to keep my anniversary and the anniversary of Joyouse my wife. To Walter my son 200 marcs "condicionel sil face lealement et naturelement son devoir en lez ventez pticions et liberations de mon chatel p tesmoinage de les autres compaignons et assossez. A Nicholas mon fitz 200 marcs pour son bon svices. A Thomas mon fitz 200 marcs sur tiel condicion d'estre paie sil supporte bien et naturelement a mon volunte de mon testament et a mez executours et enfeffeez. A John Colpeper mon fitz £40 (on same conditions as Thomas). To the Abbot and Convent of Beghame £35. 6. 8. To the Church of Nonaignez de Malling 40s. To the Church of the Priory of Tunbridge 20s. The brothers of Aylesford 20s. Al freres austynes de Rye pour tenir mon obit et anniversarie 40s. A lumer les Taperez de la Shryne de Canterbury 20s. Et ieo prie et charge John Colpeper et toutz mes autres fitz quils ne disturbent mes executors ne mes enfeffez de fermez. Goods in Manor of Bayhalle. If any person forfeit the condition half his legacy shall go "a mes fitz de moy et ioiouse ma femme" and of the other half, parcel to the Abbot and Convent of Beghme to find a chaplain to sing for the souls of me and Joyouse my wife at the altar where the bodies lie, and remainder to works of chnrity. Executors, Sire John Langdon leuesq de Roucester, John Chethm le Abbot de Beghm, Walter et Nicholas mez ffitz, William Burgoyne, Roger Honyton, William Bernes, et Thomas Festynden.
Ceste la condition et volunte de Monsr. Thoms Colpeper chiualer fait en la feste de seint Margarete l'an nre Syr le Roy Henry vj puis le conqueste tierce quil voile et charge q sez enfeffez William Bernes, Rics Ruyton, Sire Robert Clerk, Robert Sprynget queux furont et sount enfeffe auec autres q sount mortz come p chrtr de fee simple de toutz sez terres et tenementz en les countez de Kent et Sussex portant la Chrtr date done a la feste de la natiuite nre dame l'an nre Syr le Roy henry quarte apres le conqueste viij (8 Sept. 1407). Et apres est un chartre a Thomas longle Ieuesq de Durhm, William Cheyne justice, Walter et Nicholas Culpeper mes ffitz, Wm. Bernes, Ric. Ruyton, et Robert Sprynget portant le dct chre date Done en la feste del annunciation nre dame l'an nre Syr le Roy henry quinte xme (25 March 1422) De la sit ct mesons del manoir Bayhalle auec toutz les terres et tenementz que furont Auncien temps done p fine a iohn Colpeper mon pere et a sez heires maslez en Pepymbury, Tonbrigge et Tudele. The above feoffees are to receive the rents for two years to pay debts.
Touching the manor of Badeselle it is to remain to Walter my son and his heirs male, with remaindcr to the heirs male of myself and Joyce my wife.
Touching the manor of Bernet in Leghe, Penserst, Bitteberg and Tonbregge, writh the mill of Greenerssh and lands called Scottegrove in Asshe, Gatewicke mede in Otteford, and rents and farms in Sele and Sevenoaks, to Thomas my son and his heirs, remainder to Nicholas his brother, remainder to the heirs of me and Joyce lately my wife, remainder to my right heirs.
Touching the lands and tenements of Coluerdon, two windmills, Coluerdon mede, the lands and tenements of Bokstede and Marsfelde, lands in Fernth and Wadehurst, the mill of Beckeleghe, and 3 marcs of fee farm the Syr de Ponyngs pays for hasylholte, to Nicholas my son and his heirs male, remainder to the heirs of me aud Joyce lately my wife, "et voile q'le dit Nicholas en annuatage toutez les terres et tenementez rentez et seruiccs appurtenant a manoir de Bayhalle qi fueront purchase p Walter Colpeper mon oncle, John Colpeper mon piere ou p moy q sount depuis purchase q' le fine de Bayllalle fuit fait.
Touching the manor of Wyggesell and lands in Hernden in Sandherst and Newynden because Wyggesell was settled on me and my wife Joyce and our heirs on our marriage "p chartr endente," notwithstanding I have made anothor feoffment, I wish the original gift to stand good. "Moy Thomas Colpeper le dymenge prochein le Purification nre dame l'an de nre syr. le Roy Henry vj-vije." Nicholas my son to make pilgrimages with various specified offerings to Norwich and the shrine of St Thomas of Canterbury. To the Church of Pountose in Normandy where the body of Richard my son lies a chalice etc. To Maryon Chamberer mon hopland de scarlet and fur. To Alison another hopland. To Nicholas my son a suitable bed and apparel such as my son Waltor had at his marriage. Other bequests--Thomas Festynden to have £10 to pay Christian Brayley 20s a year for life--Thomas Pech farmer of Wyggsell to be pardoned a debt of 100s for last year.
Proved 8 Mar 1428 (viz 1428/9) at Slyndon, and administration granted to Walter Colepeper, Roger Honyton, and Thomas Festynden executors, and afterwards administration was granted at Lambeth to William Burgoyne and Nicholas Colepeper.
Source: 403b Chichele at Lambeth