Greek God Hades (Tartarus) (Pluto) (Hell) of Cronus of Uranus
Hades (Tartarus) (Pluto) (Hell) of's father was
Elder Titan Cronus (Time) (Saturn) (Khronos) of Uranus of Gaia (Time)/(Time)
. His paternal grandfather was
Greek Gods The Titans of Uranus of Gaia
. He had two brothers named
Poseidon (Neptune) of
Zeus (Jupiter) of
. Hades (Tartarus) (Pluto) (Hell) of is no longer alive.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Greek God Uranus (Sky) of Gaia of Chaos
Greek God Chaos (Gaping Void) (Khaos) (Tohu)
Greek Goddess Gaia (Earth) of Chaos
Greek Gods The Titans of Uranus of Gaia
The Græco-Roman Dieties
Greek God Chaos (Gaping Void) (Khaos) (Tohu)
Greek Goddess Gaia (Earth) of Chaos
Elder Titan Cronus (Time) (Saturn) (Khronos) of Uranus of Gaia (Time)/(Time)
Greek God Hades (Tartarus) (Pluto) (Hell) of Cronus of Uranus
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
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