GEDCOM line 29523 not recognizable or too long: 1 NAME Warine d' (Domfront) (de Belleme) /Alencon/
GEDCOM line 29524 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Warine d' (Domfront) (de Belleme)
GEDCOM line 29525 not recognizable or too long: () 2 SURN Alencon
GEDCOM line 29526 not recognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX L of Nogent (Sgn de Domfort)
GEDCOM line 29527 not recognizable or too long: 1 TITL L of Nogent (Sgn de Domfort)
Tutton's "Plantaganet Ancestry", shows Warin and Melisinde as parents of Geoffrey II, VC de Chateaudun.
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners (249:31), calls him Warin de Belleme (de Domfront),Seigneur de Domfront and son of William & Matilda. Stuart, however shows different parents for Geoffrey.
Turton's "Plantaganet Ancestry", has two individuals on p. 179 - Warine d'Alcenon and Guerin de Domfort, which are apparently, in fact, the same. Stuart is infering that Turton is in error inmaking him the father of Geoffrey II, VC de Cateaudun.
Both Stuart and Turton agree that he was father of Adeline. GEDCOM line 29551 not recognizable or too long: () 1 CHAN
GEDCOM line 29552 not recognizable or too long: () 2 DATE 1 MAR 1999
GEDCOM line 29553 not recognizable or too long: () 3 TIME 12:05:49