Count Trasamundo Fernandez de Galicia
Count Trasamundo Fernandez was born in 0650. Count Trasamundo Fernandez's father was
Duke Fruila Fernandez de Cantambra
and his mother was
Princess Flavia of the Visgoths
. His paternal grandparents were
Count Feralando of Galacia
; his maternal grandparents were
King Chindaswind of the Visgoths
Rekiberga UNKNOWN
. He was an only child.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Count Feralando of Galacia
- b.0570
Duke Fruila Fernandez de Cantambra
- b.0600
- b.0575
Count Trasamundo Fernandez de Galicia
- b.0650
King Leovigild of the Visigoths
- b.0604 in Spain
King Reccared I of the Visigoths
- b.0624 in Spain
Theodosia of Cantagena
- b.0604
King Swinthila of the Visgoths
- b.0644 in Spain
Sigebert I UNKNOWN
- b.0523 d.0575
Chodoswintha UNKNOWN
Brunhilda UNKNOWN
- b.0561
King Chindaswind of the Visgoths
- b.0600
Princess Flavia of the Visgoths
- b.0627
Rekiberga UNKNOWN
- b.0605
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Count Trasamundo Fernandez's family
He had a biological daughter named
Geudosia de Galicia
Geudosia was born in 0685. Geudosia is no longer alive.
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