Joseph (Joe) E. Jernigan
Joseph (Joe) E. was born about 1883. Joseph (Joe) E. is no longer alive.
Joseph (Joe) E.'s family with Annie Edna Parmer
They had two sons and three daughters, named
Armour Joe
Nelton Hansford
Rubye Grace
Lois Avenedd
Mary Lydia
Rubye Grace Jernigan
Rubye Grace was born on December 4th, 1909.
Lois Avenedd Jernigan
Lois Avenedd was born on December 24th, 1912.
Armour Joe Jernigan
Armour Joe was born on July 21st, 1916.
Nelton Hansford Jernigan
Nelton Hansford was born on August 17th, 1918.
Mary Lydia Jernigan
Mary Lydia was born about 1920.
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