John Gater paid Thomas Meador Sr's passage to the "new world" and helanded at Elizabeth City County, Va. in 1636. It is assumed around June1st. On June 2, 1663, he claimed patent to 320 acres on the southside ofHoskins Creek in Rappahannock County, Virginia....There were diverscomplaints of the counties of Lancaster, Northumberland and Westmorelandconcerning divers injuries and insolences offered by the RappahannockIndians....raised in the county of Lancester 100 men..from the county ofNorthumberland 40 men and from the county of Westmoreland 30men..required to meet on the 1st. Wed. in Feb. next to the house ofThomas Meades in Rappahannock river..and from thence Ma'r John Carter ishereby appointed commander in chief and authorized to march to theaforesaid Indian town and demand and recieve such satisfaction he shallsee fit..Capt Henry Fleet and David Wheatliff attend the said service asinterpreters.