Jacob or Israel N...
Jacob or Israel's father was
Isaac N...
and his mother was
Rebecca N...
. His paternal grandparents were
Abrham or Abram N...
Sarai or Sara N...
. He was an only child.
General Notes
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Patriarch of Hebrews
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Seruch or Serug N...
Nachor N...
Thara or Therach N...
- d. in Charan
Abrham or Abram N...
- b.~ 1800 d.~ 1700
Isaac N...
Sarai or Sara N...
Jacob or Israel N...
Rebecca N...
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Jacob or Israel's family with Lea or Lia N...
They had two sons named
Juda N...
Levi N...
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