ben Isaac King of Goshen JACOB (Israel)
ben Isaac King of Goshen was born in
1892 BC
Ben Isaac King of Goshen's father was
ben Abraham ISAAC
and his mother was
REBEKAH bint Bethuel
. His paternal grandparents were
ben Terah ABRAHAM
bint Terah Sarai (SARAH)
; his maternal grandfather was
Bethuel ben NAHOR
. He was an only child. He died in
1745 BC
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
King of UR & AGADE Serug (Saragh)
- b. in 2181 BC d. in 1951 BC
King of Ur & Agade NAHOR (Nahur)
- b. in 2151 BC d. in 2003 BC
Mêlkâ Melka
King of Agade TERAH (Tarih)
- b. in 2122 BC d. in 1917 BC
ben Terah ABRAHAM
- b. in 2052 BC d. in 1877 BC
ben Abraham ISAAC
King of UR & AGADE Serug (Saragh)
- b. in 2181 BC d. in 1951 BC
King of Ur & Agade NAHOR (Nahur)
- b. in 2151 BC d. in 2003 BC
Mêlkâ Melka
King of Agade TERAH (Tarih)
- b. in 2122 BC d. in 1917 BC
bint Terah Sarai (SARAH)
ben Isaac King of Goshen JACOB (Israel)
- b. in 1892 BC d. in 1745 BC
King of Ur & Agade NAHOR (Nahur)
- b. in 2151 BC d. in 2003 BC
King of Agade TERAH (Tarih)
- b. in 2122 BC d. in 1917 BC
ben Terah NAHOR
Bethuel ben NAHOR
King of Agade TERAH (Tarih)
- b. in 2122 BC d. in 1917 BC
ben Terah HARAN
Milcah bint HARAN
REBEKAH bint Bethuel
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
ben Isaac King of Goshen's family with Leah bint LABAN
They had a son named
Judah ben Israel
Judah ben Israel King of GOSHEN
Judah ben Israel was born in
1805 BC
He died in
1676 BC
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