Alias:<ALIA> Sweyn /Forkbeard/ [2142542.ged] [316552.ftw] TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England) AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer S cience PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX MEDI Electronic ALIA Sveyn I Haraldsson /King of England/ _FA1 PLAC Acceded: 986 as King of Denmark. Overthrew his father Harald. _FA2 PLAC King of England 1013-1014. King of Denmark 986-987 and 1000-1014.
Sveyn I and Gunhilda of Poland were married in a religious ceremony about 0990.1
Family Notes
[2142542.ged] [316552.ftw] _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England) AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer Science PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc REPO WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX CALN MEDI Electronic _FA1 DATE 1000 _MEND Divorce