Clovis became king of Tournai at the death of his father Childeric I in 481. By unifying the Franks and bringing most of Gaul and the Germanic lands under his control, Clovis became the founder of the Frankish Kingdom.
In 486 Clovis decisively defeated General Syagrius, son of Aegidius, the last Roman governor of northern Gaul, and set up his capital at Soissons. In 490-491 he took possession of the Salian Kingdoms of Cambrai and Tongres. In 496 he repelled an invasion of the Alamanni by invoking the God of his Christian wife according to legend. After completely defeating the Alamanni in 506, Clovis marched against the Visigoths in southwestern Gaul. He defeated Alaric II, king of the Visigoths, near Poitiers in 507. Clovis made Paris his capital in 508.
Clothilde, his wife, was Arian by religion but with strong Roman Catholic tendencies. This marriage was of primary importance, as the real shape of France dated from it. It was she who led her husband to abandon his old beliefs and embrace Christianity. He was baptized in the 15th year of his reign at Rheims on Christmas Day in 496 along with 3000 of his followers.