General Notes
Surname info, Ruth Tipton
Birth and name info from Ruth Tipton
Death record per Penn. Tract, p.6 (Ruth Tipton)
Book: "Descendents of Solomon Cox..." W.E. Cox, 1955:
-Death listed as New Castle County, Delaware
-Immigrated from England to US before 1692, when his son William, Jr.
was born.
- A yeoman and/or laborer in England (?)
- His name first appears in deeds in America in 1719
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.~ 1637 in England
- b.~ 1657 in Gloucester,England d.~ 1742 in Pennsylvania
‌William and
Amy were married in a religious ceremony about 1685. They had two sons named
Richard and
Richard Cox
Richard was born in 1688. He died at the age of 38 on October 15th, 1726.
Page last modified 12/8/2016