Alias:<ALIA> Edward de Evereux /de Salisbury/
Custom Field:<_FA#> Buried: Bra denstoke, Wiltshire, England.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Lord of Chittern (W iltshire).@@S006031@@@@S005967@@
REFN: 4573
Excerpted from Les Seigne urs de Bohon by Jean LeMelletier, Coutances:
Arnaud-Bellee, 1978: Edward de Sa lisbury or Saresbury, lord of Chittern
(Wiltshire), is often considered like a son of William d'Evreux, earl of
Rosmare or Roumare and companion of Willia m the Conqueror. He possessed
very important lands at Salisbury and other are as. He wore the banner of
Henry I at the Battle of Bremule where he fought ag ainst King Louis VI of
France (20 August 1119). Besides his daughter Maud, he had a son, Walter
(died 1147). Edward died 1130.