REFN: 6936
1794 - MARY DICKINSON Widow of JOEL DICKINSON Dec'd Dower.
State of North Carolina, Wayne County Court, April Term 1794. MARY
DIC KINSON, Widow of JOEL DICKINSON Deceased vs. The Heirs and
Executors of the sa id Deceased. Ordered that the Sheriff Summons a
Jury of Good and Lawful men of his BA__ to set of and allot to MARY
DICKINSON, Widow and Relict of JOEL DICK INSON late of Wayne
County Deceased, her Dower, in and to the Lands which her said Husband
siezed and possessed of in Wayne County Lying on Contentnea Cr eek,
containing about Three Hundred and Sixty Acres, as also her equal an
p roportionable part, of the personal Estate that her said Husband died
Siezed and possessed of (with the children of the said Deceased)
agreeable to the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided
theron to our next (Court together with the said Jury) at the Court
House in Waynesborough on the secon d Monday in July Next. Witness
JAMES COBB Clerk of our said Court at Of fice this 19th April AD
1795. I have summoned a jury agreeable to th is Order who met and
have allotted to the Widow her Dower agreeables to this return
made, Signed by the Jury July the 1st 1795.
MARY DICKINSO N Widow of JOEL DICKINSON Dec'd Dower. State of North
Carolina, Wayne County Court, April Term 1794. MARY DICKINSON Widow of
JOEL DICKINSON Deceased vs. T he Heirs and Executors of the said Deceased.
Ordered that the Sheriff Summons a Jury of Good and Lawful men of his
Ba____ to set of and allot to MARY DICK INSON, Widow and Relict of JOEL
DICKINSON late of Wayne County Deceased, her Dower, in and to the Lands
which her said Husband siezed and possessed of in Wayne County Lying on
Contentnea Creek, containing about Three Hundred and Si xty Acres, as also
her equal an proportionable part, of the personal Estate t hat her said
Husband died Siezed and possessed of (with the children of the s aid
Deceased) agreeable to the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided
thereon to our next (Court together with the said Jury) at the Court
House in Waynesborough on the second Modnay in July Next. Witness JAMES
COBB Clerk of our siad Court at Office this 19th April AD 1795. I have
summoned a Jury agreeable to this Order who met and have allotted to the
Widow her Dower agre eablee to this return made, Signed by the Jury July
the 1st 1795.