REFN: 7990
Frazor Titus WILL left Sally Ann Titus two houses and lots on south side
of Market St. and east side of 3rd St. in
Mem phis,Tennessee. Two other houses were left to daughter Martha R. Titus.
I appo int my friend and son- in- law James H. Edmondson, also my two sons
John F. T itus and Ebb Titus Executors of my will.
15 sept 1844, Moon, Titus, and Co., M emphis Cotton firm, composed of I.
W. Moon, F. Titus, and J.P. Davis, have op ened a
branch cotton house in New Orleans.
25 Dec 1849, At a meeting last nig ht of voters of Memphis, 3rd Ward, F.
Titus and E. H. Porter were nominated f or alderman.
1 Jul 1870, funeral of Frazor Titus will be held this afternoon f rom his
late residence, 87 Market St. Memphis,Tennessee. The
sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. J.C. Steedman. Holst is in charge
of arrangements.
There was a Frazor Titus died in Memphis,Tennessee in 1970 also.