Custom Field:<_FA#> 1st Prince of Kiev who became a Christian (988), married An na as a result.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died a t sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her g randmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Responsible for establishing of Christianity i n Russia.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmo ther)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Returned, defeated & killed his brother, who was rul ing in Kiev.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at s ea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her gran dmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Became Grand Duke in Kiev.@@S005967@@Has her daught er of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfath er) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Born a pagan of Viking origin.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Founded cities, built churches, scho ols, and libraries.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who di ed at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, h er grandmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Promoted trade, established relations with the pope.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandm other)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Ably defended Russia against its eastern neighbors. @@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 ( in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother)
Cu stom Field:<_FA#> Established relations with European rulers.@@S005967@@Has her d aughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her gran dfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Buried in Church Of The Tithes, Kiev, Ukraine.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who died at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Elea nore Matravers (in my db, her grandmother)
Custom Field:<_FA#> Declared a sain t after his death.@@S005967@@Has her daughter of John FitzAlan de Arundel who die d at sea in 1379 (in my db, her grandfather) & Eleanore Matravers (in my db, he r grandmother)
REFN: 4246