Custom Field:<_FA#> 2nd Earl of Surrey.@@S005864@@line 50 p 51@@S005967@@b 990
Cus tom Field:<_FA#> He carried off his wife Isabel while her 1st husband was still living.@@S005967@@b 990
REFN: 4356
REF Baronage1. Lord of Lewes, R eigate, and Coningsburgh; Lord of
Bellecombre and Mortemer, in Normandy. The following is from
pboren@@pnut.rand.org (Pat Boren) and may contain errors.
WILLIAM de WARENNE was the second Earl of Warren and Surrey. In 1093 he
sough t to marry Mathilda (who eventually married King Henry I of
England). This ma rriage may have been at the bottom of his hatred for
Henry. In 1101 he shared in inviting Robert, Duke of Normandy, to invade
England and because of this act, the king deprived him of his estates.
Later Henry restored
William to h is former position and from that time on, William was the
king's faithful sup porter and trusted friend. William died in 1138. His
wife was Isabel Vermando is, by whom he had William (third Earl of
Surrey), Reginald, Ralph, Gundred, and Ada (who married Henry, earl of
Huntingdon, and whose daughter
Margaret married Henry de Bohun).