Cause of Death:<CAUS> Hanged, drawn & quartered.
Custom Field:<_FA#> Governor of Bristol Castle, 1275.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Governor of Leeds Castle , 1312.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Rebels defeated at Battle of Boroughbridg e.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Executed after the battle.@@S005967@@
REFN: 475 7
REF "A Baronial Family in Medieval England: The Clares, 1217-131 4"
by Michael Altschul, Johns Hopkins Press, 1965, p. 173: "Less than a year
later, the Despensers themselves returned in triumph. The king managed
to w in over to his side many of Lancaster's allies, and fighting again
broke out, culminating in the royalist victory at Boroughbridge on March
22, 1322. Lan caster and his chief supporters, including Roger Damory and
Bartholomew de Ba dlesmere, were executed, while D'Audley and the
Mortimers were imprisoned."
Bartholomew de Badlesmere in the life time of his father received command
to attend the king at Portsmouth, upon the 1st day of September, with
horse and arms to embark with him for Gascony, and in the year that he
succeeded to his paternal property was in the wars of Scotland. He was
afterwards in the reti nue of Robert de Clifford in the Welsh wars, and in
the first year of King Ed ward I. was appointed the Governor of the castle
of Bristol. In two years aft erwards he was summoned to parliament as
Badlesmere, and had a grant from the king, through the special influence
of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester & Hereford, and Henry de Lacy,
Earl of Lincoln, of the castle and manor of Ch elham, in Kent, for his own
and his wife's life, which castle had been posses sed by Alexander de
Baliol in the right of his wife Isabel, and ought to have been escheated
to the crown on the decease of the said Alexander, by reason of the
felony of John de .Straboli, Earl of Athol (Isabel's son and heir), wh o
was hanged. In the 5th year of King Edward II., Lord Badlesmere was
const ituted Governor of the castle of Ledes, and obtained at the same
time grants of divers extensive manors. In the next year but one, he was
deputed , with O tto de Grandison and others, ambassador to the court of
Rome, and the next ye ar, upon the death of Robert de Clifford, he
obtained a grant of the custody of the castle of Skyton in Yorkshire, as
of all other castles in that county and Westmoreland, whereof the said
Robert died possessed, to hold during the minority of Roger de Clifford,
his son and heir. He was further indebted to the crown for numerous
charters for fairs throughout his extensive manors; an d he held the high
office of steward of the household for a great number of y ears; but
notwithstanding his thus basking in the sunshine of royal favor, hi s
allegiance was not trustworthy, for joining the banner of Thomas, Earl of
Lancaster, and other discontented nobles of that period, he went into
Kent w ithout the king's permission; where, being well received, he put
himself at t he head of some soldiers from his castle at Ledes, and thence
proceeded to Ca nterbury, with 19 knights, having linen jackets under
their surcoats, all his esquires being in plate armor, and thus repaired
to the
shrine of St. Thoma s, to the amazement of the good citizens. While Lord
Badlesmere remained at Ca nterbury, John de Crumwell and his wife sought
lordship's aid, and , ple dging himself to afford it, he hastened to
Oxford, where the barons of his pa rty had been then assembled. In the
meantime the King being apprised of the b aron's proceedings, dispatched
the Queen to Ledes, and upon admission being d enied her, the castle was
regularly invested by Adomere de Valence, Earl of P embroke, and John de
Britannia, Earl of
Richmond, to whom it eventually surr endered, when Lord Badlesmere's wife,
young son, and daughters, all falling in to the hands of the besiegers,
were sent prisoners to the Tower of London. Th e baron and his accomplices
afterwards were pur