[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #5641, Date of Import: Jan 19, 1999]
James was a Justice of the Peace of Essex County and a signer of the
Association of the Northern Neck in oppostion to the Stamp Act, February
27, 1766. He appears to have had an interest in several grist mills on
Piscataway Creek, near Tappahannock, Essex County. James began
construction of a home called "Mount Prospect" on a hill overlooking
Piscataway Creek. This place was about "100 yards from the road leading
from Tappahannock to Urbanna in Middlesex Co., five miles from the former
place, about one fourth of a mile from Piscataway Creek, and three miles
from Rappahannock river, with a beautiful view of the winding of the
Creek, to where it entered the river with a view of the river for five
miles. Yet with all it beauty it was considered very sickly. My
grandfather, grandmother, three brothers and two sisters are all
deposited in the family graveyard about 108 yards from the first
settlement my grandfather made on the place" (MSS. of John Webb,
grandson of James Webb III).
James and Mary had 4 sons. One of these was Francis Webb.
********* Will of James Webb *********
In the Name of God Amen. I James Webb of the
Parish of Southfarnham in the County of Essex being of
disposing mind and memory, thanks be to almight God for
the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament
in manner following to wit: First: I recommend my soul to
Almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be
buried in such decent and Christian Like manner as my
executors shall think fit, And as touching such worldly goods
as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose thereof in
manner following Imprimis my will is that if my executors shall
hereafter think it necessary either for the payment of my debts,
the education of my children, or to raise money for any other
purpose for the benefit of my estate, that they make sale of
my moiety (?) of the schooner Brothers together with her riging
&c and such part of my personal estate as they shall think
ITEM I lend unto my beloved wife Mary Webb
during the minority of my children or their marrying my whole
estate both real and personal, she continuing sole and main-
taining and educating the children according to the profits of
the estate subject to the childrens receiving the parts which I
shall hereinafter give them upon their arriving to lawful age or
marrying but if shel shall marry or chose at any time to have
any certain part of my estte to herself then my will is that
she shall have one third part of the land and plantation
whereon I now live and interest in Piscataway Mills and an
equal part of the slaves and personal estate with the children
(excepting those negroes which I shall hereafter give to my
son Francis Webb) during her natural life allotted to her by
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my son Francis
Webb the land and plantation whereon I now live and my
moiety (?) of Piscataway Mills (reserving to his mother as
aforesaid) and my moiety (?) of three negroes to wit: Baker
Robin, Scipio and Emanuel also an equal part with my other
children of my personal estate (negroes excepted) to him
and their heirs forever he paying unto his brothers William
and George Webb two hundred pounds current money each
when they shall respectively arrive to lawfull age and it is my
will that he shall live in the house with his mother and work
any negroes that he may have in common with hers, provided
there be ground sufficient for them both and not oitherwise
and receive and enjoy two parts in three of Piscataway Mills
and receive his part of the personal estate upon arriving to
lawful age. But in case my said son Francis shall refuse to
pay his brothers William and George the sum of two hundred
pounds each as aforesaid then I give the said mills to my said
sons William and George Webb in the same manner as devise