Ancestry of the Presidents of the Church

Gramps ID S71155


Number Title Type Call number
1 [R0042] Book


    1. Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [I33607]
  1. p 194
    1. Unknown, Rohese [I35121]
  2. p 194
    1. le Despenser, Thomas [I33582]
    2. Marriage, Family of le Despenser, Thomas and Unknown, Rohese [E59487]
    3. Unknown, Rohese [I35121]
    1. Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [I33607]
    2. Birth, Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [E44818]
  3. p 194
    1. de Segrave, Gilbert [I24080]
    1. Death, Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [E44819]
    2. Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [I33607]
    1. de Clare, Matilda [I29712]
    2. de Braose, William IV the Younger [I33611]
    3. Marriage, Family of de Braose, William IV the Younger and de Clare, Matilda [E59496]
  4. p 192
    1. Earl of Salisbury, William Longespée II [I33830]
    1. verch Llywelyn Fawr, Margred Drwyndon of Wales [I33608]
    2. Marriage, Family of Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody and verch Llywelyn Fawr, Margred Drwyndon of Wales [E59495]
    3. Lord Gower & Swansea, John de Braose Tadody [I33607]
  5. p 194
    1. le Despenser, Rohese [I33581]