Gramps ID | E44819 |
Date | 1232-07-18 |
Place | Brembye, Sussex, England |
Type | Value | Notes | Sources |
Cause | Fall from horse. |
Source References
Frederick Lewis Weis: Magna Charta Sureties, 1215
- Page: 4th ed
- G.E. Cockayne: Complete Peerage [S336368]
- Vernon James Watney: Wallop Family & Their Ancestry [S5275]
- Vernon M. Norr: Some Early English Pedigrees [S185978]
- Ancestry of the Presidents of the Church [S71155]
- Ancestors of Deacon Edward Converse [S285910]
- Page: Chris Moore
Source text:
d 1233
- large-G675.FTW [S261374]