Stronge, George
Birth Name | Stronge, George |
Also Known As | Strong, George 1a 2a |
Gramps ID | I0533 |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 80 years, 1 month, 22 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth [E0819] | 1556 | Chard, Somerset, England |
Birth [E0820] | 1556 |
1b 2b | ||
Death [E0821] | 1635/6-02-13 (Julian) | Chardstock, Devon, England |
_FA1 [E0822] | Tailor |
Relation to the center person (Strong, Living) : tenth great grandson
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Strong, John [I0642] | 1515 | ||
Stronge, George [I0533] | 1556 | 1635/6-02-13 (Julian) | ||
Brother | Strong, Ebenezer [I43356] | 1544 | about 1567 |
Family of Stronge, George and Unknown, Elizabeth [F0049] | |||||||||||||||||
Married | Wife | Unknown, Elizabeth [I0534] ( * 1563 + after 1579 ) | |||||||||||||||
Children |
A. GEORGE STRONGE - Tailor - D. 1635, Chard, Somerset, England. M. Unknown, D. aft. 1579.
Manor Court Rolls - Chardstock
Sept. 1596 - Paying homage to the manor court.
May 3, 1604 - George Strang - Assessor to view commons
July 13, 1604 - "The water in George Stronge's ditch is not able to pass but run out in the way and he must scower the same."
1629 - "We do present George Stronge for that he dothe sell fuell furses in the commons and carry them into another parish and burn them contrary to the customs of the our manor, therefore he is fined ten shillings; and that George Stronge hath pulled downe a barne builded upon posts upon his cottage and carryed the tymber into another manor and hath also rooted upp certayne apple trees growing uppon his said cottage and carryed the same out of the manor".
1631, 1632, 1633 - Fined for not cleaning his ditch.
May 20, 1635 - Presentment of the death of George Stronge since the previous court and that he was tenant of TWO COTTAGES in Chardstock towne, to which Thomas Stronge was thereupon admitted as the next tenant. [Robin Bush, pub. By M&J Clearinghouse]
1636 - "That George Stronge, tenant since the last court to the cottage in Chardstock town and doth happen to the lord for a death duty, and that Thomas Strong is the next tenant".
Manor Court Rolls - Chard
1614 Manor Court Jury
1625-1628 Subsidy (DD/HT 465, Somerset Record Office)
George Stronge in Chardland
1628/29 George Stronge in Chardland.
Will of George Stronge of Chard dated, 20 Nov. 1627, proved 13 Feb. 1635/36, (PCC1636, Pile 15)
I George Strong of the parishe of Chard....tayler.... I give unto THOMAS STRONG MY SONNE 6 shillings 8 pence. I give unto JOHN STRONGE MY GRANDCHILD, 6 shillings 8 pence. I give unto WILLIAM STRONG MY GRANDCHILD, 20 poundes due to me from George Cookney and Nicholas Staple.... I give unto the said William Strong ffive pewter platters, two pondgers, one bason, ffower sawcers, two saltsellers, and two brasse candelsticke. I give unto MARIE STRONG MY GRANDCHILD DAUGHTER of WALTER STRONG MY SONNE, 10 poundes which Thomas Parris oweth me....and more I give her my best brasse crocke, and my lesser brasse pann. I give unto JOANE STRONG, DAUGHTER of the said WALTER STRONG, 10 poundes. I give unto ELIZABETH STRONG, DAUGHTER of the said WALTER STRONG, 10 poundes. I give and bequeath unto my said SON WALTER STRONG whome I make, and ordayne sole executor of this my last will and testement. I desire MY GOOD FRIENDS THOMAS LEGG THE YOUNGER and THOMAS BOWDITCH OF WICKCRAST to be my overseers. Witnesses - Thomas Pitte, Sir John Rives, Richard Ray, THOMAS BURRAGE. [Abstracted by J. Osborn]
Thomas Stronge - Tailor - Bur. 12 May 1663, Chardstock, Devon, England. M. 12 May 1604, Chardstock, Devon, Eng., Joanna Bagge, bur. 26 Aug. 1657, Chardstock, Devon, Eng..
Maria Stronge - Bpt. 29 June 1604, Chardstock, Devon, Eng.
Elizabeth Stronge - Bpt. 3 Dec. 1606, Chardstock, Devon, Eng.
Lavinia Stronge - Bpt. 17 March 1608, Chardstock, Devon, Eng.
A daughter bur. 10 June 1609, Chardstock, Devon, Eng., probably one of the above, since three daughters mentioned in the will of John Stronge, 1612.
Jane Stronge - Bpt. 20 Mar. 1610, Chardstock, Devon, Eng.
Sarah Stronge - Bpt. 20 June 1613, Chardstock, Devon, Eng. M. ______Matthews.
i. James Matthews - alive 1694.
ii. Jeremy Matthews - alive 1694.
f. REV. JAMES STRONGE and his descendants
2. JOHN STRONGE - D. 1612, bur. 13 July 1612, Chard, Somerset, Eng.. M. Uknown, 1609, Chard, Somerset, England. She pos. m. 2) William Cogan, father of Eleanor Cogan, wife of Walter Deane.
Will of John Stronge of Chard, Proved 22 Sept. 1612
Where as the said John Stronge lieth sick of body but of good and perfect the poor of Chardland 4 shillings the Church 2 shillings.... to MY SON JOHN STRONGE, 10 MY CHILD THAT MY WIFE GOETH WITH all 10 pounds....If either of them die it shall remain to the other, until they be of lawful year....To MY BROTHER THOMAS STRONG'S DAUGHTER, my godaughter, 2 shillings. I give THE OTHER TWO, 1 shilling each....I make my wife whole executor of such goods as I have....I make my overseers My FATHER GEORGE STRONGE, JOHN BOWRIDGE, WALTER STRONGE, JOHN WARRY.... Witnesess:HENRY WARRY
b. Uknown - B. abt. 1613, Chard, Somerset, Eng.
3. Walter Stronge - Butcher - B. 1579, bpt. Apr. 17, 1681, Chardstock, Devon, Eng. bur. 9 3Apr. 1667, Chard, Somerset, Eng. M. Feb. 1621, Chard, Devon, Eng. Ann Bond, bur. 11 Sept. 1674, Chard, Somerset, Eng., dau. of John Bond, of Forton, Chard, Somerset, Eng.
" Evidence given by Walter Strong of Chard, butcher, in a case of incontinence on 19 Oct. 1619. Strong had lived in Chard for the past 20 years, was aged 40 (b.c.1579) and born in Chardstock, Dorset. (Diocesan Deposition, D/D/Cd 54).
Chancery Bills and Answers, Charles I, Warrey v. Bond W 14/32, dated 12 Feb. 1630 [31?], Robin Bush, pub. By M&J Clearinghouse
Plaintiff Agnes Warrey, widow of Richard Warrey, stated that John Bond the elder of Chard, Somerset, deceased, had been 'estated' in four acres in Forton alias Fordington in the parish of Chard for the lives of John Chubb, Richard Bond and Alice Bond (the last two being children of the said Richard (? John) Bond, the inheritance [ie. freehold] of the land belonging to the Deanery of Wells. John Bond had conveyed the land to William Bond and Anne Stronge (daughter of the said John Bond and wife of Walter Stronge), who had sold the same to the plaintiff's husband. The said Richard Bond was defendant. [Robin Bush, pub. By M&J Clearing house]
Marie Strong - B. bef. 1628.
Elizabeth Strong - B, bef, 1628.
Joane Strong - B. bef. 1628.
George Strong - Clothier - Bpt. 14 Oct. 1629, Chard, Somerset, Eng., bur. 23 May 1710, Chard, Somerset, Eng. M. Margaret _______, 1709, Chard, Somerset, Eng.
[Robert Strong-from Bill]
[Robert Strong (1490) descendents.GED]
George STRONG was born in Chard, Somerset, England 1556. George died 1634/1635 in Chardstock, Dorset, England, at age 79.
The Will of George Strong Dated 20 November 1627, proved 13 February 1635 In the name of God Amen. The nine and twentith day of November in the yeare of our Lord God, One thousand six hundred twenty and seaven. I George Strong of the parishe of Chard in the countie of Somerset; tayler considering the mortall estate of mankind and the uncertainetie of the tyme of death doe in good health, and perfect memorie (thankes be to God) make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, that is to say; Imprimis I commend my soule into the handes of the Almightie God, And my bodie to be buried. Item I give unto Thomas Strong my sonne six shillinges and eight pence to be paid within one moneth after my decease. Item I give unto William Strong my grandchild twenty pounds due to me from George Cookney and Nicholas Staple as by their severall specialtyes appeareth. Item more I give unto the said William Strong five pewter platters, two pondgers, One Bason, fower sawcers, two saltsellers, and two brasse candlesticke. Item I give unto Marie Strong my grandchild daughter of William Strong my sonne tenn poundes which Thomas Parris oweth me, as by his bond appeareth. And more I give her my best brasse crocke, and my lesser Brasse Pann. Item I give unto Elizabeth Strong one other daughter of the said Walter Strong tenn poundes due upon bond from Nicholas Staple, And more I give her my best brasse pan, and lesser brasse crocke. Item I give unto Joane Strong daughter of the said Walter tenn pounds. Item I will that my board and cubbord in my now dwelling house shall remayne and be an implements, and appurtening to the same forever. All the rest of my goodes and chattells whatsoever (my debts legacyes, and funerall expences being paid) I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Walter Strong, whome I make, and ordayne sole Executors of this my last will and testament. And desire my good friendes Thomas Legg the younger and Thomas Bowdich of Wickrast to be my overseers desiring them to doe their best to see this last will testament performed. In witness hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the very daie and yeare above written. Signe of George Strong. Sealed published and declared in presence of these witnesses Thom:Pitte, Sir John Rives, Richard Ray, Thomas Burrage.
George STRONG and *UNKNOWN had the following children:
i. Thomas STRONG. His body was interred May 12, 1663 in Chardstock, Dorset, England.
ii. William STRONG. William died 1612/1613 at age unknown.
iii. Walter STRONG was born in Chardstock, Somerset, England about 1579. His body was interred April 9, 1667.
iv. John STRONG was born circa 1585
Source References
Robert Strong (1490) descendents.GED
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Date of Import: Mar 11, 2001
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Date of Import: Mar 11, 2001
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Robert Strong-from Bill
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Date of Import: 11 Mar 2001
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Date of Import: 11 Mar 2001
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