, Cape May, NJ
Van Gilder, Priscilla
Smith, Martha
Family of Corson, Ezra and Steelman, Hannah
Swain, Spencer
Robinson, William
Corson, Elias
Shaw, Joshua
Young, Sheridan
Stillwell, Patience
Van Gilder, Rodney S
Corson, Richard T
Gandy, Lizzie
Young, Arabella
Gandy, Francis
Young, Willis
Willets, Rachel
Pedrick, Olive
Family of Gandy, Griffith Smith and Taylor, Harriet
Family of Townsend, Zebulon and Corson, Anthea
Corson, Ellen
Edwards, David
Gandy, Miles
Young, Samuel Townsend
Corson, Joseph
Lafferty, Nason C
Corson, Martha
Townsend, Henry
Foreman, Cornelia
Townsend, Samuel
Family of Corson, Albert Griffing and Corson, Phebe
Van Gilder, Sarah Ann
Corson, Levi
Stites, Ella
Young, Walter
Family of Corson, Job and Edwards, Rebecca
Corson, Martha
Willets, Sarah
Hand, Esther
Van Gilder, Marjory
Gandy, Lydia Ann
Family of Corson, Jacob and Stillwell, Charity
Campbell, Eddie W
Taylor, Daniel
Griffing, Sarah Ann
Corson, Benajah
Cresse, Mary
Corson, Cynthia
Carman, Elizabeth
Family of Corson, Lewis and Maddox, Rebecca
Gandy, Harriet
Gandy, Edward Swain
Family of Ludlam, Joseph and Young, Abigail
Buzby, Samuel
Willets, Amos
Smith, Thomas
Family of Townsend, Henry and Woodward, Lola
Family of Gandy, Uriah and Willets, Hannah
Corson, Darius
Willets, Amos
Buzby, William
Williams, James
Corson, Mary
Gandy, James Frank
Gandy, David
Corson, Jeremiah
Shaw, Francis Gandy
Van Gilder, Franklin
Stites, John
Van Gilder, Thaddeus
Rodan, Jonas
Unknown, Rebecca
Willets, Sarah
Gandy, Lewis Corson
Buzby, Isaac
Corson, Joseph
Willets, Emma
Gandy, Samuel
Godfrey, James
Van Gilder, Carrinna
Young, Enoch
Godfrey, Jesse Somers
Young, Abigail
Gandy, John J
Corson, Parsons
Gandy, Patience
Thompson, Deborah
Townsend, Henry
Badcock, Millicent
Family of Young, Washington Townsend and Shaw, Martha Gandy
Gandy, John J
Gandy, Matilda
Gandy, Gideon
Gandy, Furman
Young, Mary
Corson, Zabiah
Willets, Enoch
Willets, Nicholas
Corson, Amos
Raffo, Katherine
Family of Willets, John and Corson, Martha
Shaw, Nathan
Townsend, Arabella
Family of Stites, John and Young, Milicent
Young, Henry
Family of Young, Enoch and Corson, Deborah
Scull, Hannah
Family of Parsons, John and Carman, Elizabeth
Unknown, Anne
Gandy, Roxanna S
Corson, Elma J
Family of Swain, Spencer and Corson, Cynthia
Van Gilder, Mary
Family of Daniels, Clement and Young, Deborah
Gandy, Eva
Family of Smith, Lafayette and Gandy, Lydia Ann
Corson, Griffing
Gandy, Uriah
Van Gilder, Cora S
Gandy, Hannah
Gandy, Elishaba
Parsons, John
Corson, Elias
Young, Ida VanGilder
Corson, Samuel
Townsend, John
Willets, James
Shaw, William
Young, Steven
Isard, Daniella M
Edwards, Josiah
Corson, Jesse
Gandy, Phoebe
Young, Minnie
Corson, Remington
Townsend, Anthea
Buzby, John
Lee, Sarah
Corson, Albert Griffing
Gandy, Uriah
Family of Corson, Parmenas and Lee, Mary
Family of Corson, Enos and Gandy, Hannah
Family of Godfrey, Jesse Corson and Corson, Deborah
Family of Eldredge, James and Corson, Lydia
Family of Corson, Peter and Edwards, Martha
Champion, Sarah
Baner, Lydia
Taylor, George
Taylor, Harriet
Family of Corson, Darius and Mackey, Martha
Family of Mackey, John and Young, Elizabeth
Family of Willets, James and Mackey, Abigail
Gandy, Rodney Smith
Van Gilder, David
Young, Enoch
Parsons, Sarah
Family of Van Gilder, Thompson and Corson, Priscilla
Ludlam, Joseph
Gandy, Jessie S
Edwards, Mary
Stillwell, Charity
Shaw, Richard
Van Gilder, Isaac
Mackey, Elizabeth
Corson, Martha
Willets, John
Family of Townsend, Adolphus C and Stites, Ella
Family of Young, Henry and Corson, Abigail
Young, Uriah
Shaw, William
Gandy, John Roy
Godfrey, Peter S
Young, Willard
Gandy, Curtis
Young, Millicent
Young, Pheobe
Family of Willaims, John and Mackey, Elizabeth
Edwards, Martha
Maddox, Rebecca
Edwards, Rebecca
Willets, John
Family of Young, Henry and Pedrick, Whilamina
Corson, Parmenas
Rice, Mary
Corson, Allen H
Corson, Christian
Corson, Peter
Gandy, Emma
Young, Tabitha
Townsend, John
Corson, Darius
Van Gilder, John
Griffing, Roxanna
Jones, John
Family of Corson, Joseph and Mackey, Phebe
Corson, Caroline
Gandy, Deborah
Townsend, Livingston
Goff, Mary
Lee, Mary
Young, Henry
Corson, Abigail
Godfrey, Phebe
Gandy, Sara Jane
Willets, Rachel
Smith, Sarah Jane
Taylor, George
Van Gilder, Abigail
Gandy, Uriah
Lake, Martha H
Corson, Richard T
Gandy, Lillian
Corson, Jan Karsten
Gandy, David
Family of Corson, Joseph and Corson, Rachel
Young, Rachel
Family of Corson, Richard T and Corson, Lydia Mary
Corson, Isabel
Swain, Huldah
Family of Young, Samuel Townsend and Pedrick, Olive
Daniels, Clement
Family of Shaw, Richard and Stillwell, Patience
Family of Corson, Amos and Willets, Hope
Godfrey, Elizabeth
Baner, Isaac
Van Gilder, Peter
Corson, Christian
Gandy, John W
Corson, Anthea
Family of Sparks, Unknown and Willets, Rachel
Steelman, Cordelia
Townsend, Henry
Corson, Theophilus
Corson, Lydia Mary
Family of Corson, Parmenas and Willets, Rachel
Corson, John
Family of Shaw, William and Parsons, Lydia
Gandy, John
Willets, Hope
Young, Stephen
Family of Gandy, David and Godfrey, Phebe
Van Gilder, Harriet Shoemaker
Unknown, Sophia
Taylor, John
Young, Henry
Gandy, Elias
Rodan, Phebe T
Gandy, Roswell Lamb
Buzby, Theophilus
Corson, Job
Jones, Katherine Margaret
Gandy, Uriah
Van Gilder, Amy
Corson, Lydia
Family of Gandy, Isaac and Smith, Martha
Massey, William
Gandy, John Wesley
Gandy, David
Van Gilder, James Corson
Corson, Jacob
Family of Shaw, Nathan and Gandy, Patience
Corson, Mary
Family of Corson, Parmenas and Griffing, Roxanna
Corson, David
Van Gilder, Thompson
Young, Alexander T
Willets, Hannah
Corson, Rebecca
Family of Townsend, Henry and Garcia, Mary
Shaw, Martha Gandy
Griffing, Experience
Mackey, Abigail
Corson, Susannah
Family of Young, Job and Norton, Mary
Van Gilder, Sophia
Corson, Lydia
Family of Gandy, Francis and Smith, Sarah Jane
Gandy, Samuel Griffing
Gandy, Maurice
Corson, Deborah
Mackey, John
Gandy, Herschel
Family of Taylor, George and Shaw, Lydia
Family of Van Gilder, Isaac and Willets, Elizabeth
Daws, Mary Elias
Gandy, Thomas
Townsend, Adolphus C
Family of Jones, John and Gandy, Deborah
Corson, Livia
Corson, John G
Parsons, John
Godfrey, Jesse Corson
Gandy, William Willets
Corson, Phebe
Gandy, Lydia
Stillwell, Hannah
Steelman, Hannah
Family of Edwards, Joseph and Willets, Sarah
Buzby, Mary Ann
Hoffner, Ruth
Willets, Hannah
Family of Corson, Darius and Willets, Hannah
Godfrey, Rachel
Hand, Hannah M
Gandy, Samuel
Corson, Eva S
Family of Van Gilder, David and Farson, Eugenia E
Gandy, Isaac
Norton, Mary
Gandy, David
Corson, Roxanna Griffing
Mackey, Tabitha
Gandy, Lavinia
Corson, Peter
Swain, Sarah Ann
Badcock, Jospeh
Family of Willets, Hope and Mackey, Tabitha
Family of Gandy, John Jones and Isard, Daniella M
Young, Adelaide
Townsend, Millicent
Gandy, David
Gandy, Harriet
Gandy, John Jones
Corson, Deborah
Van Gilder, Caroline
Corson, John Chattin
Family of Corson, Peter and Godfrey, Elizabeth
Pedrick, Whilamina
Leaming, Aaron
Family of Robinson, William and Young, Pheobe
Van Gilder, Roxanna
Family of Corson, Joseph and Gandy, Harriet
Corson, Joseph
Edwards, Joseph
Van Gilder, Permelia
Bishop, Maria
Corson, Rachel
Young, Male
Taylor, Lydia
Corson, Lewis
Gandy, Edmund
Van Gilder, William Rogers
Jones, Mary Ann
Family of Townsend, Adolphus C and Willets, Emma
Gandy, Lydia Ann
Corson, Sarah
Parsons, Lydia
Gandy, Uriah
Gandy, Lafayette Smith
Corson, John M
Smith, Eliza Ann
Shaw, John
Young, Enoch
Family of Corson, Remington and Stillwell, Hannah
Family of Corson, John and Goff, Mary
Mackey, John
Van Gilder, Emily Cameron
Garretson, Rachel
Family of Leaming, Aaron and Parsons, Lydia
Family of Gandy, Uriah and Baner, Lydia
Van Gilder, Mary
Van Gilder, John
Williams, David Sr.
Golden, John
Townsend, Zebulon
Family of Golden, John and Unknown, Rebecca
Corson, Huldah
Family of Gandy, John and Corson, Martha
Family of Campbell, Eddie W and Gandy, Roxanna S
Willets, Isaac
Corson, Rachel
Young, Tabitha
Smith, Samuel G
Gandy, Griffith Smith
Hewitt, Sarah
Family of Corson, Amos and Swain, Huldah
Family of Gandy, Hope W and Jones, Mary Ann
Family of Willets, Nicholas and Griffing, Experience
Family of Townsend, Sylvanus and Willets, Mercy
Family of Shaw, John and Jenkins, Hannah
Corson, Peter
Willets, Hope
Young, Elizabeth
Smith, Lewis
Corson, Ezra
Young, Elizabeth
Taylor, John
Eldredge, James
Family of Buzby, John and Van Gilder, Roxanna
Smith, Lafayette
Young, Job
Van Gilder, Thaddeus
Ross, Lydia
Gandy, John Savage
Family of Taylor, John and Buzby, Mary Ann
Corson, Enos
Family of Van Gilder, John and Scull, Hannah
Family of Gandy, Uriah and Rice, Mary
Farson, Eugenia E
Family of Townsend, Edmund and Corson, Ellen
Mackey, Martha
Corson, Tabitha
Gandy, Eloise
Willets, Elizabeth
Corson, John
Gandy, Lucy
Young, Harry
Young, Washington Townsend
Corson, Parmenas
Family of Willets, James and Hand, Esther
Gandy, Eliza Wilson
Corson, Jacob
Gandy, Sarah
Bennett, Edmund
Family of Corson, Amos and Corson, Isabel
Corson, Amos
Family of Godfrey, James and Young, Millicent
Family of Smith, Samuel G and Lee, Sarah
Corson, Nicholas
Townsend, Sylvanus
Family of Gandy, Jessie S and Townsend, Anthea
Steelman, Benjamin R.
Van Gilder, Leonora
Young, Deborah
Woodward, Lola
Gandy, Hannah Ann
Shaw, Lydia
Van Gilder, William Rolland
Willets, James
Family of Baner, Isaac and Corson, Lydia
Gandy, John
Van Gilder, Livia
Corson, Joseph
Young, Milicent
Ford, Hannah
Garcia, Mary
Gandy, John Wesley
Van Gilder, Sarah
Buzby, Elmer
Corson, Elizabeth
Steelman, Abigail
Townsend, Hannah
Corson, Deborah
Unknown, Annetje
Willaims, John
Willets, James
Gandy, Lydia
Willets, Mercy
Corson, Alexander
Townsend, Edmund
Gandy, Hope W
Family of Young, Alexander T and Van Gilder, Abigail
Sparks, Unknown
Voss, Edward
Gandy, Hannah
Corson, Priscilla
Family of Townsend, Henry and Ford, Hannah
Jenkins, Hannah
Willets, Jacob
Family of Massey, William and Corson, Roxanna Griffing
Gandy, Rebecca Mattox
Davis, Ruth Anna
Family of Young, Steven and Unknown, Anne
Gandy, Harry DeMott
Family of Corson, Alexander and Corson, Caroline
Somers, Millicent
Family of Gandy, Uriah
Corson, Enos
Gandy, Rolland
Mackey, Phebe