"The mother of Alfred was named Osburga [= OSBURH in trans. by K & L], a
religious woman, noble both by birth and by nature; she was daughter of Oslac,
the famous butler of King Ethelwulf [=AETHELWULF]."
SRCE: Asser of Saint David, *Annals of the Reign of Alfred the Great, from
A.D. 849 to A.D. 887* (or *Life of Alfred*), translated by J A Giles, 1848, p 43-44. Giles says in the preface, p vi:
". Alfred's mother hight Osburga, a devout woman, and keen of wit withal, great of heart as high in birth. Child she was of Oslac, famed cup-bearer of King Ethelwulf."
SRCE: --- Asser, *de Aelfredi rebus gestis* (*Of the Deeds of Alfred*), as
presented by Edward Conybeare in *Alfred in the Chroniclers*, London, 1900, p 85