WFT- Vol. 11, No. 1970
1659---Arrived in Northampton at age 21. He was a gun smither as well as a general blacksmither. He was granted a chest of tools and some land in compensation for his skills to come to this township. Worked for a John Webb
May 31, 1661 freeman
1675 --elected Selectman and relected 27 times.
1677 chosen Deputy to which he was reelected 6 times sering until 1692
Often served as "judge' in many judical offices and even served as an Associate Justice for the County of Hampshire
1678 appointed Clerk of Writs(register of deeds)--held office until death
1698--County Treasurer until his death
Some years he held not less than six important town offices at the same time. He held various judicial offices, employed in settlement of estates. It has been intimated that he was a lawyer, but there is no evidence he ever studies law or practiced law at the bar.
His home-lot was in vicinty of Bridge Street Cemetery, but it is doubtful he ever occupied it. His homestead consisted of 12 acres in the heart of the settlement. One acre on Meeting-House Hill where he resided until death.
Engaged in the fight at Turner's Falls, May 19, 1676.
Deputy to General Court 1677, 1683-86, 1690, 1692, seven year
1672--brought his father from Windsor to Northampton
1675-began terms as Deacon of the church
Ancestry dates back in unbroken succession to William the Conqueror