
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Toni. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alice [I24577] WFT 1275-1294
Margaret [I24283] WFT 1064-1127
Ralph [I25040] WFT 911-940
Ralph, II [I25039] WFT 935-974
Ralph, III [I25034] 1025
Ralph, IV [I25033] WFT 1047-1083
Ralph, V [I25025] 1235
Ralph, V [I25029] WFT 1125-1152
Ralph, VI [I25026] 1189
Ralph, VII [I25171] 1255
Roger, I [I25036] WFT 974-1003
Roger, III [I25031] 1104
Roger, IV [I25027] WFT 1138-1163