This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Smith. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Given Name |
Birth |
? [I0651]
? [I20572]
? [I21472]
? [I27866]
? [I34847]
? [I35021]
? [I35022]
? [I35023]
? [I35024]
Abigail [I11513]
1655/6-03-11 (Julian) |
Abner [I41344]
about 1797 |
Addie [I26832]
before 1849 |
Addie [I2847]
1881 |
Addison Melvin [I5193]
1859-07-03 |
Agatha [I13198]
Albert [I19834]
Albert William [I34522]
1872-04-13 |
Alexander C. [I30622]
Alfred [I41346]
about 1801 |
Alice [I20201]
Alice [I26655]
1640 |
Alice Lee [I23780]
Alvin N. [I4150]
Ann [I0671]
Ann [I14154]
1720-12-07 |
Ann [I41336]
1770 |
Ann Bennett [I32274]
Ann Hough [I40774]
1746-07-20 |
Anne [I26117]
Anne [I41332]
1765 |
Anthony [I11536]
Anthony [I29104]
Archibald Cary [I32586]
1853 |
Archibald Magill [I13311]
Ariadne Elmira [I34179]
1804-05-01 |
Arthur [I32268]
Arthur [I32272]
Aubrey [I35025]
1872 |
Augustine [I36871]
Augustine [I38214]
1738/9-01-03 (Julian) |
Augustine Jacqueline [I38225]
1774-05-28 |
Augustine Warner [I13137]
1689-06-16 |
Bartelot [I41594]
Bena [I35051]
Bernard [I38230]
1772 |
Bill [I3949]
Broaddus Danny [I35086]
Broaddus Henley [I35047]
1878-07-26 |
Carl [I4278]
Caroline [I0054]
Caroline Matilda [I40119]
Cassie [I1307]
1873 |
Catherine Snelson [I37048]
Charles [I16715]
Charles [I17694]
Charles Hamilton [I29923]
Charles Hamilton, , Jr. [I29924]
1924-03-15 |
Charles Irving, III [I1833]
Christopher Columbus [I41343]
1795 |
Clarence Glenwood [I1750]
Clyde W. [I35056]
Cora [I35016]
1869 |
Cora L. [I3944]
1889 |
David [I41326]
about 1711 |
David [I41334]
1766-04-00 |
David [I41355]
1749 |
Dianah [I37751]
1825-05-02 |
Dickie [I35073]
Donna [I21435]
Dorothy [I34845]
Drew [I32271]
E. V. [I31995]
Edith [I35097]
Edith [I36396]
Edith [I9941]
Edna [I35091]
Edward [I38220]
1752-06-11 |
Edward Bathurst [I23782]
1775 |
Edward Dunlap [I32584]
Edwin Bathurst [I23791]
Eleanor [I13106]
Eleanor Adair [I34521]
1902-10-19 |
Eleanor Bradley [I6315]
Elisha Dickerson [I41341]
1789-12-05 |
Eliza [I0058]
Eliza Bell [I5188]
1853-09-18 |
Eliza Bland [I29271]
Elizabeth [I10014]
Elizabeth [I10207]
1698 |
Elizabeth [I12550]
Elizabeth [I12684]
BET. 1678 - 1682 |
Elizabeth [I13274]
Elizabeth [I13540]
1725 |
Elizabeth [I14080]
Elizabeth [I14430]
Elizabeth [I23777]
Elizabeth [I23886]
about 1778 |
Elizabeth [I35027]
Elizabeth [I36840]
Elizabeth [I38218]
1747-12-29 |
Elizabeth [I38608]
1745 |
Elizabeth [I39405]
Elizabeth [I41302]
1736-09-12 |
Elizabeth [I41331]
1764 |
Elizabeth [I41433]
Elizabeth B. [I8586]
1851 |
Elizabeth W. [I4792]
1815 |
Ella [I41227]
about 1844 |
Ellen M. [I28224]
Elsie Virginia [I27810]
Emily Cornelia [I29925]
1927-08-13 |
Emma Winston [I2196]
1864 |
Eugene [I35038]
1876 |
Everett B. [I34832]
1888-07-00 |
Frances [I2029]
Francis [I13199]
Francis [I23756]
Francis Alexander [I30627]
Frank [I26343]
Frank [I35043]
George [I0064]
George [I14082]
1652 |
George Moten [I35071]
George W. [I23785]
George Washington [I0050]
1804-02-22 |
George William [I23779]
Gertrude [I34839]
Grace [I13432]
Granville Payne [I0049]
1802 |
Hannah [I32275]
Harriet [I23896]
about 1794 |
Helen [I34843]
Henrietta [I23894]
1792-03-05 |
Henrietta Curtis [I35015]
Henry Porter [I34850]
Henry Russell [I5185]
Hester [I18012]
Howard Irving [I6073]
Ida Hume [I34605]
1871-04-00 |
Ida Sparks [I29926]
1929-06-27 |
Isaac W. [I35045]
1876-12-15 |
Jack [I0679]
Jacob Alonzo [I40633]
Jacquelin [I38217]
1746-07-03 |
James [I14237]
1683 |
James [I28001]
James [I30581]
James [I37752]
before 1799 |
James Bolton [I27896]
about 1811 |
James Bolton, , Jr. [I27998]
about 1865 |
James Bolton, , Jr. [I34773]
1844-09-00 |
James Richard [I34674]
1876-10-00 |
Jane [I26425]
1715-09-25 |
Jane [I28943]
Jane [I8722]
Jane Elizabeth [I2028]
Jeanette [I34842]
Joan [I15660]
Jochabed [I37874]
about 1642 |
Joe [I37789]
about 1874 |
Joel W. [I15856]
John [I13058]
John [I13910]
John [I20337]
John [I2129]
John [I23879]
John [I23884]
1776-07-16 |
John [I34841]
John [I38114]
John [I38213]
1715-11-13 |
John [I38232]
1799 |
John [I40777]
John [I41329]
about 1740 |
John [I41333]
1765 |
John [I41593]
John [I7497]
John Ashley [I0057]
John Augustine [I26252]
John Bernard [I38219]
1750-05-07 |
John Ellsworth [I23253]
John Pryor [I17713]
John Thomas [I26660]
1570 |
John Witherspoon [I33812]
John Young [I0052]
John, , Jr. [I13138]
Joseph [I2197]
Josiah Payne [I5064]
1828-05-25 |
Josias [I5062]
Judith [I27615]
Judith [I34926]
Julian Dickinson [I34365]
Kenneth [I34849]
Laura [I0060]
Lawrence [I13894]
1634/5-02-08 (Julian) |
Lawrence [I41435]
Lemuel [I17712]
Leonidas J. [I41679]
1841 |
Leonidas S. [I21278]
1878 |
Letitia [I0067]
1806-03-18 |
Lettice Lee [I23787]
Lewis Walford [I27847]
Lillias [I5186]
1852-09-17 |
Linda M. [I34602]
about 1871 |
Living [I0680]
Living [I0682]
Living [I0683]
Living [I0684]
Living [I1087]
Living [I1380]
Living [I1834]
Living [I1835]
Living [I21279]
Living [I25602]
Living [I2607]
Living [I26556]
Living [I2907]
Living [I2908]
Living [I2909]
Living [I2910]
Living [I34615]
Living [I34671]
Living [I34672]
Living [I34855]
Living [I35077]
Living [I35078]
Living [I35090]
Living [I40965]
Living [I40966]
Living [I40967]
Living [I4149]
Living [I5460]
Living [I6012]
Living [I6074]
Living [I6075]
Living [I6076]
Living [I6077]
Lizzie [I35040]
Lloyd D. [I5457]
Lois Inez [I35104]
1915-02-15 |
Lola F. [I2023]
Lovina [I41330]
1761-04-24 |
Lovina [I41347]
about 1803 |
Lovina [I41353]
1741 |
Lucinda [I16062]
Lucy [I11998]
about 1781 |
Lucy Daingerfield [I23781]
1773 |
Lucy Dangerfield [I23789]
Mae [I34837]
Mae [I3948]
Malvina M. [I30623]
Marcellus F. [I40643]
about 1858 |
Margaret [I0545]
Margaret [I15920]
Margaret [I23602]
1759-12-08 |
Margaret [I8609]
Margaret J. [I5066]
1830-12-23 |
Margueritta [I17714]
Maria [I0063]
Marion Linwood [I34853]
1929-03-26 |
Martha [I32273]
Martha Ann [I39540]
about 1871 |
Martha Jacquelin [I38215]
1740-11-12 |
Martha Jacqueline [I35396]
about 1740-11-12 |
Martin [I3723]
Mary [I0072]
Mary [I10070]
1624/5-01-26 (Julian) |
Mary [I13905]
Mary [I23775]
Mary [I26245]
Mary [I28086]
1691-04-14 |
Mary [I29103]
Mary [I32050]
Mary [I32276]
Mary [I38222]
about 1755 |
Mary [I38830]
1659/60-02-24 (Julian) |
Mary [I41322]
1733-12-14 |
Mary Ann [I33854]
Mary Ann Clark [I0074]
1807-02-25 |
Mary B. [I27991]
1848 |
Mary Catherine [I35273]
Mary Cocke [I31862]
1816 |
Mary F. T. [I39991]
Mary Jacqueline [I26122]
Mary Jacqueline [I38224]
1773-02-12 |
Mary Jarratt [I23890]
1780-02-03 |
Mary Josephine [I0042]
1843-01-21 |
Mary L. [I41229]
about 1849 |
Mary Lee [I35079]
Mary Victoria [I27993]
1858 |
Matthew [I38221]
about 1753 |
Meriwether [I0036]
1769-09-16 |
Meriwether [I0047]
1800 |
Meriwether [I0055]
Meriwether [I23772]
1730 |
Meriwether [I23783]
Mildred [I20359]
Mildred [I24039]
Mildred [I38228]
1763-02-07 |
Milo [I36554]
1807 |
Mollie Morton [I6556]
Moten W. [I35020]
1871-08-00 |
Nancy [I16704]
Nancy E. [I35226]
1789 |
Nansie Bryce [I5190]
1857-01-14 |
Nathan [I41337]
1772 |
Nathan [I41354]
1745 |
Nelson [I34835]
Nicholas [I12574]
1666-09-04 |
Nicholas [I14116]
Nicholas [I14117]
O. C. [I23041]
Obadiah [I18474]
1678 |
Oliver Cromwell [I41342]
1793 |
Peter Poindexter [I34806]
1846-07-00 |
Philip [I35046]
about 1878 |
Phoebe [I28290]
Polly [I41338]
1774 |
Pumphrey D. [I25426]
Rebecca [I22156]
Richard [I13113]
Richard “Bull” [I26659]
Richard, , Sr. [I26657]
1589 |
Roan Catherina [I26679]
1816-08-24 |
Robert [I23878]
1749-06-18 |
Robert [I23900]
about 1797 |
Robert [I38833]
1638-06-24 |
Robert [I3945]
Robert [I41345]
about 1799 |
Robert [I41434]
Robert C. [I35075]
Robert C., , Jr. [I35076]
Robert F. [I41228]
about 1846 |
Robert Hatcher [I5459]
Robert Lee [I2026]
Robert N. [I30625]
Robert Ruffin [I32269]
Roger [I6620]
Roy Cabell [I23042]
Roy W. [I34851]
about 1920 |
Ruth [I34836]
Rutherford [I2027]
Sadie [I35100]
1910-12-22 |
Sallie Petty [I29927]
1931-02-14 |
Sally L. [I11377]
Sally Meriwether [I0044]
1845-03-03 |
Samuel [I0062]
Samuel [I0071]
Samuel [I27992]
1856 |
Samuel Hall [I0068]
1807-02-25 |
Sarah [I28101]
about 1725 |
Sarah [I28114]
1661 |
Sarah [I30228]
1698 |
Sarah [I38207]
1717-09-08 |
Sarah [I38216]
1742-09-17 |
Sarah [I8790]
Sarah Ann [I39667]
Sarah Duer [I33811]
1820 |
Sarah Ellen [I11117]
1841-12-12 |
Sarah Hannah [I11119]
1847-08-16 |
Sarah Waller [I29278]
Sharp [I23580]
Shirley [I35059]
Sidney [I13823]
Solomon [I14431]
Sophia W. [I23888]
about 1780 |
Stephen [I35227]
Susan [I0065]
Susan R. [I27997]
about 1861 |
Susanna Payne [I0102]
1812-02-24 |
Susannah [I23898]
about 1795 |
Susannah [I26115]
Susannah [I31164]
Thomas [I0066]
Thomas [I41335]
1768 |
Thomas A. [I40632]
about 1842 |
Thomas Jarratt [I23903]
about 1799 |
Thomas Jefferson [I0101]
1809-09-05 |
Timothy R. [I34675]
1883-01-00 |
Tobias [I28289]
1615 |
Tom [I7817]
Virginia [I23892]
about 1782 |
Virginia L. [I30626]
Virginia Scott [I34805]
1882-09-19 |
W. [I4350]
Waitstil Avery [I0061]
Wayne [I20573]
Wayne [I35060]
Wesley [I35058]
William [I0038]
William [I0056]
William [I13772]
William [I34599]
William [I34833]
William [I35012]
William [I41352]
1739 |
William Henry [I22155]
William James [I34598]
William Littleberry [I5061]
1803-12-11 |
William Magill Meredith [I13310]
William Payne [I0040]
1798-06-06 |
William Payne [I0046]
William Ruffin [I32270]
Winton [I35042]