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Male Charles Henry Sheppard

Charles Henry was born on February 28th, 1873 in Emerald Hill,(South Melbourne) Vic..  Charles Henry's father was George Varcoe Sheppard and his mother was Sarah Ellen Mayne.  His paternal grandparents are George Shepherd and Eliza Burns; his maternal grandparents were Richard Mayne and Sophia Wilkenson. He had two brothers and two sisters, named George Samuel, Thomas William, Julia Ellen Sophia and Clara Salina Blanche.  He was the youngest of the five children. He had two half-brothers and four half-sisters, named William Alex, Allan Darlington, Nellie, Daisy Annetta, Alice Varcoe and Edith Blanche.  He died at the age of 94 in 1967 in Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia..  He was buried in Springvale Crematorium, Springvale, Vic..

Family Details of Charles Henry's family with Edith Lowe

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