- b.~ 1140 in Of, Oakham, Rutlandshire, England d.>31 Dec 1189 in Of, , Normandy, France

- b.~ 1162 in Of, Ferrers, Derbyshire, England d.22 Sep 1247

- b.~ 1157 in Of, Bramber, Sussex, England d.AFT 5 Feb 1227/1228 in , , , England

- b.~ 1200 in Of, , Derbyshire, England d.24 Mar 1254 in , Evington, Leicestershire, England

- b.1147 in Of Kevelioc, , Merionethshire, Wales d.30 Jun 1181 in , Leek, Staffordshire, England

- b.~ 1174 in Of, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England d.02 Nov 1247

- b.1155 in Of, , Chester, England d.12 Jul 1189 in , Evreux, Eure, France

- b.~ 1240 in Of, Groby, Leicestershire, England d.20 Dec 1287

- b.1155 in Of, Winchester, Hampshire, England d.03 Nov 1219 in , Damietta, On Way To Holy Land, Palestine

- b.~ 1174 in Of, Winchester, Hampshire, England d.25 Apr 1264 in (spm), , , England

- b.~ 1156 in Of, , Hampshire, England d.12 Jan 1235/1236

- b.~ 1218 in Of, Winchester, Hampshire, England d.<12 Mar 1284

- b.~ 1186 in Of, Galloway, Wigtownshire, Scotland d.1234 in Spm Legit

- b.~ 1208 in Of, Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland d.>21 Nov 1245 in , , , England

- b.~ 1174 in Of, Galloway, Wigtownshire, Scotland d.~ 1212

- b.30 Jan 1271/1272 in , Yoxall, Staffordshire, England d.20 Mar 1324/1325

- b.~ 1197 in Of, Ryhall, Rutlandshire, England d.23 Feb 1238

- b.< 1223 in Of, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England d.04 Aug 1265 in Battle Of, Evesham, Worcestershire, England

- b.~ 1155 in , Headington, Oxfordshire, England d.1233

- b.~ 1184 in Of, Wycombe, Buckshire, England d.29 Oct 1271

- b.~ 1159 in Of, Wycombe, Buckshire, England d. in , , England

- b.1241 in Of, Wooten Basset, Wiltshire, England d.<11 Apr 1281

- b.1303 in Of, Groby, Leicestershire, England d.15 Sep 1343 in Groby, Leicestershire, England

- b.~ 1176 in , Segrave, Lancastershire, England d.09 Nov 1241 in , Barton, Lancastershire, England

- b.~ 1202 in Of, Seagrave, Leicestershire, England d.1254 in , Pons, Poitou, France

- b.1238 in Of, Seagrave, Leicestershire, England d.<12 Nov 1295

- b.~ 1225 in Of, Chacomb, Northamptonshire, England d.> 1281

- b.~ 1256 in Of, Segrave, Leicestershire, England d.<04 Oct 1325

- b.1271/1272 in Of, Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England d.AFT 9 Feb 1316/1317

- b.~ 1263 in Of, Stottesdon, Shropshire, England d.>08 May 1331