- b.1764 in Garstang, Lancashire, England d.05 Feb 1853 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England

- b.14 Oct 1800 in Kirkland, Garstang, Lancashire, Eng. Chr. Kirkland, Garstang, Lancashi d.23 May 1848 in Manchester, Lancashire, England

- b.1764 in Garstang, Lancashire, England d.18 Nov 1847 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England

- b.16 Mar 1828 in Catteral, Garstand, Lancaster, England d.13 Dec 1887 in Manti, Sanpete, Ut

- b.1729 in Of Garstang, Lancashire, England d.26 Feb 1754 in Garstang, Lancashire, Eng

- b.01 Aug 1756 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, Eng. d.25 May 1824 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England

- b.05 Dec 1731 in Of Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England d.09 Mar 1772 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England

- b.1781 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, Eng. d. in Garstang, Lancashire, England

- b.1760 in Of Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England d.30 Mar 1837

- b.07 Jun 1804 in Catterall, Garstang, Lancashire, England d.23 Feb 1842 in Manchester, Lancashire, England

- b.1750 in Chr. Goornargh, Lancashire, Eng. d.24 May 1809 in Goornargh, Lancashire, England

- b.1747 in Of Goornargh, Lancashire, England d. in Woodplumpton, Lancashire, England
- b.05 Aug 1857 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut d.09 Feb 1876 in Manti, Sanpete, Utah

- b.07 Jul 1826 in St. Peters, Liverpool, Lancashire, England d.14 Apr 1861 in Manti, San Pete Co., Ut