From 1957 Pachis' occupation was Presidente volunteer for Asociación de Importadores y Exportadores de Productos Químicos y Materias Primas, in
México, Distrito Federal. He left in 1958 at the end of the contract.
From 1959 his occupation was Presidente volunteer for Asociación de Fabricantes de Pinturas y Tintas, A.C., in
México, Distrito Federal. He left at the end of the contract.
From 1968 to 1968 his occupation was Presidente volunteer for Sociedad de Ex-Alumnos de la Facultad de Química de la UNAM, in
México, Distrito Federal.
From 1981 to 3962 his occupation was Miembro volunteer for Consejo Coordinador de las Industrias Químicas, Paraquímica y Petroquímica, in
México, Distrito Federal.
His occupation was Miembro volunteer for National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
From 1965 to 1965 his occupation was Miembro volunteer for Society for Advancement of Management, in
México, Distrito Federal.
From 1961 his occupation was Miembro volunteer for Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos, in
México, Distrito Federal.
From 1980 his occupation was Presidente volunteer for Confederación de la Unión Social de Empresarios Mexicanos, in
México, Distrito Federal. He left in 1980 at the end of the contract.