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Family Subtree Diagram : Primary Tree

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The Father-in-Law of Europe 87 87 1817 - 1898 Queen Luise of Hesse-Kassel 81 81 1844 - 1925 Queen Consort Alexandra 80 80 1841 - 1910 King Edward The 7. 68 68 1869 - 1938 Queen Maud 68 68 1872 - 1957 King Haakon The 7. 85 85 1882 - 1973 King Gustaf The 6. Adolf 90 90 1882 - 1920 Crown Princess Margerta 38 38 1906 - 1947 Prince Gustaf Adolf 40 40 1908 - 1972 Princess Sibylla 64 64 1946 King Carl The 16. Gustav 1943 Queen Silvia 1858 - 1950 King Gustav The 5. 92 92 1862 - 1930 Queen Victoria 67 67 1829 - 1907 King Oscar The 2. 78 78 1836 - 1913 Queen Consort Sophia of Nassau 77 77 1903 - 1991 King Olav The 5. 87 87 1901 - 1954 Crown Princess Märtha 53 53 1937 King Harald The 5. 1937 Queen Sonja 1850 - 1942 Prince Arthur Duke of Connaught and Strathearn 91 91 1860 - 1917 Luise Duchess of Connaught and Strahearn 56 56 1819 - 1891 Prince Consort Albert 72 72 1819 - 1901 Queen Victoria 81 81 1767 - 1820 Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn 52 52 1786 - 1861 Princess Victoria 74 74 1738 - 1820 King George The 3. of House Hanover 81 81 1744 - 1818 Queen Charlotte of Meckelburg-Strelizt 74 74 1765 - 1837 King William The 4. of House Hanover 71 71 1762 - 1830 King George The 4. of House Hanover 67 67 1792 - 1849 Queen Consort Adelaine of Saxe-Meiningen 57 57 1768 - 1821 Queen Consort Caroline 53 53 1707 - 1751 Frederick Prince of Wales 44 44 1719 - 1772 Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg 52 52 1683 - 1760 King George The 2. of House Hanover 76 76 1683 - 1737 Queen Caroline of Ansbach 54 54 1660 - 1727 King George The 1. of House Hanover 67 67 1666 - 1726 Princess Sophia Dorothea of Celle 60 60 1629 - 1698 Ernest Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 68 68 1630 - 1714 Sophia Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg 83 83 1596 - 1632 King Frederick The 5. The Winter King 36 36 1596 - 1662 Elizabeth Stuart The Winter Queen 65 65 1566 - 1625 King James The 6. and 1. 58 58 1574 - 1619 Anne, Queen Consort of Scotland, England and Ireland 44 44 1600 - 1649 King Charles The 1. 48 48 1609 - 1669 Queen Consort, Henrietta 59 59 1594 - 1612 Henry Prince of Wales 18 18 1630 - 1685 King Charles The 2. 54 54 1633 - 1701 King James The 7. and 2. 67 67 1637 - 1671 Anne Hyde Duchess of York 34 34 1662 - 1694 Queen Mary The 2. 32 32 1655 - 1714 Anne Queen of Great Britain 59 59 1631 - 1660 Mary Princess Consort of Orange 29 29 William The 2. Prince of Orange 1650 - 1702 King William The 3. 51 51 1545 - 1567 Lord Henry Stuart 21 21 1542 - 1587 Mary, Queen of Scots 44 44 1512 - 1542 King James The 5. 30 30 1515 - 1560 Mary of Guise, Queen Consort of Scotland 44 44 1516 - 1571 Mathhew Steward, 4th Earl of Lennox 54 54 1515 - 1578 Margaret, Countess of Lennox 62 62 1473 - 1513 King James The 4. 40 40 1489 - 1541 Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots 51 51 1489 - 1557 Archibald, 6th Earl of Angus 68 68 1457 - 1509 King Henry The 7. of House Tudor 52 52 1466 - 1503 Elizabeth of York, Queen of England 37 37 1451 - 1488 James The 3. King of Scots 36 36 1456 - 1486 Margeret of Denmark, Queen of Scots 30 30 1486 - 1502 Arthur, Prince of Wales 15 15 1496 - 1533 Mary Tudor, Queen of France 37 37 1462 - 1515 Louis The 12. King of Franks 52 52 1491 - 1547 King Henry The 8. of House Tudor 55 55 Anne Boleyn, Queen of England Queen Elizabeth The 1. of House Tudor 1534 - 1588 King Frederik The 2. 53 53 1557 - 1631 Queen Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow 74 74 1485 - 1536 Cartherine of Aragon, Queen of England 50 50 1508 - 1537 Jane, Queen of England 29 29 1516 - 1558 Queen Mary The 1. "Bloody Mary" 42 42 1537 - 1553 King Edward The 6. of House Tudor 15 15 1426 - 1481 King Christian The 1. 55 55 1430 - 1495 Queen Consort Dorthea of Brandenburg 65 65 1430 - 1456 Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond 26 26 1442 - 1509 Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond 67 67 1503 - 1559 King Christian The 3. 55 55 1511 - 1571 Queen Consort Dorthea of Saxe-Lauenburg 60 60 1471 - 1533 Frederik The 1. 61 61 1487 - 1514 Lady Anna of Brandenburg 26 26 1577 - 1648 King Christian The 4. 70 70 1575 - 1612 Queen Consort Anne Catherine of Brandenburg 36 36 1609 - 1670 Frederik The 3. 60 60 1628 - 1685 Queen Sophie Amalie of Brinswick-Lüneburg 56 56 1646 - 1699 Christian The 5. 53 53 1650 - 1714 Queen Consort Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel 63 63 1671 - 1730 King Frederik The 4. 59 59 1667 - 1721 Queen Consort Loise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow 53 53 1699 - 1746 King Christian The 6. 46 46 1700 - 1770 Queen Consort Sophie Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach 69 69 1723 - 1766 Frederik The 5. 42 42 1724 - 1751 Louise of Great Britain. Queen of Denmark and Norway 27 27 1749 - 1808 King Christian The 7. 59 59 1751 - 1775 Caroline Mathilda of Great Britain. 23 23 1768 - 1839 King Frederik The 6. 71 71 1767 - 1852 Queen Consort Marie of Hesse-Kessel of House Hesse-Kassel 84 84 1455 - 1513 King John/Hans The 1. and 2. 58 58 1461 - 1521 Queen Consort Christina of Saxony 59 59 1491 - 1559 King Christian The 2. 67 67 1501 - 1526 Isabella, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of The Kalmar Union 24 24 1729 - 1796 Queen Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 67 67 1753 - 1805 Frederik, Hereditary Prince of Denmark 52 52 1758 - 1794 Hereditary Princess Sophia Frederica 36 36 1789 - 1864 Princess Charlotte Louise of Denmark 74 74 1787 - 1867 Prince William of Hesse-Kassel 79 79 1786 - 1848 King Christian The 8. 61 61 1784 - 1840 Charlotte Frederica 55 55 1808 - 1863 King Frederik The 7. 55 55 1442 - 1483 King Edward The 4. of House York 40 40 1437 - 1492 Queen Consort, Elizabeth Woodsville 55 55 1470 - 1483 King Edward The 5. of House York 13 13 1411 - 1460 Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York 49 49 1415 - 1495 Cecily Neville, Duchess of York 80 80 1452 - 1485 King Richard The 3. of House York 32 32 1861 - 1951 Prince Carl 90 90 1878 - 1958 Princess Ingeborg 79 79 1865 - 1936 King George The 5. 70 70 1944 Princess Benedikte 1946 Queen Anne-Marie 1940 Queen Margrethe The 2. 1385 - 1415 Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge 30 30 1390 - 1411 Anne de Mortimer, Countess of Cambridge 20 20 1341 - 1402 Edumnd of Langley, 1st Duke of York 61 61 1355 - 1392 Isabella of Castile, Duchess of York 37 37 1312 - 1377 King Edward The 3. of House Plantagenet 64 64 1313 - 1369 Philippa of Hainult, Queen of England 56 56 1392 - 1461 Owen of House Tudor 69 69 1401 - 1437 Catherine of Valois, Queen Consort of England 35 35 1386 - 1422 King Henry The 5. of House Lancaster 35 35 1421 - 1471 King Henry The 6. of House Lancaster 49 49 1367 - 1413 King Henry The 4. of House Lancaster 45 45 1369 - 1394 Mary de Bohun, Countess of Northampton 25 25 1340 - 1399 John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster 58 58 1346 - 1368 Blance of Lancaster, Duchess of Lancaster 22 22 1330 - 1376 Edward The Black Prince, Prince of Wales 45 45 1328 - 1385 Joan of Kent, Princess of Wales 56 56 1284 - 1327 King Edward The 2. of House Plantagenet 43 43 1295 - 1358 Isabella of France, Queen of England 63 63 1239 - 1307 Edward The 1. of House Plantagenet 68 68 1241 - 1290 Queen Consort Eleanor of Castile 49 49 1207 - 1272 Henry The 3. of House Plantagenet 65 65 1223 - 1291 Queen Consort Eleanor of Provence 68 68 1367 - 1400 Richard The 2. of House Plantagenet. (Last Plantagenet King) 33 33 1166 - 1216 John "Lackland" of House Plantagenet 49 49 1186 - 1246 Queen Consort Isabella of Angoulême 60 60 1133 - 1189 King Henry The 2. of House Plantagenet 56 56 1124 - 1204 Queen Consort Eleanor of Aquitaine 80 80 1157 - 1199 King Richard "Lionheart" The 1. of House Plantagenet 41 41 1165 - 1230 Queen Berengaria of Navarre 65 65 1155 - 1183 Henry The Young King 28 28 1165 - 1199 Joan of England, Queen of Sicily 33 33 1161 - 1214 Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile 53 53 1153 - 1189 King William “The Good” The 2. 35 35 1155 - 1214 King Alfonso The 8. (The one of The Naves) 58 58 1081 - 1125 Henry The 5. Emperor of The Holy Roman Empire, King of Germany, King of Italy 43 43 1102 - 1167 Mathilda, Empress of The Holy Roman Empire, Queen of Germany, Queen of Italy 65 65 1068 - 1135 King Henry The 1. of House Normandy 67 67 1080 - 1118 Mathilda (Edith) of Scotland, Queen of England 38 38 1113 - 1151 Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, Founder of House Plantagenet 38 38 1028 - 1087 William The Conqueror of House Normandy 59 59 1031 - 1083 Mathilda of Flanders, Queen of England 52 52 1067 - 1137 Adela of Normandy, Countess of Blois 70 70 1045 - 1102 Stephen. Count of Blois 57 57 1092 - 1154 King Stephen of Blois of House Blois 62 62 1000 - 1035 Robert The Magnificent 35 35 1003 - 1050 Herleva 47 47 1430 - 1460 James The 2. King of Scots 29 29 1434 - 1463 Mary of Guelders, Queen Consort Scotland 29 29 1394 - 1437 James The 1. King of Scots 42 42 1404 - 1445 Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scotland 41 41 1337 - 1406 Robert The 3. King of Scots 69 69 1350 - 1401 Anabella Drummond, Queen Consort of Scotland 51 51 1316 - 1390 Robert The 2. King of Scots 74 74 1320 - 1355 Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan 35 35 1350 - 1403 Katherine Swynford 53 53 1371 - 1410 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset 39 39 1385 - 1439 Margaret Holland 54 54 1296 - 1327 Walter, 6th High Steward of Scotland 31 31 1296 - 1316 Princess Marjorie of House Bruce 20 20 1274 - 1329 Robert The Bruce, King of Scots 54 54 1296 Isabella of Mar, Countess of Carrick 1324 - 1371 David The 2. King of Scots 46 46 1321 - 1362 Queen Consort Joan of The Tower 41 41 1284 - 1327 Queen Consort Elizabeth de Burgh 43 43 1321 - 1362 Queen Consort Joan of The Tower 41 41 1243 - 1304 Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale 60 60 1253 - 1292 Marjorie, Countess of Carrick 39 39 1215 - 1295 Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale 80 80 1226 - 1264 Isabella of Gloucester and Hertford 37 37 1195 - 1245 Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale 50 50 1199 - 1251 Isobel of Huntingdon 52 52 1144 - 1219 David, 8th Earl of Huntingdon 75 75 1171 - 1233 Mathilda of Chester, Countess of Huntingdon 62 62 1114 - 1152 Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland and 3rd Earl of Huntingdon 37 37 1120 - 1178 Ada de Warenne 58 58 1141 - 1165 Malcolm The 4. King of Scots 24 24 1142 - 1214 William The Lion, King of Scots 72 72 1170 - 1233 Queen Ermengarde de Beaumont 63 63 1198 - 1249 Aleander The 2. King of Scots 50 50 1218 - 1285 Queen Consort Marie de Coucy 67 67 1241 - 1286 Alexander The 2. King of Scots 44 44 1240 - 1275 Margaret of England, Queen of Scots 34 34 1261 - 1283 Margaret of Scotland, Queen of Norway 22 22 1268 - 1299 King Eric The 2. of Norway 31 31 1283 - 1290 Margaret, Maid of Norway Queen of Scots 7 7 1084 - 1153 David The 1. King of Scots 69 69 1074 - 1130 Countess of Huntingdon 56 56 1031 - 1093 Malcolm The 3. King of Scots 62 62 1045 - 1093 Margaret of Wessex 48 48 1078 - 1124 Alexander The 1. King of Scots 46 46 1092 - 1122 Sybilla of House Normandy 30 30 1074 - 1107 Edgar, King of Scots 33 33 1001 - 1040 Duncan The 1. King of Scots 39 39 1009 - 1070 Suthen Sybila 61 61 D. 1069 Ingiborg Finnsdottir 1060 - 1094 Duncan The 2. King of Scots 34 34 Lady Bethóc 0954 - 1034 Malcolm The 2. King of Scots 80 80 1032 - 1099 Donald The 3. King of Scots 67 67 D. 0995 Kenneth The 2. King of Alba 1404 - 1444 John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset 40 40 1410 - 1482 Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso 72 72 Lady Donada of Scotland D. 1020 Findláech of Moray 1005 - 1057 Macbeth, King of Alba 52 52 Gruoch, Queen of Alba Gille Coemgáin, King of Moray D. 1058 Prince Boite mac Cináeda 1030 - 1058 Lulach "The Foolish", King of Alba 28 28 0966 - 1005 Kenneth The 3. King of Alba 39 39 D. 0954 Malcolm The 1. King of Alba 0928 - 0967 Dub, King of Alba 39 39 D. 0900 Donald The 2. King of The Picts and of Alba D. 0877 Causantín The 1. King of The Picts and of Alba Kenneth MacAlpin. King of The Picts and King of Dál Riata Alpín Mac Echdach King of Dál Riata 0812 - 0862 Domnall MacAlpin King of The Picts 50 50 D. 0890 Giric King of The Picts and King of Alba D. 0878 Áed mac Cináeda King of The Picts 0877 - 0952 Constantine The 2. King of Alba 75 75 D. 0962 Indulf King of Alba D. 0971 Cuilén King of Alba D. 0977 Amlaíb King of Alba 0970 - 0997 Constantine The 3. King of Alba 27 27 1120 - 1180 Louis The 7. King of Franks 60 60 D. 1045 Crínán of Dunkeld 1140 - 1206 Adela of Champagne 66 66 1165 - 1223 Philip The 2. King of Franks 57 57 1090 - 1152 Theobald The 2. Count of Blois, Champagne, Brie and Chartes 62 62 D. 1160 Mathilda of Carinthia 1750 - 1831 Princess Louise of Denmark 80 80 1744 - 1836 Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel 91 91 1789 - 1867 Princess Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel 77 77 1785 - 1831 Friedrich Wilhelm 46 46 1016 - 1057 Edward The Exile/Edward Ætheling 41 41 1030 - 1070 Agatha 40 40 0990 - 1016 King Edmund The 2. Ironside 26 26 0992 - 1016 Ealdgyth, Queen Consort of England 24 24 0966 - 1016 King Æthelred The Unready 50 50 0970 - 1002 Ælfgifu of York 32 32 0985 - 1052 Emma, Queen Consort of England, Denmark and Norway 67 67 1016 - 1035 King Knud The Great 19 19 1003 - 1066 King Edward The Confessor 63 63 1018 - 1042 King Hardeknud 24 24 0990 - 1040 Ælfgifu of Northampton 50 50 1016 - 1040 King Harold Harefoot 24 24 0982 - 1017 Judith of Brittany 35 35 D. 1026 Richard The Good 0932 - 0996 Richard The Fearless 64 64 0936 - 1031 Gunnora, Duchess of Normandy 94 94 1424 - 1445 Margaret Stewart, Dauphine of France 21 21 1423 - 1483 Louis The 11. King of Franks 60 60 1170 - 1190 Isabella of Hainault 19 19 1187 - 1226 Louis The 8. King of Franks 39 39 1188 - 1252 Blanche of Castile 64 64 1214 - 1270 Louis The 9. King of Franks 56 56 1221 - 1295 Margaret of Provence 74 74 1245 - 1285 Philip The 3. King of Franks 40 40 1248 - 1271 Isabella of Aragon 23 23 1270 - 1325 Charles, Count of Valois. Founder of House Valois 55 55 1268 - 1314 Philip The 4. King of Franks and Navarre 46 46 1272 - 1299 Margaret, Countess of Anjou 27 27 1294 - 1342 Joan of Valois, Countess of Hainaut 48 48 1286 - 1337 William The 1.Count of Hainault 51 51 1313 - 1369 Philippa of Hainult, Queen of England 56 56 1273 - 1305 Joan The 1. Queen Regent of Navarre 32 32 1289 - 1316 Louis The 10. King of Franks and Navarre 26 26 1293 - 1322 Philip The 5. King of Franks and Navarre 29 29 1294 - 1328 Charles The Fair, King Franks and Navarre 33 33 1293 - 1328 Queen Clementia of Hungary 35 35 1316 - 1316 King John "The Posthumous" 5d 5d 1426 - 1481 King Christian The 1. 55 55 1845 - 1913 King George The 1. 67 67 1851 - 1926 Queen Consort Olga Constantinovna of Russia 74 74 1882 - 1944 Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark 62 62 1885 - 1969 Princess Alice of Battenberg 84 84 1921 Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark 1872 - 1938 Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark 66 66 Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia 1906 - 1968 Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark Duchess of Kent 61 61 1868 - 1923 King Constantine The 1. 54 54 1870 - 1932 Queen Consort Sophia of Prussia 61 61 1940 King Constantine The 2. 1890 - 1947 King George The 2. 56 56 1917 - 1981 Queen Consort Frederica of Hanover 63 63 1853 - 1933 Princess Thyra of Denmark 79 79 1845 - 1923 Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover 78 78 1887 - 1953 Ernest Augustus Duke of Brunswick 65 65 1892 - 1980 Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia 88 88 1831 - 1888 Frederick The 2. Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia 56 56 1840 - 1901 Victoria Princess Royal Empress of Germany and Queen of Prussia 60 60 1840 - 1901 Victoria Princess Royal Empress of Germany and Queen of Prussia 60 60 1901 - 1964 King Paul of Greece 62 62 1720 - 1785 Frederik The 2. Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel 65 65 1723 - 1772 Princess Mary of Great Britain 48 48 1747 - 1837 Frederick of House Hesse-Kassel 89 89 1762 - 1823 Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen 61 61 1750 - 1831 Princess Louise of Denmark 80 80 1723 - 1772 Princess Mary of Great Britain 48 48 1938 Queen Sofía of Spain 1938 King Juan Carlos The 1. of Spain House of Hanover House of Hanover House of House of Stuart/Stewart Stuart/Stewart House of Lancaster House of York House of York House of Plantagenet House of Plantagenet House of Normandy House of Normandy House of Blois House of Blois House of Tudor House of Tudor House of de House of de Brus/Bruce Brus/Bruce House of Dunkeld House of Dunkeld House of Alpin House of Alpin Created using GenoPro® Click for details.