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March 2018. Needs further input from family to bring totally up to date: will connect you to me. I will be happy to update using your info.

Chart made by Rod d'Estrube in the CW Ames / Wright / d'Estrube  subfamily using Mary Wolff aand her team's extensive research and then additionally researching ancestors from their stopping point which was Edward 1st of England and James II of Scotland. I have filled in backward from both to mid 900s and it is interesting that on one line, that of Raymond Berenger, I am able to go back to 04 AD!

At the bottom of the chart in the mid 900s I have abbreviated many parents as they are duplicated often, having had several marriages. (ie: ETC C  will be documented somewhere in that generation as a person plus ETC C and then later just as ETC C )  First cousins often married each other in those days. You will see, for example that Almodis de la Haute de Marche shows up 3 times in one generation, producing children from 3 husbands, who all married each other. Her last husband was Raymond Berenger whose line is most extensive but undocumented here. (Almodis was murdered by one of her nephews at about age 70 I seem to recall....)

Most Popular Family Names

Wright  (17), Murray  (15), Turner  (14), Ames  (14), Capet  (13), Wise  (12), Lyman  (11), d'Estrube  (11), Greenman  (10), Taillefer  (8), MacDonald  (8), Fletcher  (8), Crothers  (8), Scott  (7), Normandie  (7), Ellis  (7), de_Savoy  (7), Andrews  (7), Wright_  (6), Marbury  (6)
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This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.12 using skin template 2015.10.12 version 2015.10.12 from folder {EN} Narrative Report.

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