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Sources and Citations

 ГАТО 160 1 15167

В с. Харитоново 13 мая 1845г. венчан брак. Города Твери мещанина Николая Иванова сын Михаил (Убошков) 1м браком, 33 лет. Девица Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанина Трифона Стефанова дочь Анна, 16 лет.
По женихе: Рязанской губернии, города Касимова мещанин Петр Ильин
(Лытнев) и калужский мещанин Иван Алексеев Губарев; по невесте Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанин Филипп Трифонов и
Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Егор Павлов Батманов. ГАТО.
160-1-15167. Л.806об.-807.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1845 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.806об-807) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

 ГАТО 160 1 15173

2/5 июня 1848г. родилась и крещена Агрипина. Родители. Города Корчевы купеческий сын Филипп Трифонов (Метельников) и законная его жена Анна Алексиева. Восприемники. Смоленской губернии города Рославля,
купеческий сын Егор Андреев (Орлов), и города Корчевы купеческая жена Васса Федорова (Метельникова, рожденная Орлова). ГАТО. 160-1-15173. Л.1923об.-1924
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1848 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.1923об.-1924) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Citation: №35 л.43

Вышний Волочёк Казанский Собор 1891-1897
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by in Вышний Волочёк (Ref: №35 л.43) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Citation: №35 л.43

Вышний Волочёк Казанский Собор 1891-1897
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by in Вышний Волочёк (Ref: л42об-43 #35) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Citation: №6 л.72

2.02 родилась Надежда Дмитровский купец 2й гильдии Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львовна. Оба православные
The cited information was published by (Ref: №6 л.72)

Citation: №6 л.72

2.02 родилась Надежда Дмитровский купец 2й гильдии Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львовна. Оба православные
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by in Вышний Волочёк (Ref: №6 л.72) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Citation: ГАВО Ф301 6 4103 л207,208

The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: ГАВО Ф301 6 4103 л207,208) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Citation: ГАКО Ф86/3/383 л139об-140

рождён 1846 г
(Ref: ГАКО Ф86/3/383 л139об-140)

Citation: ГАКО Ф86/3/383 л139об-140

год рождения
(Ref: ГАКО Ф86/3/383 л139об-140)

№35 л.43

Вышний Волочёк Казанский Собор 1891-1897
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in Вышний Волочёк (Ref: л42об-43 #35) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Анастасия Добровольская

The cited information was sourced from Interview This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Борунова Ирина Петровна

Ведомость 1857

Нечаевская хрустальная фабрика:
Управляющий фабрики Калужской губернии г. Мещавы 3й гильдии купеческий сын Андрей Гордеевич Добровольский  42 г
жена Настасья Наумова         36 лет
Дети Анна 14
Василий 11
Ольга   5
Александр 6
Марья  5
Сергей  2
Иван  2
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) (Ref: Гос. архив Владимирской области фонд 556, опись 111, дело 709) The author/originator was церковь с. Смолино Судогодский уезд Владимирской губернии.

Ведомость 1860

Калужской губернии г. Мещавы Купеческая вдова Марфа Ивановна Добровольская 65 лет
Егор Гордеевич 30
Александр 22
Анна девица 27
Алексей  30
Матфей 34, жена его Акилина Андреевна 26
Дети Евдокия 4, Иван - 2
Жена Алексея - Екатерина Григорьевна 33
Дети Стефан 14
Михаил - 12
Анастасия 10
Николай 6,5
Василий 3
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) (Ref: Гос. архив Владимирской области фонд 556, опись 110, дело 181) The author/originator was Владимирсой Епархии, Александровской округи, село Новосёлки (?).

Виктор Васильевич Добровольский

Владимир Галанкин

Окончательный развод примерно в 1971 г. "Достала, вынуждали, одна сторона не может быть виновата"
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Владимир Галанкин

Три раза пленные немцы закапывали в шахте.
Семье не помогал. После войны семья приехала к нему. В результате все вернулись в Москву. Здоровье быстро испортилось и он умер от рака желудка и пищевода.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Владимир Галанкин

Дети с матерью ездили на каникулы летом к нему, после поступления в школу в 1945 г.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Владимир Галанкин

Ревнивый был, поэтому и развелся. Было за что.

Владимир Галанкин

Ревнивый был, поэтому и развёлся. Но было за что.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Владимир Галанкин

Упал с 5го этажа. Мания преследования.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Владимир Галанкин

Была мания преследования

Владимир Галанкин

У неё было 12 детей, но все умерли.

Владимир Галанкин

развёлся с Зоей из-за того, что она плохо относилась с его сыновьям от первого брака (с Татьяной)
The cited information was sourced from Interview

выписка из метрической книги

г. Галя Чернова

This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

ГАВО 556 2 247

29.01.1866 родилась Анна у Матфея Гордеевича и Акулины Андреевны.
(Ref: л.4об.)

ГАВО 556 2 247

ГАВО. 556-2-247.
Л.20об. 6.11.1866 родилась Екатерина у Алексея Гордеевича и Екатерины Григорьевны.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.20об)

ГАВО 556 2 247.

ГАВО. 556-2-247.
Л.19об. 4.11.1866 родилась Екатерина у Егора Гордеевича и Прасковьи Николаевны (Целиковой).
(Ref: л.19об)

ГАВО 556 2 282

ГАВО. 556-2-282. Успенская церковь села Новинки-Круглышево Л.203об. 29.01.1868 родился Иоанн у Матфея Гордеевича и Акилины Андреевны.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1868 held in Владимир (Ref: л203 об №2) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО 556 2 282

ГАВО. 556-2-282 Успенская церковь
Л.242об. 27.03.1868 умерла Екатерина Егоровна 1 ½ лет от простуды.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1868 held in Владимир (Ref: л242 об №11) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО 590/20/180

г. Судогды мещ. жена 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1887 held in Владимир (Ref: л.376об-377) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО 590/20/180

Александровская 2-й гильдии купчиха 
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л210об-211) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО 590/20/192

г. Судогды мещанская жена Александра Иоановна Добровольская
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1906 held in Владимир (Ref: л 344об, 458 об,504 об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО 590/5/79

Проживающий в сельце Екатериновка бывший в военной службе Судогодский 2-й гильдии купеческий брат Сергий Андреевич Добровльский 28 лет. От постуды.
The cited information was sourced from Book published on February 28th, 1882 held in ГАВО (Ref: л.95об, л.76) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 43

Дата рождения: 18 июля l858 года.
Дата крещения: 19 июля 1858 года.
Имя ребенка: Илья.
Родители: (Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческий сын Матфей
Гордиев Добровольский и законная жена его Акилина Андреева, оба
православного исповедания>.
Восприемники: (той же губернии и города и семейства купеческий сын
Александр Горлиев Добровольский.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in ц. Успенская in 1858 held in Владимир (Ref: №28 л1123об и 1124) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 44

Дата рождения: 3 июля 1859 года.
Датакрещения:5 июля 1859 года.
Имя ребенка: Александр.
Родители: <Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческий сын Алексей
Гордиев Добровольский и законная жена его Екатерина Григорьева>.
Восприемники: (города Мещовска купеческий сын Александр Гордиев Добровольский".
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Успенское in 1859 held in Владимир (Ref: №27 л732об и 733) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 44 

Дата смерти: l августа l859 года.
Дата погребения:З августа l859 года.
Имя умершего: "проживающего на стеклянной фабрике г[оспо]жи Мухановой Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческого сына Матфея Гордеева Добровольского сын отрок Иоанн, 7 лет".
Причина смерти: (от поноса)).
The cited information was sourced from Book published in ц. Успенская in 1859 held in Владимир (Ref: №24 л780об и 781) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 56

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1864 held in Владимир (Ref: л581 об №14) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 56

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1864 held in Владимир (Ref: л583 об №15) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 58

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1865 held in Владимир (Ref: л266 об №40) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 556 6 58

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл in 1865 held in Владимир (Ref: л290об №27) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 590 20 180

города Александрова купеческие дети
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1890 held in Владимир (Ref: л.117 об п. 51) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К. 590 20 180

города Александрова купеческие дети
The cited information was published in 1890 held in Владимир (Ref: л.117 об п. 51)

ГАВО М.К. 590 20 192

г. Судогды мещанин
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1890 held in Владимир (Ref: л.96об-97) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К.590 20 180

г. Покрова мещ. Дмитрий Фёдорович Попов 28 г + г. Судогды мещ. д. Евдокия Матвеевна Добровольская 29 л
по жениху: г. Покрова мещ. Иван Фёдорович Попов, Переславльский мещ. Григорий Ипалитов Жирков
по невесте: судогдский мещ. Илья Матвеевич Добровольский, Сергиев-Посадский мещ. Яков Андреевич Хрусталёв
The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1883 held in Владимир (Ref: №14 л 219об-220) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К.590 20 180

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1884 held in Владимир (Ref: №28 л.249об-250) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К.590 20 180

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1890 held in Владимир (Ref: №30 л106об-107) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К.590 20 192

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Владимир on August 20th, 1908 held in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния (Ref: №36 л514об-515) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАВО М.К.590 20 192

The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния in 1906 held in Владимир (Ref: №11 л335об-336) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.



The cited information was sourced from Other


The cited information was sourced from Other

ГАКО 34/7/18

"...Гаврилы Васильева мать Анна Петрова 38 лет"
The cited information was sourced from Census published in Мещовск on April 1st, 1858 held in ГАКО (Ref: л60) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАКО Ф193/1/4 

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Калуга on May 26th, 1900 held in Калуга (Ref: л1195об-1196) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАКО Ф33 1 1328

22 года
The cited information was sourced from Book published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1806 held in Калуга (Ref: л24об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАКО Ф86/3/205

Вновь причислен по Указу Калужской Казенной Палаты от 27.01.1834 года ч №1038 из отпущенных  на волю от Колежского Советника Леонтьева дворовых людей с ... от платежа податей по 1836 год
The cited information was sourced from Census published in Калуга in 1834 held in ГАКО (Ref: л1052об-1053)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/451

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 26th, 1875 held in Рязань (Ref: л19об №28)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/451

умер от поноса
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 4th, 1875 held in Рязань (Ref: л183об №60)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/451

смерть от чахотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 7th, 1875 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/451

смерть от колик
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 23rd, 1875 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №26) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

рождение Jоанна
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 25th, 1879 held in Рязань (Ref: л125об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 26th, 1879 held in Рязань (Ref: л125об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 4th, 1879 held in Рязань (Ref: л138об №18)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 16th, 1877 held in Рязань (Ref: л34об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 16th, 1877 held in Рязань (Ref: л34об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 7th, 1878 held in Рязань (Ref: л50об №2)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 6th, 1878 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 17th, 1880 held in Рязань (Ref: л181об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 8th, 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л213об №5)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 13th, 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л220об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 21st, 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л212об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 4th, 1879 held in Рязань (Ref: л142об №42) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 21st, 1879 held in Рязань (Ref: л104об №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

поручитель на свадьбе  д. Спасские Выселки Ивана Поликарповича Панфёрова 2 бр 34 г и вдовы с. Захаровки Натальи Пантелеевой 2 бр 29л
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 10th, 1878 held in Рязань (Ref: л83об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 14th, 1880 held in Рязань (Ref: л166об №22) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

св-во 09.05.1951
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино in 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л214об №5)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 17th, 1878 held in Рязань (Ref: л74об №42) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

смерть от глодки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 20th, 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л271об №30) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/452

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 14th, 1881 held in Рязань (Ref: л238об №53) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 15th, 1882 held in Рязань (Ref: л20об №48)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

восприемник у Сергея Александровича Г
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 15th, 1882 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published on March 18th, 1882 (Ref: л45об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

умер сын Стефан
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 18th, 1882 held in Рязань (Ref: л45об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

восприемник у
1.2.1883 Афанасий Иванович Г.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 2nd, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 2nd, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 12th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л89об №63)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

рождение Сергея
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 15th, 1882 held in Рязань (Ref: л20об №48)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 1st, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л277об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 12th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л283об №18)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

восприемник у
11.06.1886 у Jоанна Семёновича Мягкого
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 12th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л283об №18)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

восприемнк у
16.07.1886 у Ильи Алексндровича Г.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 16th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л288об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 16th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л288об №26)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 16th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л288об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

рождение Луки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 18th, 1884 held in Рязань (Ref: л155об №47)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 18th, 1884 held in Рязань (Ref: л155об №47)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 21st, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л257об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 2nd, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 23rd, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л64об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от водянки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 11th, 1884 held in Рязань (Ref: л187об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 18th, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л236об №53)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 1st, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л239об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 1st, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л239об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от чахотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 18th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л329об №38)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от кори
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 19th, 1884 held in Рязань (Ref: л183об №33)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 7th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л95об №1) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 23rd, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л119об №24) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от глотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 28th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л123об №36) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от  колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 28th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л124об №37) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 3rd, 1884 held in Рязань (Ref: л156об №68) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 5th, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л210об №21) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 27th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л274об №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 15th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л61об №6) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 28th, 1883 held in Рязань (Ref: л91об №56) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 15th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л297об №39) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/453

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 9th, 1885 held in Рязань (Ref: л260об №19) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 19th, 1887 held in Рязань (Ref: л108об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

родился сын Андрей
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 29th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л143об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 29th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л143об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л181об №35)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

2й брак
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л181об №35)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

девица, восприемник у Андрея Алексеевича Г
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 29th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л143об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 13th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л198об №30)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

рождение сына Андрея
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 29th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л143об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

смерть от поноса
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 21st, 1887 held in Рязань (Ref: л59об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 10th, 1888 held in Рязань (Ref: л69об №5)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 9th, 1887 held in Рязань (Ref: л27об №48)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

Предписание его Преосвященства Епископа Викария Феодосия 15.1.1887 №204
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 4th, 1887 held in Рязань (Ref: л43об №5) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 4th, 1887 held in Рязань (Ref: л43об №5) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 1st, 1888 held in Рязань (Ref: л86об №35) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 13th, 1888 held in Рязань (Ref: л93об №50) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 8th, 1888 held in Рязань (Ref: л96об №56) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

смерть от водянки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 29th, 1888 held in Рязань (Ref: л123об №21) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 8th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л186об №8) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 28th, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л140об №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/454

смерть от поноса
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 2nd, 1889 held in Рязань (Ref: л198об №38) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 5th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №31)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

рождение Феофилакта
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 7th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л6об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

рождение Феофилакта
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 7th, 1890 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

восприемник Феофилакта Ивановича
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 7th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л6об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

свадьба с Евдокией Петровной 17 л
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 31st, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л48об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

свадьба с Григорием Ивановичем 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 31st, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л48об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 5th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №31) The author/originator was ГАРО.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 5th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л55об №31)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

умер от живота
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 16th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л71об №37)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 19th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л99об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

восприемник у Марины Григорьевны Г.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 19th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л99об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л107об №52)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

рождение Дмитрия
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1891 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

рождением Дмитрия
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л107об №52)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

восприемник у Дмитрия Ивановича Г.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л107об №52)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть. Но указана как Марья!
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 5th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л154об №56)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 25th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л186об №43)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от неизвестной болезни
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 27th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л304об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть дочери Параскевы
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 27th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л186об №43) The author/originator was ГАРО.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 30th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л205об №23)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 30th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л205об №23)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 6th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л206об №24)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 6th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л206об №24)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

умер от старости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 15th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л221об №49)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

сын Jоанн
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 25th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л269об №49)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 25th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л269об №49)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 2nd, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л278об №66)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от волянки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 24th, 1894 held in Рязань (Ref: л373об №30)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 14th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л4об №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от рака
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 18th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №28)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 18th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л87об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от слабости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 4th, 1891 held in Рязань (Ref: л154об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 11th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л180об №33)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от скарлатины
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 27th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л313об №33)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 10th, 1894 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 7th, 1890 held in Рязань (Ref: л39об №74)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 29th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л187об №44)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 21st, 1894 held in Рязань (Ref: л342об №55)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 25th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л186об №43)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 9th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л26об-27 №66) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л171об-172 №5) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

свадьба. жениху 19 л
The cited information was published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1890 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

невесте 20 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1890 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 2nd, 1892 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was published in Попадьино on February 2nd, 1892 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от рака
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 19th, 1892 held in Рязань (Ref: л?? №60) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 11th, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: л266?? №42) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 22nd, 1893 held in Рязань (Ref: №47) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от кори
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 15th, 1894 held in Рязань This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от старости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 23rd, 1893 held in Рязань This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 27th, 1894 held in Рязань (Ref: л322) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 11th, 1894 held in Рязань This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

The cited information was published in Попадьино on October 29th, 1890 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/455

дочь девица прибилетного Андрея Ивановича Поликашина
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л44об-45 №33) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 22nd, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л268об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 22nd, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л268об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от чахотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 17th, 1900 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от старости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 20th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л329об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от слабости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 22nd, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л57об №29)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 11th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л11об №32)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 14th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л32об №69)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 30th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л36об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

3й брак
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 30th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л36об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от слабости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 9th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л47об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 16th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л70об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 8th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л81об №35)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л98об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л98об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 11th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л120об №31)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 20th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л135об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 23rd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л153об №46)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 7th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л165об №61)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 26th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л183об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от слабости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 16th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л190об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 4th, 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л222об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 4th, 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л222об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 18th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л51об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 6th, 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л204об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино in 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л227об №)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино in 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л227об №)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от головной боли
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 7th, 1898 held in Рязань (Ref: л232об №4)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 3rd, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л276об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 27th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л288об №9)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 15th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л293об №19)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 19th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л297об №29)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 19th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л297об №30)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 3rd, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л238об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 9th, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л285об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 3rd, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л319об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 8th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л3об-4 №7) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 3rd, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л14об-15 №28) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 3rd, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л14об-15 №28) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 9th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л26об-27 №66) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 9th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л26об-27 №66) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 19th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л38об-39 №16) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 12th, 1896 held in Рязань (Ref: л72об-73 №12) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 22nd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л141об-142 №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 21st, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л162об-163 №68) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

рождение Параскевы
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 21st, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л162об-163 №68) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 20th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л166об167 №15) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 22nd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л166об167 №15) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л171об-172 №5) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 15th, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л182об-183 №6) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от сухотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 23rd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л186об-187 №16) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 17th, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л269-270 №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 16th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л287об-288 №1) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 1st, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л299об-300 №32) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 13th, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л300об-301 №33) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от старости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 3rd, 1900 held in Рязань (Ref: л328об-329 №24) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 22nd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л141об-142 №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 17th, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л269-270 №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 4th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л30об-31 №78) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 22nd, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л271об-272 №13) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 22nd, 1899 held in Рязань (Ref: л271об-272 №13) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л44об-45 №33) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 22nd, 1897 held in Рязань (Ref: л162об-163 №68) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от коклюша
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 12th, 1886 held in Рязань (Ref: л115об-116 №17) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/456

смерть от слабости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 2nd, 1895 held in Рязань (Ref: л58об-59 №32) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 21st, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л109об №21)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 8th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л127об №?)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

свадьба №1
The cited information was sourced from Book published on January 8th, 1903 (Ref: л127об №?)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

умер от воспаления
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 20th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л145 №26)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 18th, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л157об №18)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published on August 8th, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л168об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 2nd, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л165об №34)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

рождение Пелагеи
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 2nd, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л165об №34)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от неясных приин
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 22nd, 1904 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от неизвестной болезни
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 28th, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л190об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

Свадьба  с Евфрасинией Силивановой
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 26th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л34об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 26th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л34об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

умер от скарлатины
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 21st, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л52об №41)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

умер от рака
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 9th, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л191об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

умер от английской болезни = рахит
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 22nd, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л191об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 13th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л11об №20)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published on August 18th, 1901 (Ref: л18об №31)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published on August 21st, 1901 (Ref: л19об №36)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л122об №48)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 8th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л127об №?)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 8th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л127об №?)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от чахотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 7th, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л188об №9)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от слабого
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 3rd, 1904 held in Рязань (Ref: л189об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от водянки
The cited information was published in Попадьино on January 10th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л136об №2)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 17th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л116об №34) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л135об №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 10th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л135об №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть оот старости
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 7th, 1903 held in Рязань (Ref: л146об №20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от водянки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 20th, 1902 held in Рязань (Ref: л89об №4) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 31st, 1902 held in Рязань (Ref: л60об №15) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 31st, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л24об-25 №43) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от скарлатины
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 26th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л46об-47 №26) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от скарлатины
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 23rd, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л47об-48 №34) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от скарлатины
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 4th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л48об-49 №34) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/457

смерть от??
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 9th, 1901 held in Рязань (Ref: л48об-49 №34 ??) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 14th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л124об №9)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

рождение Александры
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 14th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л124об №9)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

восприемник у Ольги дочери Логиа Ив. Малова
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 1st, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л126об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

смерть от кашля
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 15th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л159об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

смерть от коклюша
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 15th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л159об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 9th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л6об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 8th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л9об №14)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 8th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л9об №14)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

восприемник у Параскевы Афанасьевны
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 8th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л9об №14)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 19th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л22об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 19th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л22об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 8th, 1905 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

смерть от кори
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 26th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л38об №35)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 15th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л41об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 12th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л54об №42)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 11th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л62об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 11th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л62об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 13th, 1907 held in Рязань (Ref: л83об №19)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 30th, 1907 held in Рязань (Ref: л98об №49)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 5th, 1907 held in Рязань (Ref: л99об №56)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

смерть от коклюша
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 5th, 1907 held in Рязань (Ref: л115об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 7th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л7об №16)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 31st, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л11об №19)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л60об №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

2й брак
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 27th, 1906 held in Рязань (Ref: л60об №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

восприемник у Гавриил Фёдорович Склянкин
The cited information was published on March 20th, 1907 (Ref: л82об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

с разрешения Преосвященного ... 7.10.1908 за №5681
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 19th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л144об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

2й брак. С Варварой
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 7th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л21об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

с разрешения Преосвященного ... 7.10.1908 за №5681
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 19th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л144об №6)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

смерть от слабого состояния
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 21st, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л162об №19)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 5th, 1907 held in Рязань (Ref: л77об №4)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

2й брак с Фёдором
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 7th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л21об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 20th, 1907 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 30th, 1905 held in Рязань (Ref: л38об-39 №39) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

1. девицей
2. восприемником у Ольги Прокопьевны Маслянкиной
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 30th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л119об-120 №11) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 10th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л129об-130 №17) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 29th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л145об-146 №17) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/458

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 29th, 1908 held in Рязань (Ref: л145об-146 №17) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино held in Рязань The author/originator was ГАРО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино held in Рязань (Ref: л31об-32 №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 12th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л31об-32 №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

смерть от чахотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 28th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л? №5) The author/originator was ГАРО.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 18th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: №9)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 12th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л64об-65 №22) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was published in Попадьино on July 12th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л64об-65 №22)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино held in Рязань (Ref: л64об-65 №22)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published on July 18th, 1910 (Ref: л65об №26)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was published in Попадьино on July 18th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л65об №26)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was published in Попадьино on October 4th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л73об №44)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 13th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л99об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 20th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л100об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 12th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л106об №33)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on November 18th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л107об №36)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

сын Михаил
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 29th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л19об №39)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 29th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л19об №39)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 13th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л1об №3)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 6th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л15об №30)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

восприемник у Михаила Григ. Г.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 29th, 1909 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

восприемник у Михаила Григорьевича
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 29th, 1909 held in Рязань

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

смерть от слабого сложения
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 5th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л54об №1)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 18th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л60об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 3rd, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л7об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 5th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л18об №31)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 19th, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л5об-6 №7)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 1st, 1909 held in Рязань (Ref: л6об-7 №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 6th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л85об №12) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on October 6th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л85об №12) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

2й брак
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 2nd, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л83об №10) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on May 2nd, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л83об №10) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 5th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л82об №6) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/246а/459

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 5th, 1910 held in Рязань (Ref: л82об №6) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 17th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л50об №17)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

рождение ребёнка
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 23rd, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л53об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published on October 25th, 1912 (Ref: л59об №38)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 23rd, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л53об №27)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 26th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

3й брак
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 26th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л68об №11)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

смерть от воспаления лёгких
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 26th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л76об №10)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

смерть от сухотки
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on April 26th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л77об №13)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

смерть от коклюша
The cited information was sourced from Book published on August 11th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л82об №25)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 22nd, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л87об №28)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on March 7th, 1912 held in Рязань (Ref: л75об-76 №9) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on August 4th, 1902 held in Рязань (Ref: л62об №21) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 4th, 1902 held in Рязань (Ref: л73 №39) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/10

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on December 4th, 1902 held in Рязань (Ref: л77об №46) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published on May 15th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л9об №12)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

смерть от воспаления лёгких
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 21st, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л37об №4)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on September 16th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л18об №34)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on June 6th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л10об №15)

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on February 10th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л38об-39 №7) This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on July 16th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л13об-14 №24) This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

2й брак 27 л
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 26th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л27об-28 №3) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАРО Метрическая книга Ф627/258/5

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Попадьино on January 26th, 1911 held in Рязань (Ref: л27об-28 №3) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.


Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его  Пелагея Сергеевна.
Восприевники Вышневолоцкий купец Степан Алексеевич Добровольский и города Серпухова девица Анна Сергеевна Боброва
The cited information was published in 1909 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.40об-41)

ГАТО 160 1 15156

умер от поноса
The cited information was published in 1839 held in ГАТО (Ref: л. 1036об)

ГАТО 160 1 15158

1/15 декабря 1840г.
родилась и крещена Иулиания. Родители. Резанской (так!) губернии города
Саранска мещанин Трифон Стефанов и законная его жена Васса Федорова
оба православного веросиповедания. Восприемники. Владимирской губернии
города Мурома мещанин Агафоник Михайлов (Панков) и Владимирской
губернии города Касимова (так!) мещанская жена Ксения Дмитриева
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.1225об.-1226) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 1 15165

МК Преображенской церкви с. Харитоново Корчевского у. 20 августа 1844
венчан брак. Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанский сын Филип
Трофимов 1м браком православного вероисповедания 19 лет. Девица города
Корчева мещанина Алексея Иванова (Пашкова) дочь Анна православного
вероисповедания 18 лет. ГАТО. 160-1-15165. Л.1581об.-1582
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1844 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.1581об.-1582) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 1 15165

МК Преображенской церкви с. Харитоново Корчевского у. 20 августа 1844
венчан брак. Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанский сын Филип
Трофимов 1м браком православного вероисповедания 19 лет. Девица города
Корчева мещанина Алексея Иванова (Пашкова) дочь Анна православного
вероисповедания 18 лет
(Ref: л.1581об.-1582)

ГАТО 160 1 15165

В МК Преображенской церкви 28/30 января 1844г. родился и крещен Георгий. Родители. Смоленской губернии города Рослав(ля) купеческий сын Андрей Федоров и законная жена его Ирина Прохорова. Восприемники. Тверской губернии города Корчевы купеческий сын Егор Павлов (Батманов) и Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанская дочь Анна Трифонова (Метельникова). ГАТО. 160-1-15165. Л.1556об.-1557. В 1850-1853г. 
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: д. 1556об.-1557) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 1 15165

(Стеклянный завод, с. Харитоново Корчевского у.). В МК Преображенской церкви 28/30 января 1844г. родился и крещен Георгий. Родители. Смоленской губернии города Рослав(ля) купеческий сын Андрей Федоров и законная жена его Ирина Прохорова. Восприемники. Тверской губернии города Корчевы купеческий сын Егор Павлов (Батманов) и Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанская дочь Анна Трифонова (Метельникова)
(Ref: Л.1556об.-1557)

ГАТО 160 1 15171

родился Михаил, сын Алексея Гордеевича (Добровольского) и Екатерины Григорьевны.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Харитоново Корчевского уезда on September 20th, 1847 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.214об №37)

ГАТО 160 1 15171

 1/2 генваря 1848г. умер и
погребен города Корчевы купеческого сына Филиппа Трифонова сын
младенец Василий, от поносу. ГАТО. 160-1-15171. Л.1949об
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1848 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.1949об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 1 15176

The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.1068об-1069)

ГАТО 160 1 15196

Родился 13 апреля, крещен 14 апреля 1859г. Родители: Владимирской губернии и того же города 3-й гильдии купец Ефим Петров (Нечаев) и законная его жена Ульяна Трифонова (рожденная Метельникова), оба православного вероисповедания. Восприемники города Клина мещанин Василий Трифонов (Метельников) и Корчевского купеческого брата Федора Федорова (Веселова) жена Наталья Алексеева (урожденная Пашкова). ГАТО. 160-1-15196. Л.698об.-699-699об.-700. 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1859 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.698об.-699-699об.-700) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 1 35623

(с. Троицкое в Вязниках Калязинского у. Тверской губ.). В МК Троицкой в Вязниках церкви Калязинского у. в 1866г. 7/10 марта умер и погребен города Рославля мещанина Егора Андреева сын Петр 3-х месяцев от кашля.
(Ref: Л.29об.-30)

ГАТО 160 15-3 2583

МК с. Городолюбля Вышневолоцкого у. Тверской губ. 8-9 июля 1916г.
родилась Валентина. Родители: Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Николай Филиппов Метельников и Феодосия Александрова. Восприемник:города Корчевы мещанин Александр Николаев Метельников. ГАТО. Ф.160. Оп.15-3. Д.2583. Л.273об.-274
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1916 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.273об.-274) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 2941

умерла и погребена Владимирской губернии города Покрова вдова мещанка Иулиания Афанасьева Кундасова 94 лет, от паралича.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1885 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.164об-165) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3769

родился Николай. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православного вероисповедания.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1895 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.595об-596) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3779

Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1897 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.66об-67) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3782

Родилась Мария. Московской губернии Дмитровского уезда Сергиевского Посада мещанин Николай Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его Евгения Алексеевна. Оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1898 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.27об-38) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3789

родилась Анна. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православного вероисповедания.
Вышневолоций купец Стефан Алексеевич Добровольский и города Серпухова купеческая дочь Анна Сергеевна Боброва.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1899 held in ГАТО (Ref: л,261об-262) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3793

родилась Елена. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православного вероисповедания.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1900 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.320об-321) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3793

Московской губернии Сергиева Посада мещанин Егор Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его Екатерина Ивановна
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.320об-321) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3793

Московской губернии Дмитровского уезда Сергиева Посада  мещанин Николая Никифорова Метельникова и законная жена его Евгения Алексеева.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1900 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.317об-318) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3806

Дмитровского уезда Сергиева Посада мещанин Николай Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его его Пелагея Александровна
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1902 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.439об-440) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3806

родилась Клавдия
Дмитровского уезда Сергиевского Посада мещанин Георгий Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его Екатерина Ивановна. Оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1902 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.441об-442) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3806

родился Иоанн. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православного вероисповедания.
Вышневолоций купец Стефан Алексеевич Добровольский и города Серпухова купеческая дочь Варвара Сергеевна Боброва.
The cited information was sourced from Book This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3806

Московской губернии Дмитровского уезда Сергиевского Посада мещанина Егора Никифорова Метельникова дось Екатерина. Умерла от простуды
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1902 held in ГАТО This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3815

Московской губернии Троицкого Посада мещанина Николая Никифорова Метельникова дочь Вера
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.589об-590)

ГАТО 160 15-3 3823

родился Алексей. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православного вероисповедания.
Вышневолоций купец Стефан Алексеевич Добровольский и города Серпухова купеческая дочь Анна Сергеевна Боброва.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1905 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.483об-484) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3835

московской губернии Сергиева Посада мещанина Георгия Никифоровича сын Георгий Метельников.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1907 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.753об-754) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3839

Родилась Варвара.
Сергиева Посада мещанин Егор Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его Екатерина Ивановна. Оба православные.
Сергиева Посада мещанин Николай Никифорович Метельников и Зубовской волости Роковскогого уезда д. Акулина кр. жена  Александра Николавена Носова. Крестная мать не точно.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1908 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.533об-534) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3839

Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Пелегея Сергеевна
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1908 held in ГАТО (Ref: д.512об-513) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3980

родился Михаил. Владимирской губернии города Судогда мещанин Иван Матвеевич Добровольский и законная жена его Раиса Васильевна. Оба провославные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1913 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.126об-127) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3980

рождение Анастасии. Дмитровского уезда Сергиевского посада мещанин Георгий Никифорович Метельников и законая жена Екатерина Ивановна оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.74об-75) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3980

рождение Георгия. Дмитровского уезда Сергиевского посада мещанин Георгий Никифорович Метельников и законая жена Екатерина Ивановна оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1906 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.22об-23) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3980

умерла Мария. Города Судогды мещанина Ивана Матвеевича Добровольского. Дочь Мария.
Погребена на кладбище жд станции Калашниково
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1913 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.152об-152) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3980

родился Василий. Новоторжский купец Николай Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его дена Пелагея Сергеевна. Оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3 3988

Смерть Михаила Ивановича. Похоронен на приходском кладбище.
The cited information was sourced from Book This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15-3.2947

В МК Преображенской церкви Георгиевского Чудинского погоста 24-26 февраля 1895г. умерла и погребена города Корчевы дочь мещанина Иакова Григорьева Орлова, девица Екатерина Яковлева Орлова, 16 лет, от чахотки. Исповедывал и приобщал священник Спировской церкви Николай Загорский
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1895 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.221об.-222) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15 1143

МК Вышневолоцкого Казанского собора 26/29 ноября 1891г. умерла и погребена корчевского мещанина Филиппа Трифонова жена Анна Алексеева Метельникова 60 лет, от порока сердца, на градском кладбище. ГАТО. 160-15-1143. Л.71об.-72
(Ref: л.71об.-72)

ГАТО 160 15 1155

МК Вышневолоцкого Казанского собора 3 июля 1894г. венчан брак. Города Корчевы мещанин Николай Филиппов Метельников 31 года Новгородской губ., Боровичского у., села Петро-Павловского землевладелица девица Феодосия Александрова Назарова, 19 лет. ГАТО.
160-15-1155. Л.47об.-48.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1894 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.47об.-48.) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО 160 15 2947

В 1899г. на Спировском стеклянном заводе 16
октября у них родился сын Александр. ГАТО. 160-15-2947. Л.413об.-414.
(Ref: л.413об.-414.)

ГАТО 160/1/15165

Рождение Гаврилы.
Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческий сын Василий Гордеев и законная жена Анна Петрова
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Харитоново, Корческий уезд held in ГАТО (Ref: л. 1565об №19)

ГАТО 160/1/15169

Умер 6 ноября 1846г. Калужской губернии города Мещевска 3й гильдии купец Гордей Иванов (Добровольский) 54 лет от простуды.
(Ref: л.1848об)

ГАТО 160/15-3/2947

11-15 марта 1898г. умерла и погребена Владимирской губернии города Судогды мещанская вдова Екатерина Григорьева Добровольская, 73 лет, старостью.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.381об-382)

ГАТО Ф160 1 15167

Родился сын Стефан.
Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческий сын Алексей Гордеев и законная его жена Екатерина Григорьева оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Харитоново, Корческий уезд on July 27th, 1845 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.792об-793 №22) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ГАТО Ф160 1 15171

Калужской губернии города Мещовска купеческий сын. 28 лет. от чахотки.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: №11 л.231об) This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ГАТО. 160-15-1221

(Ref: л.267об.-268)

ГАТО. 160 1 15171

26/27 января 1847г. родился и крещен Василий. Родители. Пензенской губернии города Саранска мещанин Филипп Трифонов и законная его жена
Анна Алексиева. Восприемники. Города Москвы купеческий сын Ефим
Семенов (Орлов) и города Корчевы мещанская дочь девица Наталия Алексиева. ГАТО. 160-1-15171. Л.196об.-19

Георгий Енбаев

Д. Ивлев музей в Матвеево Тверской области

ДАЧО. 679-1-109. Л.750об.-751

Дело по причислению Добровольского в Дмитровское купечество

присутствует в документе
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in москва on January 20th, 1901 held in москва (Ref: 51 7 2332 / л1)

Дело по причислению Добровольского в Дмитровское купечество

присутствует в документе
The cited information was sourced from Deed published in москва on January 20th, 1901 held in москва (Ref: 51 7 2332 / л1)

Дело по причислению Добровольского в Дмитровское купечество

присутствует вдокументе
The cited information was sourced from Deed published in москва on January 30th, 1901 held in москва (Ref: 51 7 2332 / л1)

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

дочь Фаины

The cited information was sourced from Other

Елена Александрова Чернова

Иван Галанкин

Работал водителем. Однажды приехал домой пообедать, его авто (полуторка) загорелась. Его отправили в тюрьму. около года отсидел и его отправили во время войны на трудовой фронт - на шахту в Тульскую область, ст. Узловая. Заваливало 2-4 раза, пленнные немцы хотели его убить (?) положив на транспортную ленту, но он был очень сильный (мощный) человек. Вернулся в Москву в 1947 г.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Иван Галанкин

Уехал в Сибирь в 1957. Приезжала в Москву дочь из Омска с ребёнком, который учился в школе милиции. Была пуля под сердцем. Рана болела. видимо, не работал, жил на пенсию сыла, который погиб матросом. Пожелым продавал всякие вещи на рынке. Когда работал сторожем в саду (1947) и Матрёна заходила с мальчиками к нему, он предлагал её пожарить колбасу с яйцами для них.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Иван Галанкин

Упал с 5 этажа пьяным. Собирался спуститься на связанных верёвках вниз. Долго лежал в больнице после этого (уже появились пролежни.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Именная ведомость

Добровольский Василий Андреевич 35 лет объявлено на 1883 год 2400
Дети Дмитрий 9 лет, Никола 7 лет
Братья 1й Александр 30 лет
2й Алексей 24 года
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) (Ref: Гос. архив Владимирской области фонд 301, опись 6, дело 4103) The author/originator was Судогодской Городской Управы о купцах Судогды, объявивших капитал в декабре 1882 г. на 1883 год.

Именная ведомость

Добровольский Егор Гордеевич - 28 лет
Его сыновья Василий - 13 лет
Анатолий 1 год
(Ref: Гос. архив Владимирской области фонд 301, опись 6, дело 4103) The author/originator was  Александровской городской управы о купцах 1й гильдии на 1883 год.

Ирина Моисеева сайт

Исповедная ведомость

 Владимирской губернии Судогодкая купеческая вдова, 71 год
The cited information was sourced from Book The author/originator was ЦГА, фонд 2122, опись 1, дело 1177 Исповедная ведомость церкви Мартина Исповедника.

Исповедная ведомость

за 1862 г. Петропавловской церкви г. Мещовска
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1862 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Исповедная ведомость

вычисляемое рождение
The cited information was published in 1803 (Ref: л5об)

Исповедная ведомость

The cited information was sourced from Book published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1824 held in Калуга (Ref: л5об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Исповедная ведомость за 1862

Двор №49
Дочь их Прасковья 19 лет
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1862 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Исповедная ведомость за 1862

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1862

Исповедная ведомость церкви Мартина Исповедника за 1900 г.

The author/originator was  Александровской городской управы о купцах 1й гильдии на 1883 год.

Исповедные росписи

The cited information was sourced from Manuscript published in 1806 held in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния (Ref: л24об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Краеведческий музей в Калашниково

Кристофферсон Татьяна Сергеевна

Лариса Галанкина

Матрёна с двойняшками ездили к отцу в т.ч. зимой и нужно було идти через поле. В результате они заболели отитом и в старости - плохо слышат
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Лариса Галанкина

Разошлась с Галанкиным из-за гулянок последнего. После последнего совместного проживания, поставила условие - до трёх ночевок не дома. Последний раз он не успевал приехать домой от брата, но Татьяна сказала, что её это не касается.
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Лариса Галанкина

он застал жену с любовником и избил его, за что год отсидел
The cited information was sourced from Interview

Лариса Галанкина

Сидел за то, что передал, будучи пьяным управление своим автомобилем другу, который тоже был пьяным. Авто попало в аварию. Два человека погибло.

Лев Белкин

This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Метрическая книга

15.05 родилась Софья Московской Губернии города Дмитрова купец Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львовна. Оба православные
17.05 – крещение. Восприемники – Владимирской губернии, гор. Судогды Пётр Васильев Памфилов и того же города купчика Мария Ивановна Памфилова
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by (Ref: л145 №29)

Метрическая книга

2.02 родилась Надежда Дмитровский купец 2й гильдии Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львовна. Оба православные
28.02 – крещение. Восприемники – Судогодский купец Лев Степанов Памфилов и Судогодская мещанка Екатерина Алексеевна Добровольская.
The cited information was published by (Ref: №6 л.72)

Метрическая книга

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by in Вышний Волочёк (Ref: л69об-70 №47) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрическая книга

умерла Московской губернии Сергиевского посада мащанка Добровольская Александра Александровна 54 г от рака. Погребена на кладбище Покровского монастыря
The cited information was sourced from Deed published in москва on April 24th, 1918 held in ЦГА (Ref: ЦГА Ф2122/2/104 л.60 №8) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрическая книга

смерть от воспаления лёгких
The cited information was sourced from Book published in ц. Успенская on October 18th, 1884 held in Владимир (Ref: №25 л163об-164) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрическая книга

смерть от воспаления лёгких
The cited information was sourced from Book published in с. Новинки-Круглышево, Владимирская губерния on October 18th, 1884 held in Владимир (Ref: л163об-164 №25) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрическая книга

7 недель смерь от колотья
The cited information was sourced from Book published in Вышний Волочёк held in Тверь (Ref: л118об-119 №31)

Метрические книги г. Мещовска 1824-1837 г.г. Петропавловская церковь

М.м. Василий Иванович Добровольский. 2-м браком + отставного унтер- офицера жена вдова Надежда Савельев 2-м браком.Поручители м.м. Герасим Иванов, м. куп. сын Михаил Петров Соловьёв
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on January 13th, 1830 held in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния (Ref: Ф271/3/75  л65 №1 13.01.1830) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрические книги г. Мещовска 1824-1837 г.г. Петропавловская церковь

М.м. Василий Иванович Добровольский. 2-м браком + отставного унтер- офицера жена вдова Надежда Савельев 2-м браком.Поручители м.м. Герасим Иванов, м. куп. сын Михаил Петров Соловьёв
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published on January 13th, 1830 (Ref: Ф271/3/75  л65 №1 13.01.1830) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрические книги г. Мещовска Петропавловская церковь

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on January 16th, 1820 The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Метрические книги. Екатерининская на всполье /на Б. Ордынке/ церковь 1882-1906

поручитель: Московский купеческий сын Матвей Александрович Шишов, живёт в Якиманской части 1 уч, в доме Шишовой. 
The cited information was sourced from Book published on February 21st, 1888 held in москва (Ref: л35об-36об №4) This citation is considered to be unreliable evidence or estimated data.

Молотовский ЗАГС (Нагатинский)

 Упадок сердечной деятельности, рак молочной железы с метастазами
The cited information was sourced from Deed published in москва on July 10th, 1943 held in москва (Ref: Актовая запись №1032)

Нагатинский ЗАГС

Наталья Фёдоровна Поддубная (Банчикова)

из переписки с её мужем
The cited information was sourced from Other

Наталья Фёдоровна Поддубная (Банчикова)

из переписки с её мужем

Нина Викторовна Добровольская

Нина Викторовна Добровольская

This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Ольга-дочь Фаины Васильевны

The cited information was sourced from Other

Р.С. купцов и мещан г. Мосальска

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published on December 30th, 1857 (Ref: Ф86/3/422 л62об-63) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.



РГАСПИ Ф124 1 1652

рождение и данные о родителях
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in москва on September 10th, 1932 held in москва This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

РГАСПИ Ф124 1 1652

"Отец умер когда мне было 7 лет"
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published on September 10th, 1885 This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

РГВИА фонд 400 опись 9 дело 34162

(Ref: листы 1475-1490)

Ревизская сказка  г. Мещовска 1850г

Ревизская сказка  г. Мещовска 1850г. (3.08.1850). 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on August 3rd, 1850 (Ref: ГАКО Ф86. оп.3, дело 383 - умер 1838 г.) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка  г. Мещовска 1850г

ГАКО Ф86. оп.3, дело 383 (Ревизская сказка  г. Мещовска 1850г. 3.08.1850)  29 лет и 3 мес
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on August 3rd, 1850 (Ref: ГАКО Ф86. оп.3, дело 383) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка  г. Мещовска 1850г

купец 3й гильдии. умер в 1849
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on October 8th, 1850 (Ref: ГАКО Ф86/3/383 л139об-140) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка  г. Мосальск 1858г

купец 3-й гильдии. Прибыл из Мещовских купеческих братьев в 1857.
The cited information was sourced from Census published in Мосальск in 1858 held in Калуга (Ref: Ф86/3/422 л62об-63) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка города Мещовска о купцах и мещанах

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on May 18th, 1811 held in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Ревизская сказка с. Рязанцева Мещовского уезда 23.6.1794г

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on June 23rd, 1794 (Ref: л556) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка с. Рязанцева Мещовского уезда 23.6.1794г

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1794 (Ref: л556) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка с. Рязанцева Мещовского уезда 23.6.1794г

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published in 1794 (Ref: л556) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка с. Рязанцева Мещовского уезда 23.6.1794г

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1794 (Ref: л556) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ревизская сказка с. Рязанцева Мещовского уезда 23.6.1794г

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1794 (Ref: л556)

Св-во о браке

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by Молотовское райбюро ЗАГС г. Москвы on August 20th, 1949 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Св-во о браке

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by Молотовское райбюро ЗАГС г. Москвы on September 20th, 1949 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Св-во о рождении

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by Отдел ЗАГС Пролетарского района г. Москвы in москва This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Свидетельство о браке

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by Отдел ЗАГС при Рогожско-Симоновском Совете Раб. и Кр. Деп. on December 27th, 1919 This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф117 16 58 Дело о залоге вдовы Александры купца Добровольского

The cited information was sourced from Deed published on December 20th, 1909 held in Муханово, Моск. область (Ref: л123)

Ф217 1 17 Исповедные ведомости

50 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1769 held in Калуга (Ref: №304) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф217 1 17 Исповедные ведомости

33 года
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1769 held in Калуга (Ref: №333) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф217 1 17 Исповедные ведомости

20 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1769 held in Калуга (Ref: №334) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф217 1 17 Исповедные ведомости

19 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1869 held in Калуга (Ref: №305) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф271 1 178 Исповедные росписи Воронцово

13 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1796 held in Калуга (Ref: л156об №250) This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Ф271 1 178 Исповедные росписи Воронцово

15 лет
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1796 held in Калуга (Ref: л156об №222) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф271 3 33 Метрические книги г. Мещовска Петропавловская церковь

М.м. Иван Юдин водяная болезнь 68 лет. Погребён 31.10  причетники на кладб.
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1810 held in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф271/3/43 Метрические книги церквей по г. Мещовск и уезду 1806

Соборной Благовещенской пресвятой богородицы церкви
Л3 №8 22.09.1806 Женился мещовский мещанин Иван Борисовсын Костин й-м браком понял?  За себя того же города мещанскую дочь девицу Александру Иванову Добровольскую о кой надлежащий обыск с поруками учинён.
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1806 (Ref: Л3 №8 22.09.1806) The author/originator was ГАКО. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф271/3/43 Метрические книги церквей по г. Мещовск и уезду 1806

Женился мещовский мещанин Иван Борисов сын Костин 1-м браком принял?  за себя того же города мещанскую дочь девицу Александру Иванову Добровольскую о кой надлежащий обыск с поруками учинён.
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by ГАКО in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния in 1806 (Ref: Л3 №8 22.09.1806) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф271/3/75 л61 №35 15.10.1830

Родился младенец у мещовского мещанина Василия Иванова Добровольского сын Григория. Крещен 16.10. Восприемники - М.м. Герасим Иванов Барышев, 14 класса чиновник Николай Осипов Меркулов м.м.д.д. Евдокия
The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record) published by ГАКО in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния on October 15th, 1830, held in г. Мещовск, Калужская губерния (Ref: Ф271/3/75 л61 №35 15.10.1830) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф33 4 8 Метрическая книга

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Калуга on November 7th, 1800 held in Калуга (Ref: л100об-101) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф33 4 8 Метрическая книга

The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1800 held in Калуга (Ref: л100об-102) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф34 6 11

село Рязанцево. Семён Юдин отпущен на волю в 1799. В предыдущию ревизию было 48 лет
The cited information was published in 1811 held in Калуга (Ref: л455)

Ф440 1 1332

О выдаче св-ва Калужским мещанкам родным сестрам девице Авдотьи Владимировны Шишовой и Пелагеи Владимировны по мужу Королёвой о состоятельности принадлежащего им дома
The cited information was sourced from Other held in Калуга

Ф440 1 74

л1 Семён Юдин
л3 Авдотья Юдина
л8 резолюция. Описания примет
The cited information was published in 1799 held in Калуга

Ф440 1 74 Калужский Уездный Суд - вольная

Решение суда о том, что получают вольную
The cited information was sourced from Deed published in 1799 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф49 1 36

Воробьёая Слобода л140 #п.п.386 №75 по 6 ревизии Семён Юдин Добровольский 65, у него дети Абакум 7, Лаврентий 4
The cited information was published in Калуга in 1812 held in Калуга (Ref: л140 №п.п.386)

Ф49 1 36

Воробьёая Слобода л140 #п.п.386 №75 по 6 ревизии Семён Юдин Добровольский 65, у него дети Абакум 7, Лаврентий 4
The cited information was published in Калуга in 1812 held in Калуга

Ф49 1 36

Воробьёая Слобода л140 #п.п.386 №75 по 6 ревизии Семён Юдин Добровольский 65, у него дети Абакум 7, Лаврентий 4
The cited information was published in Калуга in 1812 held in Калуга (Ref: л140 #п.п.38)

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

взята дому господина Карабанова? повт__ выкрещения __ перв_ в христьянскую веру м__ ___
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1782 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

текст не разобрал
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1882 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

5 лет
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1882 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

37 лет
в предыдущую перепись 17 лет
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1882 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

35 лет
по предыдущей переписи 15 лет
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1882 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

Ф86 3 26 Ревизские сказки

50 лет
The cited information was sourced from Census published in 1882 held in Калуга This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.



Венчание Иосифа Рублевского и Анны Синельщиковой
The cited information was sourced from Fiche / Microfiche / Microfilm / Film published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on January 21st, 1907 (Ref: Ф609/2.93 л45об №17 ) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 1371 1 60

The cited information was held in москва

ЦГА 1371 1 60

ЦГА 1371 1 60

The cited information was held in москва

ЦГА 203 745 1816

МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви 15/16 июля 1850г. родилась и крещена Мария.
Родители. На Стеклянном заводе Тверской губернии города Корчевы
купеческий сын Филипп Трифонов Метельников и законная жена его Анна
Алексеева. Восприемники Смоленской губернии города Рославля мещанин
Егор Андреев Орлов и корчевская купчиха Васса Феодорова Метельникова.
. Л.891об.-892.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1850 held in ГАТО (Ref: л..891об.-892) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 745 1839

В 1851г. 21/23 августа умерла и
погребена на Стеклянном заводе Тверской губернии города Корчевы
купеческого сына Филиппа Трифонова Метельникова дочь Агрипена 3 лет от
кори. 9. 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1851 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.942об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 745 1864

2/3 мая 1852г. родилась и крещена Пелагея. Родители. На Стеклянном заводе (князя Меншикова) заводе Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Филипп Трифонов и законная жена его Анна Алексеева. Восприемница.
Московской губернии города Клина купца Трифона Степанова жена Васса Федорова. ЦГАМ. 203-745-1864. Л.887об.-88
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1852 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.887об.-888) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 745 1920

4/5 февраля 1854г. родилась и крещена Агапия. Филипп Трифонов и Анна Алексеева, Стеклянный Завод князя Меншикова. Восприемники Егор Андреевич Орлов и его сестра Варвара Андреевна (жена Григория Харитоновича). ЦГАМ. 203-745-1920. Л.921об.-922
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1854 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.921об.-922) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 745 1948

30-31 декабря 1855г. родилась и крещена Татиана. На Стеклянном заводе
Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Филипп Трифонов и Анна Алексеева. Восприемники: Смоленской губернии города Рослова мещанин Егор Андреев Орлов, Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Григорий Симеонов (Орлов). ЦГАМ. 203-745-1948. Л.943об.-944
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1855 held in ГАТО (Ref:  л.943об.-944) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 776 1153

В МК церкви Святителя Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 12 ноября 1900г. венчан брак. Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Александр Яковлев Орлов, православного исповедания, первым браком, жительствует в Москве в приходе означенной Филипповской церкви, 30 лет. Невеста: Московской губернии Клинского уезда Круговской волости деревни Игумновой крестьянка девица Мария Петрова Козлова православного исповедания первым браком, жительствовала в Московском приходе Знаменской, что в Переславской, Ямской слободе церкви, 28 лет. Венчал приходский священник Алексей Добролюбов с причтом. Поручители. По женихе: отец его родной корчевской мещанин Яков Григорьев Орлов, тульской губернии Алексинского уезда Широконосовской волости деревни Болота крестьянин Ефим Ильин Филиппов и Москвской губернии Клинского уезда Борщевской волости деревни Слободы крестьянин Василий Петров Бытин, по невесте: за неграмотную мать невесты вдову Настасью Алексееву Козлову росписался корчевской мещанин Михаил Яковлев Орлов, Владимирской губернии Переславского уезда Хмельниковской волости деревни Храброво крестьянин Яков Абрамов Савельев и Московский мещанин Большой Садовой Слободы Димитрий Васильев Васильев.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1900 (Ref: л147об-148)

ЦГА 203 776 1153

В МК Сретенского сорока церкви Св. Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 1-2 мая 1901г. родился и крещен Николай. Родители: Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Александр Яковлев Орлов и законная жена его Мария Петрова, оба православного исповедания. По паспорту от Корчевского городского управления от 5 сентября 1900г., за № 802, в доме Орлова прихожане. Восприемники: корчевской мещанин Михаил Яковлев Орлов и Московской губернии Клинского уезда Круговской волости деревни Игумнова жена крестьянина Ксения Иванова Козлова.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1901 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.249об-250)

ЦГА 203 776 1153

В МК церкви Святителя Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 12 ноября 1900г. венчан брак. Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Александр Яковлев Орлов, православного исповедания, первым браком, жительствует в Москве в приходе означенной Филипповской церкви, 30 лет. Невеста: Московской губернии Клинского уезда Круговской волости деревни Игумновой крестьянка девица Мария Петрова Козлова православного исповедания первым браком, жительствовала в Московском приходе Знаменской, что в Переславской, Ямской слободе церкви, 28 лет. Венчал приходский священник Алексей Добролюбов с причтом. Поручители. По женихе: отец его родной корчевской мещанин Яков Григорьев Орлов, тульской губернии Алексинского уезда Широконосовской волости деревни Болота крестьянин Ефим Ильин Филиппов и Московской губернии Клинского уезда Борщевской волости деревни Слободы крестьянин Василий Петров Бытин, по невесте: за неграмотную мать невесты вдову Настасью Алексееву Козлову росписался корчевской мещанин Михаил Яковлев Орлов, Владимирской губернии Переславского уезда Хмельниковской волости деревни Храброво крестьянин Яков Абрамов Савельев и Московский мещанин Большой Садовой Слободы Димитрий Васильев Васильев
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1900 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.147об-148) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 776 1153

В МК Сретенского сорока церкви Св. Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 2-4 февраля 1901г. умерла и погребена Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанская девица Евдокия Яковлева Орлова, жившая в доме Орлова, 25 лет, от чахотки. Погребена на Пятницком кладбище.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.160об-161) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 776 119

В доме Шишовой Московский купеческий сын Владимир Александрович Шишов и законная жена его Пелагея Лаврентьева, оба православного вероисповедания.
The cited information was published in 1873 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.52об-53)

ЦГА 203 776 119

Рождение Веры.
В доме Шишовой Московский купеческий сын Владимир Александрович Шишов и законная жена его Лаврентьева, оба православного вероисповедания.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л19 об-30) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

цга 203 776 200

В доме Шишовой Московский купеческий сын Владимир Александрович Шишов и законная жена его Пелагея Лаврентьева, оба православного вероисповедания.
The cited information was published in 1895 held in ЦГА (Ref: л11об-12)

ЦГА 203 776 210

21 Георггий
Инженеръ-технологъ дворянинъ Василій Димитріевичъ Игнатовичъ Завилейскій и законная жена его Клавдія Георгіева, оба православнаго исповѣданія; по д. Некрасовой по безсрочи, виду ота С.Пб. градомъ. 89 г. 5 іевъ 2806 № 4979/83. Священникъ
Александровскаго купца евенъ Анатолій Геріевичъ Добровольскій и жена Поручика Дарвара Михайлова Пороженко
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л154 №21)

ЦГА 203 776 210

Крещение 21.хх
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1900 (Ref: л154 №8)

ЦГА 203 776 33

ЦГА 203 776 33, л. 390
9 январь 1883 г.
Судогодский 2-й гильдіи Купецъ Василій Андреевъ Добровольскій, православнаго исповѣданія вторымъ бракомъ. 35
Дочь Губерскаго Секретаря Ольга Никитина Гадугина православнаго исповѣданія, первымъ бракомъ.
По женихѣ: Братъ породной дочь декій купеческій братъ Алексѣй Андреевъ Добровольскій и Ротмиретръ Валеріанъ Александровъ Апрянинъ. По невѣстѣ: Повосильскій городовой врачъ Ярославъ Васильевъ Ясинскій и Поручикъ Николай Петровъ Чижовъ.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1883 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.389 №1) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 776 366

умер 1874 г.
Похоронен 8.хх
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.78 №8)

ЦГА 203 776 940

The cited information was sourced from Book held in ЦГА (Ref: л.248 об-249) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 1449

29/31 августа умерла и погребена Смоленской губернии Рослава уезда мещанина Егора Андреева Орлова дочь младенец Мария, 6 недель, от колотья. 
(Ref: Л.299об.-300)

ЦГА 203 780 1449

В МК Троицкой церкви 19/20 июля 1880г. родилась и крещена Мария. Родители. Смоленской губернии, Рославского уезда, мещанин Егор Андреев Орлов и законная жена его Пелагия Алексеева. Восприемники. Владимирской губернии, Меленковского уезда, Черевской волости безземельный крестьянин Иван Васильев Козарев и подпорутчица вдова Глафира Николаева Смирнова. 
(Ref: Л.281об.-282)

ЦГА 203 780 1461

МК Троицкой церкви 2/4 января 1881г. умерла и погребена Смоленской губернии Рославского уезда мещанина Егора Андреева дочь Ольга, 9 лет, от простуды. Погребал священник Александр Васильев Русинов на приходском кладбище.
(Ref: Л.250об.-251.)

ЦГА 203 780 2372

Р.1869 †27.12.1891 (с. Воздвиженское Клинского у. Московской губ.). В МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 27-29 декабря 1891г. умер и погребен Тверской губернии, Корчевского уезда мещанина Якова Григорьева Орлова сын Константин, 22 лет, от чахотки. Погребал священник Петр Кедров с причтом. 
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.399об-400)

ЦГА 203 780 2372

В МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 27-29 декабря 1891г. умер и погребен Тверской губернии, Корчевского уезда мещанина Якова Григорьева Орлова сын Константин, 22 лет, от чахотки. Погребал священник Петр Кедров с причтом.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1891 held in ГАТО (Ref: л.399об-400) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 4698

г. Киржача мещанская девица Софья Георгиевна Добровольская
дочь Анна
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1916 held in ЦГА (Ref: 89 об, 90) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 533

The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л388)

ЦГА 203 780 618

Дмитровский купец Алексей Гордеев Добровольский... 65 лет от простуды
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.439 об №4)

ЦГА 203 780 636

рождение 10.10.1883
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.108об №30)

ЦГА 203 780 659

Дмитровский купец Михаил Алексеневич Добровольский и законная жена его Анна Львовна
The cited information was sourced from Book held in ЦГА (Ref: л. 263об №5)

ЦГА 203 780 671

Дмитровский купец Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львова оба православные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in село Гари Дмитровского уезда in 1886 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.142об №12) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 684

рождение Георгия
Сергиева Посада мещанин Николай Никифорович Метельников и законная жена его Евгения Алексеева. Оба провославные.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1887 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.347) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 894

В МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 13/14 сентября 1872г. родился и крещен Михаил. Родители. Погоста Димитриевского, что в Кругу, проживающий Тверской губернии корчевской мещанин Яков Григорьев Орлов и законная его жена Анастасия Алексеева. Восприемник. С Стеклянного завода проживающий Тверской губернии кашинский мещанин Василий Григорьев Орлов.Крестовоздвиженской церкви. 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1872 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.92об-93) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 897

МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 3/4 августа 1874г. родилась и крещена Евдокия. Родители. Круговской волости, села Воздвиженского, проживающие Тверской губернии корчевской мещанин Яков Григорьев Орлов и законная его жена Анастасия Алексеева. Восприемники. Тверской губернии корчевской мещанин, проживающий на Заводе, Михаил Григорьев Орлов и приходского псаломщика Феодора Соловьева жена Анна Михайлова. Священник Петр Иаковлев Кедров с псаломщиком Феодором Соловьевым.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1874 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.275об-276) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 914

В МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 11/15 августа 1876г. родился и крещен Андрей. Родители. Тверской губернии, города Корчевы мещанин, проживающий в селе Воздвиженском, Яков Григорьев Орлов и жена его Анастасия Алексеева, православного исповедания. Восприемники. Приходский священник Георгий Григорьев Сретенский и приходского псаломщика Феодора Соловьева жена Анна Михайлова.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1876 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.180об-181) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 931

МК Крестовоздвиженской церкви Погоста Дмитриевского, что в Кругу: 5/9 ноября 1878г. родилась и крещена Екатерина. Родители. Города Корчевы мещанин, проживающий Клинского уезда, в селе Воздвиженском, Яков Григорьев Орлов и жена его Анастасия Алексеева. Восприемники. Лейб-Гвардии Семеновского полка Ефрейтор 5й роты Михаил Григорьев Орлов и приходского псаломщика Федора Соловьева жена Анна Михайлова. 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1878 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.107об.-108) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 947

4/6 генваря 1881г. умерла и погребена Тверской губернии, города Корчевы мещанина, проживающего в селе Воздвиженском, Якова Григорьева Орлова жена Анастасия Алексеева, 31 года, от изнурительной лихорадки после родов.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.251об-252) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 780 947

4/6 генваря 1881г. умерла и погребена Тверской губернии, города Корчевы мещанина, проживающего в селе Воздвиженском, Якова Григорьева Орлова жена Анастасия Алексеева, 31 года, от изнурительной лихорадки после родов.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1881 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.251об-252) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 782 581

В МК церкви Св. Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 11-13 ноября 1911г. умер и погребен сын мещанина города Корчевы Тверской губернии Андрея Яковлева Орлова младенец Михаил, 6 дней, от эклампсии. Погребал приходский священник Георгий Орлов, на Пятницком кладбище.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1911 (Ref: л.243об-244)

ЦГА 203 786 601

Временный Дмитровский купец Михаил Алексеевич Добровольский и законная его жена Анна Львовна. Оба православные.
Восприемники. Владимирский купец Александр Львов и Владимирская купчиха Марья Иванова.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1880 held in ЦГА (Ref: №41 л.260) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 203 876 573

The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1887 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.80) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 2121 2 63 

The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва on February 21st, 1888 held in москва (Ref: л35об-36об №4) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 2121 2 63 

The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва on February 21st, 1888 held in москва (Ref: л35об-36об №4) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 2125 1 549

№м.п.1019 житель г. Судогды Иван Матвеев Добровольский 36 лет
№ ж.п. 1317 жена его Раиса Иванова 23 г
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1903 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.267) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 2126 2 295

В МК церкви Св. Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 16-18 января 1906г. умер и погребен Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Михаил Яковлев Орлов, живший в доме Орлова, 32 лет, от скоротечной чахотки. На Пятницком кладбище.
The cited information was sourced from Book (Ref: л.172об.-173.) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 2126 2 299

К церкви Св. Филиппа Митрополита в Мещанской 21-24 января 1912 умер Тверской губернии города Корчевы мещанин Андрей Яковлев Орлов, живший в доме Орлова, 35 лет, от туберкулеза легких. На Пятницком кладбище.
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1912 held in ЦГА (Ref: л.139об-140) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 1143 Книга купцов Сретенской Слободы

торговля галант.товарами: Якиманская ч. 2 уч. в своём доме
The cited information was sourced from Book published in 1882 held in ЦГА (Ref: л7об №153) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 1478

торговля галант.товарами: Якиманская ч. 3 уч. По Б. Ордынке в доме жены
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1888 held in москва (Ref: л12 №43) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 1799

вдова. Душ - #? Галантерейный товар. Якиманская ч. 1уч. В собств. доме на Б. Ордынке
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1894 held in москва (Ref: л9 №31) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 193

Шишов Александр Владимирович, православный. Чем торгует или занимается: галантерейным товаром. Жительствует: Преч. части 5 кв. в д. Яковлева
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1866 held in москва (Ref: л18об №101) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 1960

The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва held in Москва (Ref: л50об-51) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 638

в Источнике - Наталья
в 1878 - перещла в мещане
сын Пётр умер в 1877 году
The cited information was sourced from Census published in москва held in москва (Ref: л129об-130 №80) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 64

Временно обязанный крестьянин графа Шереметьева Ярославской губ. Углического уезда д. Белозёрово Иван Петрович Целиков 2 пол. по 2 (гильдии) №74 -1863, по 2 №24 - 1864
The cited information was published in москва in 1864 held in москва (Ref: л8об-9 №680)

ЦГА 3 2 644 Посемейные списки купцов

Наталья Дмитриевна Целикова - 63 гола и сын Пётр - 27 лет + Автотья Васильевна 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1874 held in ЦГА (Ref: л266об) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 3 2 644 Посемейные списки купцов

Наталья Дмитриевна Целикова - 63 года и сын Пётр - 27 лет + Автотья Васильевна 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1874 held in ЦГА (Ref: л266об-267) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 418 323 598

Метрическое свидетельство о рождени  для Императорского 
The cited information was sourced from Book published in москва in 1888 held in ЦГА This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 418 323 598 личное дело

восприемник у Александра Алексеевича Добровольского. купеческая вдова
The cited information was published on December 7th, 1888 held in москва (Ref: л6) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 46 52 381

ЦГА 46 52 381 

Врем. обязанная графа Шереметьева Целикова Наталья Дмитр. 48л вдова. Торгует хрустальной посудой. Живёт в городе. Брат ?Пётр 20. Прасковья 17 л Авдотья 13л. Дом достался по купеческой крепости от Г. Исакова под №355. Оценка 2511р 43к
The cited information was sourced from Census published in москва held in ЦГА (Ref: л70)

ЦГА 609 2 102

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on June 8th, 1911 held in москва (Ref: л19об-20) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 609 2 102

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on September 11th, 1914 held in москва (Ref: л459об-460) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 609 2 102

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on December 14th, 1908 held in москва (Ref: л240об-241 л555) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 609 2 102

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on May 25th, 1910 held in москва (Ref: л461об-462 №264) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГА 609 2 95

The cited information was sourced from Book published in Московский Римско-Католический Свв. Апп. Петра и Павла костёл on June 29th, 1907 held in москва (Ref: л24об-25 №310) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

ЦГАМ 203 780 1461

В МК Преображенской церкви с. Гари Дмитровского у. Московской губ. 4/6 генваря 1877г. родилась и крещена Татьяна. Родители. Смоленской губернии города Рославля мещанин Егор Андреев Орлов и законная жена Пелагея Алексеева. Восприемники. Корчевского уезда Тверской губернии мещанин Осип Никифоров, Владимирской губ., Александровского уезда Лобковской волости деревни Гришина вдова Федосья Григорьева. Крещал села Гарей священник Иван Никитин с в должности псаломщика Федором Шеметовым. ЦГАМ. 780-203-573. Л.79об.-80. В МК Троицкой церкви 24/26 февраля 1881г. умерла и погребена Смоленской губернии Рославского уезда мещанина Егора Андреева дочь младенец Татиана, 4 лет, от простуды
(Ref: Л.250об.-251.)

купец 2й гильдии, в купеческом состоянии с 1891 г., житель Рогожской части, 2й уч., дом Моховой (в справочниках с 1894 г - собственный дом). Торговля стеклянной посудой там же.
The author/originator was Справочник "Справочная книга по купцам г. Москвы 1894 г. (стр 113), 1898 (стр.112), 1910 г. (стр.51), в справочнике за 1916 год отсутствует):.

The cited information was published on July 26th, 1880

The cited information was published on July 11th, 1893

"Мать - Наталья Дмитриевна Целикова... Похоронили в Ильинском погосте, на кладбище. Её надмогильный памятник - в виде массивного каменного саркофага, до сих пор лежит на месте где было кладбище" 

"...сыновья: 1-й,Николай - 17, родился 6 декабря 1880, в 1902 г. зачислен в ополчение 1 разряда."

Филипп Метельников, главный распорядитель на Стеклянном заводе Князя Меншикова – похвальный лист. Награды по бывшей в 1865 году в Москве мануфактурной выставке. Сенатские Ведомости. 8.02.1866. с.48
The cited information was published in 1866

Николай Филиппович Метельников, р.1862 †1919 (ст. Бологое Валдайского уезда Новгородской губ.). Управляющий стеклянным заводом. Умер от голодного тифа

Ирина Егоровна Орлова.
Р.12.04.1885 (Стеклянный завод Бромлея, с. Сергиевское-Березки Подольского у. Московской губ.) †20.10.1886 (там же). В МК Троицкой церкви 12/13 апреля 1885г. родилась и крещена Ирина. Родители. Смоленской губернии Рославского уезда мещанин Егор Андреев Орлов и законная жена его Пелагея Алексеева. Восприемники. Полтавской губернии Золотоношского уезда Жолнинской волости села Жолнина солдат Феодор Моисеев Братиков и Тульской губернии Веневского уезда Яковлевской волости деревни Полоники солдатка Елизавета Зотова. ЦГАМ. 203-780-1491. Л.180об.-181. 20/22 октября 1886г. умерла и погребена Смоленской губернии Рославского уезда мещанина Егора Андреева Орлова дочь младенец Ирина, 1 года 6 месяцев, простудою. Погребал приходской священник Иоанн Алексеев Загорский с причтом своим на приходском кладбище. ЦГАМ. 203-780-1505. Л.342об.-343.

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