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Family John George WALKER & Alice Marie BAECKELANDT (BECKELANDT) Click to view John George WALKER & Alice Marie BAECKELANDT (BECKELANDT) in the family tree Click to view John George WALKER & Alice Marie BAECKELANDT (BECKELANDT) in the family tree in SVG format

John George and Alice Marie were married on April 23rd, 1938.  They had three sons and three daughters, named Jerome Frances, John A., George August, Carolyn Lee, Rosalie Ann and Virginia May.

Male John George WALKER
John George was born on June 24th, 1909 in Bogard Twp, Daviess Cty, IN.1   He died due to natural causes or old age, septic syndrome, multiple system organ failure, at the age of 83 on May 11th, 1993 in South Bend, IN.  The funeral took place on May 14th, 1993 in Mishawaka, IN and was arranged by Bubb Funeral Chapel.  His burial was on May 14th, 1993 in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Osceola, IN.1 1 

Alice Marie was born on May 16th, 1908 in South Bend, IN.1   She died at the age of 85 on June 10th, 1993 in South Bend, IN.  The funeral took place on June 14th, 1993 in Mishawaka, IN and was arranged by Bubb Funeral Chapel.  Her burial was on June 14th, 1993 in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Osceola, IN.1 1 


Female Carolyn Lee WALKER
Carolyn Lee was born on November 11th, 1942.  She died at the age of 65 on January 4th, 2008.

Male Jerome Frances WALKER
Jerome Frances was born on February 26th, 1944.  He died at the age of 63 on February 20th, 2008.

Male John A. WALKER
John A. was born in 1949.  He died in 1949.

Female Rosalie Ann WALKER

Male George August WALKER

Female Virginia May WALKER

1 death certificate

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