Schweighart, Living

Birth Name Schweighart, Living
Gramps ID I79280725
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Schweighart, Floyd [I79280720]1911-01-18
Mother Hartman, Mary Theresa [I79280673]1906-07-241985-06-04
    Sister     Schweighart, Living [I79280722]
    Sister     Schweighart, Living [I79280723]
    Sister     Schweighart, Living [I79280724]
         Schweighart, Living [I79280725]
    Sister     Schweighart, Jean Kay [I79280726] 1944-04-13 1983-02-10
    Brother     Schweighart, Living [I79280727]
    Brother     Schweighart, Living [I79280728]


    Family of Allen, Living and Schweighart, Living [F35207215]
Unknown Partner Allen, Living [I79280744] ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Allen, Living [I79280745]
Allen, Living [I79280746]
Allen, Living [I79280747]


  1. Schweighart, Floyd [I79280720]
    1. Hartman, Mary Theresa [I79280673]
      1. Schweighart, Living [I79280722]
      2. Schweighart, Living [I79280723]
      3. Schweighart, Living [I79280724]
      4. Schweighart, Living
        1. Allen, Living [I79280744]
          1. Allen, Living [I79280745]
          2. Allen, Living [I79280746]
          3. Allen, Living [I79280747]
      5. Schweighart, Jean Kay [I79280726]
      6. Schweighart, Living [I79280727]
      7. Schweighart, Living [I79280728]
