John Gorman
John was born in 1842.
- Death Notes
- approximate date of birth
Ann Gorman
Ann was born in 1845. She died at the age of 44 on February 21st, 1889.
- Death Notes
- Approx date of birth could be 1849
Was blind???
Born in Greenock
Died a Pauper of general dropsy at Chalmers Land, Cardwell Road Gourock
Dropsy is the presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid and may be due to heart failure or renal disease
Mary Gorman
Mary was born in 1846. She died at the age of 65 on March 13th, 1911.
- Death Notes
- Approximate date of birth, possibly 1852
Born in Greenock
11 Nicholson Street , Greenock
Died of cerebral harmorrhage