Patrick McGonigle
Patrick was born on February 20th, 1926. He died due to natural causes or old age at the age of 73 on September 19th, 1999 in
54 Bute Avenue.
Hannah McGonigle
Hannah was born on April 30th, 1931. She died due to a medical problem, Septic Infection of Vulva and Crysipelas, at just 13 days old on May 13th, 1931 in
30 Weir Street, Greenock.
- Death Notes
- "Crysipelas" is an archaic medical term and the present-day name is "Erysipelas" - a skin disease characterised by large raised red patches on the face and legs.
Anthony McGonigle
Anthony was born on September 30th, 1942. He died at just 8 days old on October 8th, 1942.
- Death Notes
- Died at 18 Lansbury Street Greenock of neo-natal haemorrhage and jaundice, convulsions
Don't have birth certificate