- A - (14 Families, 32 Individuals)
Abbott (2), Acheson (1), Adams (1), Ahearn (1), Alexander (3), Andrews (5), Ann (1), Ansell (4), Antlik (1), Archbold (3), Archer (5), Ashford (1), Astley (2), Ausset (2)
- B - (37 Families, 117 Individuals)
Baird (1), Baker (1), Bane (2), Banks (1), Bannon (3), Barnaville (8), Barrett (2), Barrott (2), Barry (3), Barter (1), Bartley (10), Beachamp (1), Beasley (2), Behan (2), Bentley (1), Bermingham (1), Berry (1), Bickam (1), Biddulph (2), Bishop (1), Blythe (2), Bogue (1), Bouchard (1), Bourke (1), Boyle (2), Brabazon (2), Brennan (26), Broderick (3), Brophy (3), Browne (2), Btophy (1), Buckley (14), Burke (8), Butler?? (1), Butler (1), Butterly (1), Byrne (2)
- C - (51 Families, 252 Individuals)
Cahill (9), Cairns (1), Callaghan (1), Callanan (6), Callinane (1), Campbell (1), Carroll (7), Carthy (2), Casey (34), Chadwick (3), Chan (1), Charity (6), Cheeseborough (4), Chequer (3), Clarke (3), Clasby (1), Claxton (2), Clerkin (2), Clohessy (1), Coade (15), Codd (16), Cody (1), Coles (4), Collins (8), Connell (1), Connors (5), Conroy (11), Cook (1), Cooley (1), Cooney (14), Corbet (1), Corbett (1), Corcoran (2), Cordell (2), Cormack (1), Costello (5), Cotter (2), Coward (1), Cox (11), Crilly (2), Crisp (1), Croke (1), Cronin (23), Crowe (2), Cullagh (21), Cullen (2), Cummins (1), Cunniffe (2), Curley (1), Curtin (1), Cusack (4)
- D - (26 Families, 46 Individuals)
Daly (1), Darcy (1), Das_Gupta (3), Davies (5), Davis (1), Dedman (4), Deely (1), DeNisco (1), Derrig (1), Desmond (4), Dillon (1), Dirrane (1), Donnell (1), Donnely (1), Doocey (1), Doran (2), Doyle (1), Druary (1), Dubicki (2), Duffy (2), Duggan (5), Duhy (1), Duncan (1), Dunce (1), Dunn (1), Dunne (2)
- E - (6 Families, 20 Individuals)
Eagan (1), Egan (3), Elwood (1), Ennis (1), Evans (9), Evind (5)
- F - (23 Families, 195 Individuals)
Faherty (12), Fahy (17), Fallon (2), Farrell (6), Farthing (1), Feehan (1), Fennelly (1), Finley (2), Finnerty (1), Finney (1), Finnie (3), Fitzgerald (1), Fitzsimons (7), Flack (1), Flaherty (4), Flanagan (75), Flavin (4), Flynn (3), Fogarty (2), Foley (2), Foy (1), Francis (1), Furey (47)
- G - (20 Families, 124 Individuals)
Gaffney (1), Gason (27), Gayson (4), Geraghty (1), Gerrity (1), Gibney (2), Gilbert (7), Gleeson (2), Glyn (1), Glynn (1), Gonsiorek (2), Gorman (14), Grace (1), Graham (28), Grant (1), Grealish (24), Grealy (3), Greene (2), Gribble (1), Guiton (1)
- H - (35 Families, 301 Individuals)
Hale (3), Hall (1), Halls (7), Hand (3), Hanley (6), Hanly (1), Hannan (3), Hannon (53), Hanratty (1), Harding (121), Hart (2), Hartshorne (1), Hawkins (22), Hayden (2), Hayes (6), Healy (1), Heath (3), Heffernan (32), Hernan (3), Hewett (2), Hickey (4), Higgins (2), Hiscock (1), Hodgson (7), Hoffman (2), Hogan (1), Hollister (2), Hoovler (1), Horan (1), Horsman (1), Houghton (1), Houlihan (2), Hughes (1), Hurst (1), Hyland (1)
- J - (7 Families, 15 Individuals)
Jackson (1), James (3), Jamila (1), Johnson (5), Jones (1), Jordan (3), Joyce (1)
- K - (15 Families, 87 Individuals)
Kealy (1), Kean (1), Keane (1), Kearney (2), Keeffe (7), Keevey (5), Keheo (1), Kehoe (8), Kelleher (1), Kelly (40), Kennedy (5), Kenny (2), King (2), Kings (2), Kinsella (9)
- L - (27 Families, 68 Individuals)
Lally (1), Lally(Mulally) (1), lalor (1), Lambert (1), Langford (1), Langley (1), Langton (2), Latter (1), Lavelle (1), Lawlor (16), Lawrence (1), Lawton (2), Leahy (2), Lee (2), Leeburn (1), Lennon (6), Levick (3), Light (5), llen_ (1), Loftus (1), Long (3), Loughlin (1), Lovegrove (1), Lucken (2), Lunney (1), Lynch (8), Lyons (2)
- M - (48 Families, 257 Individuals)
Mace (1), Maguidhir (1), Maher (8), Mahony (2), Malone (1), Maloney (2), Mannion (2), Manton (1), Marsh (1), Martin (1), Maunsell (2), McBride_Formally_Baird (1), McCarthy (19), McCoy (5), McDermott (2), McDonagh (4), McDonald (1), McGann (9), McGarry (11), McGinley (1), McGinty (1), McGovern (1), McGrath (13), McGuire (8), M_ckeena (1), McKeon (1), McLellan (1), McNamara (1), McPaul (1), McSweeney (2), Meehan (1), M'Gann (2), Mguire (1), Millington (1), Monahan (4), Moon (1), Mooney (5), Moore (29), Moran (17), Morey (1), Morris (10), Morrissey (3), Muckian (2), Mulcahy (39), Mulhall (1), Mullins (1), Murphy (20), Murray (14)
- N - (8 Families, 15 Individuals)
Naylor (1), Nevin (1), Nicholls (2), Ni_Gudhir (1), Nolan (3), Noonan (1), Noone (3), Nowlan (3)
- O - (23 Families, 65 Individuals)
O'Brien (5), O'Connell (1), O'Conner (1), O'Donavan (10), O'Driscoll (1), O'Flynn (1), O'Hagan (1), O'Halloran (1), O'Keeffe (3), Olliffe (3), O'_Meara (1), O'Neil (4), O'_Neil (3), O'_Neill (3), _O'Neill (1), O'Neill (1), Onufrey (1), Onufryr (1), Osbourn (1), Osbourne (1), O'Shea (3), O'Sullivan (16), O'Toole (2)
- P - (17 Families, 31 Individuals)
Parker (1), Parnell (1), Payne (3), Pearcy (1), Peterson (3), pinches (1), Pinkerton (1), Pitts (1), Pollard (2), Poole (5), Porter (2), Poultney (2), Powell (1), Power (3), Preisler (1), Purcell (2), Pye (1)
- Q - (2 Families, 6 Individuals)
Quigley (1), Quinn (5)
- R - (18 Families, 51 Individuals)
Rabbette (1), Rabbitte (1), Rabbittie (3), Redmond (14), _Redmond (1), Reilly (2), Revins (1), Richards (3), Ridge (1), Robertson (2), Robinson (1), Roche (3), Rockliffe (3), Roonan (1), Rourke (2), Rumsey (1), Russel (1), Ryan (10)
- S - (24 Families, 81 Individuals)
Salomone (2), Savva (1), Scally (3), Segrave (1), _Segrave (1), Seymour (1), Shanahan (1), Shea (3), Sheffield (3), Sheppherd (1), Silke (2), Slattery (1), Spencer (1), Stapleton (33), St_John (5), Stroud (1), Stubbs (1), Suddick (7), Sullivan (2), Surina (1), Swain (1), Swann (1), Sweeney (7), Sweeney(Bell) (1)
- T - (13 Families, 36 Individuals)
Tawney (1), Taylor (3), Tehan (13), Thomas (1), Thomson (1), Tippings (5), Tobin (2), Tonery (1), Tormey (2), Trimbee (1), Tucker (1), Twomey (1), Tynan (4)
- U - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Underwood (1)
- W - (21 Families, 56 Individuals)
Wain (2), Wall (2), Walsh (10), Ward (3), Warde (3), Watson (1), Watts (3), Webb (2), Webster (6), Wedgewood (2), Whelan (3), White (3), Wilding (1), Wiles (4), Wilkinson (1), Williams (3), Williamson (1), Wiseman (1), Wisniewski (1), Wright (1), Wynne (3)
- Z - (2 Families, 4 Individuals)
Zeiger (1), Zeilan (3)
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