- A - (1 Family, 11 Individuals)
Arryn (11)
- B - (6 Families, 32 Individuals)
Baratheon (10), Blackmont (3), Blackwood (12), Bolton (2), Branfield (1), Brax (4)
- C - (7 Families, 11 Individuals)
Cassel (1), Celtigar (5), Charlton (1), Connington (1), Costayne (1), Crakehall (1), Crane (1)
- D - (3 Families, 12 Individuals)
Dalt (5), Darry (1), Dayne (6)
- E - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Estermont (1)
- F - (5 Families, 26 Individuals)
Florent (13), Flowers (1), Forrester (7), Fossoway (1), Frey (4)
- G - (2 Families, 12 Individuals)
Glover (7), Greyjoy (5)
- H - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Harlaw (1), Hightower (1)
- J - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
Jordayne (2)
- K - (1 Family, 4 Individuals)
Karstark (4)
- L - (1 Family, 13 Individuals)
Lannister (13)
- M - (4 Families, 17 Individuals)
Manderly (5), Marbrand (1), Marinos (1), Mormont (10)
- N - (1 Family, 13 Individuals)
Nymeros_Martell (13)
- O - (1 Family, 5 Individuals)
Oakheart (5)
- P - (1 Family, 3 Individuals)
Piper (3)
- Q - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Qorgyle (1)
- R - (5 Families, 24 Individuals)
Redwyne (10), Rivers (1), Roote (1), Rowan (4), Royce (8)
- S - (7 Families, 32 Individuals)
Sand (7), Sharp (4), Spicer (1), Stark (17), Stone (1), Sunderly (1), Swyft (1)
- T - (7 Families, 73 Individuals)
Targaryen (39), Tarly (6), Thorne (10), Toland (3), Tully (6), Tuttle (1), Tyrell (8)
- U - (2 Families, 7 Individuals)
Uller (1), Umber (6)
- V - (3 Families, 9 Individuals)
Vaith (1), Vance (5), Velaryon (3)
- W - (8 Families, 45 Individuals)
Waters (2), Waynwood (11), Wells (5), Westerling (5), Whent (4), Whitehill (11), Woolfield (1), Wyl (6)
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